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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Look for an Intel model, most should work fine, or the Asus XG-C100C.
  2. Flash drive troubles, power down and run chkdsk on it, if still issues try redoing it, if that also fails it might be failing.
  3. That is not a 9207, which is IT mode only, that's a MegaRAID controller and not recommended for Unriad, though it should still work if you create RAID0/JBOD volumes for all the disks, but again, not recommended.
  4. JMB585 usually work fine, I have several myself, could be a problem with that specific controller.
  5. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  6. Just download v6.8 and extract all the bz* files to the flash drive overwriting existing ones, then reboot.
  7. New alignment works with v.6.8 as long as it's a pool, you can even have a single device "pool".
  8. Best to stick with known working models, do you want UTP or SFP+?
  9. That won't help, since parity is always updated real time. Best bet is the old disk, it looks healthy, so you should be able to mount it with UD and copy the data to the new disk/array, note that you need to change the XFS UUID first to be able to mount both at the same time, that can be done in the UD settings.
  10. I just want to see if the errors are in the same sectors or not, if it starts finding errors you don't need to let it finish since only the first ones will be logged, e.g., previous one: Mar 17 11:29:51 R720XD kernel: md: recovery thread: check P Q ... ... Mar 18 00:33:05 R720XD kernel: md: recovery thread: stopped logging It stopped logging after 13 hours or so, you can stop the current one when it also stops logging (assuming errors are found), then post diags.
  11. It's fine, if any disk fails now it would fail soon anyway.
  12. You left a couple of unassigned disks, but the 3 assigned disks that mounted are completely empty, just booting/using a different flash drive would never delete data, did you format any of the disks? The remaining array disks that are not mounting are complaining of an invalid partition layout, see if they mount with the UD plugin since it doesn't require a specific partition layout like Unraid does, just requires a valid one.
  13. Assign all disks as data devices (no parity), you can leave the SSD unassigned for now or assign it to cache, start the array and grab an post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics.
  14. You posted one log showing a non correcting check, I asked for two consecutive correcting checks to compare the errros, you posted only one, I'm not asking again, it's up to you if you want to continue.
  15. Log is full of timeout errors, this is a hardware problem, though it might be worse with a raid config, if it's an option try connection the SSDs on the Intel SATA ports.
  16. Delete or rename config/smart-one.cfg, note that any custom temp/SMART settings will be reset to default, but they are likely already not working, since there's an issue for some users, including myself, when changing that file with v6.9:
  17. Yes, these look more like a connection/power problem. Mar 18 02:32:02 Server kernel: sd 7:0:2:0: Power-on or device reset occurred You can wait for parity2 to finish syncing before dealing with the other one, but also need to find out what's causing the problems, I would start with replacing the miniSAS cables and if that doesn't help try a different PSU if available, or another HBA.
  18. Check filesystem on disk 6: https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui Run it without -n, and if it asks for -L use it.
  19. OK, strange, so running it manually using user scripts it didn't work, it only spun up the first device (had to manually close the script window, no OK, so possibly the script wasn't being executed correctly till the end), but running the same script on schedule worked, so problem solved, since that's what I want, to it run on a schedule.
  20. It's outputting this: cmdSpinup=lts cmdSpinup=lts2 cmdSpinup=lts3 cmdSpinup=lts4 Before I did try to add the multiple spin up command to the script above like so: #!/usr/bin/php <? function emhttpd($cmd) { global $state, $csrf; $ch = curl_init(""); $options = array(CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH => '/var/run/emhttpd.socket', CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "$cmd&startState=$state&csrf_token=$csrf"); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } $vars = parse_ini_file('/var/local/emhttp/var.ini',true); $state = $vars['mdState']; $csrf = $vars['csrf_token']; echo "Spinning up disks\n"; emhttpd("cmdSpinup=lts"); emhttpd("cmdSpinup=lts2"); emhttpd("cmdSpinup=lts3"); emhttpd("cmdSpinup=lts4"); ?> but it failed to spin up the rest, not really a surprise since I know nothing about scripts and just just hoping it would be that easy.
  21. That pool is in a weird state and it's showing errors in one of the devices: Mar 18 09:03:56 Bakuzan kernel: BTRFS info (device sdb1): bdev (efault) errs: wr 2, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 2969, gen 0 See here for more info on that for the future, for now I would suggest backing up that pool and wiping the devices, then re-create.
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