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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Not really a network guy but it won't take over unless you include eth0 and/or eth1 in that bridge, but why not just use the current bridge or pass-trough the NICs to the VMs directly?
  2. No link is being detect on either NIC, also eth1 is missing from network rules, delete network-rules.cfg, reboot and post new diags.
  3. Not very familiar with Quadro models, but looks like it's equivalent to a GTX1050, so no, not a problem.
  4. That's OK, as long as you assign all the pool devices the existing pool will be imported, there can't be a "data on this device will be deleted" warning in front of any pool device. That suggests the update isn't the problem.
  5. Yes, it should be fine, and x8 is enough for most GPUs.
  6. If you updated using the GUI you can downgrade by going to Tools -> Update OS
  7. Please go back to v6.8 and post the iperf results.
  8. Try disabling Spectre and Meltdown mitigations to see if you notice a difference, you can do that by adding mitigations=off to syslinux.cfg tne reboot, like so:
  9. I would suggest creating a checksum for a large file in your PC, like a movie for example, tranfer to Unraid and verify checksum is still the same.
  10. Upgrading to v6.10 and switching to ipvlan should fix it (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)).
  11. Unassign disk5 and start the array, then post new diags, leave actual disk5 untouched for now.
  12. Disk3 looks OK, 13 mostly OK, run an extended SMART test on 13, both show several UDMA CRC errors so it could have been cable related.
  13. Fix the RAM problem, an uncorrectable error will halt the server. Memtest doesn't detect ECC corrected errors, removed one or more DIMMs and see if the SEL errors stop.
  14. Just type in the console: echo "blacklist i915" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf and reboot
  15. Is the IP attributed by the DHCP server in the same subnet? Or just use that one.
  16. If you restored the appdata you can recreate the docker image.
  17. Don't change the IP, see if the server gets one from the DHCP server, if it doesn't there's a problem there, or with how the serve is connecting to it.
  18. You could have checked "parity is already valid" to avoid the parity sync, and the array would have been protected from the start.
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