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Everything posted by interwebtech

  1. Added charts. It's not along side but there's a switch to enable them. It'll graph download and upload based on filters, visible or all data. charts are AWESOME! thanks
  2. I used to use RAM for transcoding and thought I was getting the best possible performance that way BUT when the change came to Plex where it was claiming the temp folder didn't have enough room (it was seeing only whatever was reported as free space in RAM) with it showing up at my end as some titles just refused to play, I switched back to using the SSD (same as docker is installed on) and all those errors went away. Now the followup to the "BUT"... when using RAM to transcode, my remote users had frequent issues with buffering and freezing. Even at relatively low settings (3 Mbps over a 30 Mbps connection). Once I switched back to using SSD, it all went away and they now can stream at higher settings with no issues.
  3. Thanks. It should be event. I updated the plg file. Everything installed on boot though? oddly enough I am not sure. I *think* I had everything installed before since that was default behavior before the new ala carte system was introduced. Now it shows Python only is installed. I just checked for update and no new found (still at 2016.02.08)
  4. During reboot to apply 6.1.8 update, I have an error on console from Nerdpack: chmod: cannot access '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/NerdPack/events/*' : No such file or directory Nerd Tools v.2016.02.08
  5. FYI you can set a specific version in the Advanced View of the docker setup. I did this when they borked the "use RAM for transcoding" fiasco recently. No need to run another copy. Just set VERSION = 123456 and restart the docker. Back in bidness in less than 5 minutes.
  6. working fine in mine (v2015.12.30). Try deleting cache? That's not the current version of the plugin. There is a new one 2016.01.24. I have the same issue with the icon on the Plugins page. Don't know if it also affects where that icon gets displayed elsewhere in the UI since my router is my Local Master. Now updated to latest and icon is displayed for me. Source: http://tower/webGui/icons/localmaster.png One odd thing, update altered my settings for "Monitor local master election" disabling it.
  7. working fine in mine (v2015.12.30). Try deleting cache?
  8. For me it broke two other plugins but both were fixed by uninstalling them and then reinstalling. They were the Dynamix SSD Trim plugin, which disappeared from the Settings - Scheduler page, and the Dynamix Local Master plugin, which added the following error message to the syslog every minute: Jan 23 20:08:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null Jan 23 20:09:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null Jan 23 20:10:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null my log is full of these too. reinstalling them now.
  9. Can this coexist with gfjardim "Unassigned Devices" or is it one or the other kind of thing? I use gfjardim's version so very seldom but want to have the most up-to-date.
  10. settings are under Scheduler. Then look for log entries like this for the day/time you set: Tower logger: /mnt/cache: 42247516160 bytes were trimmed
  11. How to install the Tower self-signed PEM into Windows? Certificate import complains file format is incorrect.
  12. I'll trigger a build and it should be the latest version. Check for update in an hour or so. thanks
  13. Is there any way to add a custom profile? In my Windows version, I just drop my XML into the program directory and it shows up as an option the Preferences dialog under the Advanced tab (enable expert mode to see that tab). I have a custom profile that makes near perfect BRD copies based on exhaustive research on the MakeMKV forum. [guessed the answer] Drop the XML file into MakeMKV's /config folder and it shows up as an option. Here is the profile if anyone would like to add it. perfect.mmcp.xml.zip
  14. updated several plugins only to end up with this: Warning: require_once(include/DefaultPageLayout.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'include/DefaultPageLayout.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 plugs updated: Local Master, installed Fan, then uninstalled it. May have been others don't recall. appears something renames DefaultPageLayout.php to DefaultPageLayout.php- which causes the error.
  15. I can't guess who's older but let me just say ... BAH YOU YOUNG WHIPPER SNAPPERS!!! I remember when I had nothing but the green glow of a moving turtle to keep me warm at night!!! You with your fancy shmancy color monitors!!! Get off my lawn you fancy sshmancy CRT-using whipper snappers... oops my job is done, need to collect my punch cards.
  16. Gentle reminder that the "done" button is still broken. It should send the user to http://tower/Settings. Also there needs to be a scroll bar across the bottom of the log window/frame to be able to read long lines without maximizing the browser The Done button works for me. The slider is there, you just have to scroll down to see it. I'm not sure I can do much about that. My bad. The scroll bar is there. And now the Done works fine. Chrome oddness.
  17. Gentle reminder that the "done" button is still broken. It should send the user to http://tower/Settings. Also there needs to be a scroll bar across the bottom of the log window/frame to be able to read long lines without maximizing the browser
  18. After applying default colors scheme on this page http://tower/Utilities/SyslogSettings,'>http://tower/Utilities/SyslogSettings, I pressed done and ended up at blank screen with this address. http://tower/Utilities
  19. Thise are comment lines. I've made it so those are skipped. Cool. I was going to post the false positive BLUE lines but they too are comment lines and figured you might go this route for filtering.
  20. false positive red entries Dec 17 14:30:48 Tower logger: # calls and dumping the information to the standard error. System Dec 17 14:30:50 Tower logger: # is reliable, that is any non-fatal error is ignored and the operation Dec 17 14:31:14 Tower logger: # supported by the Linux kernel. Apple provides mkfs and fsck for
  21. This is great. I was able to spot a cache_dirs error I had missed with the plain logs (folder included that no longer exists). I see some false positive RED formatting logging the install of Nerdpack on boot (innocuous word matches me thinks).
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