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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. If it's mostly small files the mover won't be very efficient, use midnight commander or the Dynamix file explorer.
  2. This is likely the problem, bad power or the 3.3v SATA issue, Google that if you are using shucked drives. No reason to believe that is the problem, especially since it's detecting the SSDs.
  3. To which controller are you connecting the disk? Don't see any extra disks, i.e., it's not being detected.
  4. Please use the existing UD plugin support thread:
  5. It doesn't as long as no RAID controllers are involved, please post the diagnostics.
  6. Forgot to mention, also check all powers to the front backplane, find it strange that the SAS expander is not being detected.
  7. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Changing_The_Flash_Device
  8. When did cache stopped working and was it XFS?? Apparently there's no XFS filesystem there, post the output of: xfs_repair -v /dev/sdc1
  9. Sorry, not really something I have experience with, I would suggests starting with one the the problem docker containers and post on the existing support thread, you can find it by clicking on the container and clicking the support link.
  10. No, but of course any data on those drives will be deleted.
  11. That's correct it's the parity size. As for the cache drive, SMART looks OK but it's an old drive, swap cables/slot with a different disk, if issues follow the disk best to replace it.
  12. OK, if I'm understanding correctly this is how the backplanes are connected: SAS A1 goes to the Flexibay, and currently the flexibay drives are detected and connected to the LSI, since the other backplane is in the middle it should also work, assuming the disks are powering up, do you hear the disks spinning up when the power is turned on?
  13. Backup then recreate you flash drive and restore from the backup only the bare minimum, like the key, super.dat and pools folders, docker user templates, etc. and see if that helps.
  14. Was this a different flash drive with a stock Unraid install?
  15. Test with a new flash drive and a stock Unraid install, if the GUI wortks correctly backup then recreate you flash drive and restore from the backup only the bare minimum, like the key, super.dat and pools folders, docker user templates, etc.
  16. iperf results point to a LAN problem, could be NICs, cables, transceiver, etc.
  17. Not sure it makes a difference with the link down but removed the eth2 config or at least the gateway.
  18. Test those packages one at a time and if you find the culprit report it in the Nerdtools support thread.
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