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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. You should always leave a few free GBs, or if there's a filesystem issue it might not be fixable, like it appears to be the case.
  2. It didn't finish, was the disk full near capacity?
  3. Worse than that, AFAIK there's no easy way of manually changing a VM from autostarting, hence the no autostart with manual array start, so than it can be edited in case it's needed.
  4. Not much that can be done about this, usually a board issue, a newer kernel/Unraid release might also help.
  5. JMB585 work fine with Unraid, have multiple controllers working, possibly a compatibility issue.
  6. Stop array, unassign it, start array.
  7. Make sure you read the bold parts regarding single device replacement.
  8. IIRC this was done on purpose, for example sometimes users pass-through the wrong device to a VM, like a disk controller, and starting the VM crashes Unraid, this way it's easy to disable array autostart (and consequently VM autostart) so the user can fix the problem.
  9. If you can connect both devices at the same time you can do an online replacement, see here.
  10. Close to 24 hours is possible, the longer the better. Most likely would corrupt a few files during a rebuild.
  11. Did you try the btrfs restore option in the FAQ? If that doesn't work best bet is to ask for help on IRC.
  12. That drive does appear to be failing but there should be some errors in the log if that's reason, please post syslog or diags.
  13. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  14. Like mentioned above, VMs will only auto-start if array auto-start is enable, diags confirm it isn't.
  15. Cache should start working normally after a reboot (docker image might be corrupt, if yes just recreate), parity disks will need re-syncing.
  16. There have been a couple of similar cases, looks like a possible GUI problem, don't remember if we ever got to the bottom of it, did you try safe mode?
  17. Yes, any filesystem operation will update parity.
  18. These errors on both drives suggest it's not just a partition problem, comparing SMART from both affected drives to the others of the same model there is this difference: ATA Security is: Disabled, NOT FROZEN [SEC1] Wt Cache Reorder: Enabled ATA Security is: ENABLED, PW level HIGH, **LOCKED** [SEC4] Wt Cache Reorder: Unknown (SCT not supported if ATA Security is LOCKED) So first thing would be to unlock them.
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