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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Unassign one of the parity drives, start array, stop array, assign old parity as disk1, start array to begin rebuilding.
  2. Please post the diagnostics.
  3. This won't happen if you properly remove the device from the pool first, or wipe them manually, if you don't and separate both members to different pools it will happen, but we don't want Unraid to wipe new members of a pool, or it would not be possible to import old pools.
  4. Yep, as long as you boot CMS/legacy, it won't work with UEFI boot. It only checks the RAM, but those errors appear to be the result of bad RAM
  5. You needed to reboot first: Sep 10 08:47:47 Gringotts root: Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table. Sep 10 08:47:47 Gringotts root: The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you Sep 10 08:47:47 Gringotts root: run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)
  6. That looks like a bad flash drive, might be wroth grabbing the diagnostics and posting them after it happens.
  7. You should, the syslog starts over after every reboot, so we can't see what happened, but we can see the SMART report for the disabled disks.
  8. Already recommended that to the OP, did you do it?
  9. Test passed, disk is OK for now, keep monitoring.
  10. Yep, replace it ASAP, if the errors were during the rebuild there might be some corruption on the rebuilt disk, but is should be minimal and with some luck there wasn't any data on those sectors.
  11. Because until now the error, caused by parity appears to have a btrfs filesystem, interferes with the pool device scan, those errors will be ignored starting with rc5. It is, assuming parity is valid, other issue won't affect the array.
  12. Just saw the new test release and there's a fix for this issue, so if you wait for v6.11-rc5, which should be released soon, you will be able to use the pool with the current array config.
  13. Sep 9 15:01:30 Tower emhttpd: /mnt/cache ERROR: cannot scan /dev/sdf1: Input/output error This is the problem, sdf is parity and because you have an odd number of btrfs arrays devices makes it look like parity has an invalid btrfs filesystem and causes issues during btrfs device scan, it's a known issue but there's no fix for now, workaround is to use xfs only for the array, use btrfs encrypted, or have an even number of btrfs array devices, this last option usually works but not always.
  14. The syslog errors suggested that: and you can confirm by looking at the SMART reports for the drives.
  15. Docker image can easily be recreated, did you restore the libvirt.img to the original path? The one mounted in the diags is new, first make sure you don't have multiple copies, post the output of: find /mnt -name libvirt.img
  16. Formatted with type 2 protection You need to remove this from the disks, more info below. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/93432-parity-disk-read-errors/?do=findComment&comment=864078 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/110835-help-with-a-sas-drive/
  17. Unassign both pool devices, start array, stop array, reassign both pool devices, start array, that should do it.
  18. Did you by any chance grab the diagnostics before shutting down? Unraid doesn't disable more disks then there are parity drives, though it can disable more if there are issues during the rebuild.
  19. Disk should mount now after startingin normal mode, check for a lost+found folder. P.S. for the future before rebuilding on top repair the emulated disk first, this way you have more options in case the file system repair causes some data loss.
  20. Don't format, check filesystem, post the diagnostics if that doesn't fix it.
  21. If Docker/VM services are using the cache pool disable them, unassign all cache devices, start array to make Unraid "forget" current cache config, stop array, reassign all cache devices (there can't be an "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" warning for any cache device), re-enable Docker/VMs if needed, start array.
  22. Switch to ipvlan (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)). Also and since btrfs is detecting data corruption run memtest.
  23. Docker image is corrupt, delete and recreate.
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