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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Yes, no need to unassign before the new config.
  2. Any files written above that level would be split to any disk based on the share's allocation method.
  3. No, power down, disconnect old parity and new disk2, connect new parity and old disk2, array won't start because some disks will be missing, ignore, follow steps above.
  4. correct correct There are the diskmv/consolidate scripts but they might not work on current releases due to permissions.
  5. -Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply -Assign old disk2 as disk2 -Assign new parity -Start array to begin parity sync Note: Any data written to disk2 after the upgrade will be lost
  6. Syslog snippets are seldom enough, please post the complete diagnostics.
  7. It's not, at least not a general issue, it works fine for me.
  8. Rebuilt disk will likely have some corrupt data, unless by chance the read errors on parity coincided with empty sectors on disk2, if you still have the old disk use it to re-sync with a new parity then upgrade again.
  9. For the DIMMs installed both are overclocking and a known source of instability with Ryzen based servers, see here.
  10. Problem was because IRQ16 got disabled, we'd need to see what's using it but it's usually harmless unless you have a SASLP/SAS2LP, and you don't, also very unlikely to be preclear related, though like trurl mentioned not everything should/needs to be precleared.
  11. Very cool, if you need help testing I have have some disks with known slow sectors.
  12. Please just do what I asked, I didn't say to unassign disk15, re-assign it, leave everything else as is and start the array.
  13. Btrfs restore will save the same files as the ones you can access, unless you get checksum errors copying now there's not much point of doing both.
  14. To rebuild disk 16: -stop the array -re-assign disk16 - icon should turn blue -start the array to begin rebuilding Any doubts please ask. When it's done rebuilding post a new screenshot
  15. You're welcome, going to tag this solved if you mind.
  16. If the filesystem is mounted just do a regular copy with your favorite tool.
  17. There's not, that's only for a parity protected array, and if you don't want to re-sync parity when shrinking the array.
  18. Don't know, never used the script, try ctrl + c, already linked you the correct instructions.
  19. This script should not be used with latest releases, there are several reports it's very slow, you can still do it manually.
  20. The log snippet you posted is perfectly normal, if the FAQ suggestions are being followed try this, it might catch something.
  21. It works for any profile, as long as the old device remains connected during the replacement.
  22. Best bet is to backup then reformat, some recovery options here if needed.
  23. If you haven't yet see here.
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