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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. The server was rebooted after the rebuilds, so we can't see what happened, I do see that disks 9 and 18 are empty, assuming one of those was the 2nd rebuild disk did you at any time format it?
  2. It's a recurring reason for server crashes, doesn't affect all users, but when it does it's usually after an Unraid update. It should.
  3. What service? You just go to tools and click in diagnostics.
  4. It's not logged as a disk problem, looks more like a power/connection issue, check/replace/swap cables.
  5. A lot of crashing going on, but not clear what the reason is, I would recommend running memtest for a few hours to rule out any major RAM issue, if that doesn't help try the below, though the crashes don't mention it directly: Switch docker network to ipvlan (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right))
  6. Disk is OK, at least for now, I would suggest replacing/swapping cables/slot to rule that out in case it happens again to the same disk and re-sync parity.
  7. Not yet, I believe Bonienl is/was with limited availability due to vacation, also this might not be an easy solve, it works for 99% of users, if we are unable to reproduce it might be difficult to fix, but hopefully something can be done.
  8. Difficult to say if it's a power issue or disk firmware issue, swap slots between those disks with different ones, if it happens again to the same disks it would suggest it's not power.
  9. I believe stopping and re-starting the array will clear that, if not reboot, note that those are disk errors, not sync errors, that's why they remain, if you want us to take a look at why caused them post the diagnostics before rebooting.
  10. To me it looks more like disk7 is failing, run an extended SMART test to confirm.
  11. Was this with Firefox? If yes it's a known issue, try a different browser.
  12. Take note of the time it happens next and post new diags with that.
  13. That's correct it can be in the middle or the end of the line, as long as it's after append is fine.
  14. It means there was a btrfs filesystem on that device that was wiped (on purpose or not), please reboot and post new diags before array start.
  15. You should have received an email with the key link and the instructions to install it, check your spam/junk folder.
  16. Sorry, I used the same identifier for both, also run: btrfs-select-super -s 1 /dev/sdh1 If the above command also fails you can try some recovery options here.
  17. No signs of issues in the log but check filesystem on disk3, run it without -n or nothing will be done.
  18. You can re-enable a drive by doing a new config, but like @trurlmentioned it requires a parity check, so it will take as long as a rebuild.
  19. For now you can do this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/127955-error-on-reboot/?do=findComment&comment=1165935
  20. Array drives are unrelated to the pool. Lets start from the beginning, you have 5 devices assigned to cache, only 3 of them have a valid filesystem, and apparently only 4 devices are expected, any idea how that happened? Did you change anything in the pool recently? If you don't know post the output of these commands: btrfs-select-super -s 1 /dev/sdg1 btrfs-select-super -s 1 /dev/sdg1
  21. Not seeing anything obvious in the syslog, are the diags after the problem? Do you know the time it last happened?
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