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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=480417 then https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=480418
  2. Chkdsk can't be run on Unraid, it needs to be run on another PC, if you are unable to do that try recreating the flash drive from scratch.
  3. If you have doubts about the device health run an extended SMART test.
  4. There have been reports of taking days even after it's done, in the syncing stage, would recommend converting any reiserfs drives ASAP, it's not a recommended fs for many years now..
  5. Once more, chkdsk is run on your desktop, google it if you don't know how to use it.
  6. Scrub is not to mark bad sectors, it's for data integrity checking.
  7. No idea what that file is, if you want to post a screenshot or photo you can post directly in the forum. Not yet, first run check disk like already mentioned.
  8. On your desktop, if using Windows, use the equivalent tool if it's a Mac.
  9. I have no idea what you mean by error 4, but if you can't replace the key on the flash there's some problem there, it's either corrupt or failing, start by running chkdsk on it.
  10. OP is using SAS devices, they already have much less SMART info than regular ATA devices, and with latest Unraid there's an issue with smartmontools that show even less info for some SAS devices, not basic stats and not even temps, this should be corrected on a future smartmontools release.
  11. Key file has 0 bytes, so invalid, restore from backup.
  12. That looks like a hardware problem, try with only a couple of DIMMs at a time, using a single channel, also try a different CPU if available.
  13. JMB582 based controllers also work well with Unraid.
  14. Depends on the profile used, but assuming single profile it can only detect checksum errors, not fix them.
  15. Looks for Unbalance, it's probably the easiest way.
  16. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  17. Also check current RAM speed: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=819173
  18. This is usually a flash drive problem, try a different one if possible or redoing it manually, this can also help in some cases. It will work but it will be very slow, even the GUI will likely lag, dual core with 4GB RAM is the minimum I would use for v6, also looks like you have a SASLP or SAS2LP, those are also not recommended for v6 due to multiple known issues, it should be replaced by an LSI HBA.
  19. It will start with an emulated disk4 (assuming parity is valid), you don't want to rebuild parity now if there's still data there.
  20. Are you sure there weren't any unclean shutdowns between the checks with errors? It's the most likely explanation, still if you get more in the future please repeat what I asked, two consecutive checks without rebooting and post diags.
  21. Thanks for reporting back, if you don't mind I'm going to tag it solved.
  22. Yeah, do that instead, server will keep working normally after any correctable RAM error and it will be logged on the SEL, you'll usually also get a warning if FCP is installed, if there's an uncorrectable error the server will halt to avoid data corruption. You should also look into how IPMI works, very useful for servers, and you can store away the keyboard.
  23. Yes, everything looks fine so far.
  24. For mostly smaller transfers you can get good results by increasing RAM (or RAM cache) size, for larger transfers only by using faster devices that can keep up, like NVMe devices or a multi device raid0/5/10 cache pool.
  25. Also, not much point running memtest with ECC RAM, unless you disable EEC first in the BIOS, with ECC enable and if there are any memory errors they should be reported on the SEL (system event log), usually indicating the problem DIMM/slot.
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