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Everything posted by ljm42

  1. This is cool, thanks. Would you consider adding a way to mark a "tray" as hidden / not really there? My case has 5 hot swap bays and 3 trays across the bottom. I could add 2 columns of 5 rows, but I'd like to hide/remove two of the "trays" from the first column since they don't really exist. Also, would you consider putting in a request to upgrade smartmontools in the 6.7 series? Then you wouldn't have to overwrite it.
  2. this sounds ideal. I'm happy to help test too.
  3. The easiest way is to use the xxxxx.unraid.net certificate that Unraid provides. There are several options for using your own domain mentioned in this thread. None of them are easy.
  4. The OP seems to have Unraid SSL setup already, so they are past that potential issue. I think. True, you can run a self-signed cert at https://tower/ if you are willing to put up with browser warnings or add exceptions (or your personal CA) to every browser you use. Ok, so this is a variation of the "purchase your own domain, your own certificate, and manage your own DNS" option that I gave. It saves on the cost of purchasing a cert but adds extra work every three months to copy the LE cert from pfsense to Unraid. Another variation would be to reverse proxy the Unraid server. But if the reverse proxy is hosted on Unraid, then it would only work while the array is up. For most people, the best option is to create a bookmark that points at the xxxx.unraid.net url that LT provides. The url might not be pretty, but it bypasses all the complexity of bringing SSL to a LAN device.
  5. Fully functional SSL certificates that don't throw warnings are not available for a simple hostname like https://tower/ , you have to use a Fully Qualified Domain Name like http://tower.mydomain.com/ , which uniquely identifies your computer on the Internet. That means you have to own a domain, control the DNS, and purchase a certificate. This is generally not very easy to do for a device that is only available on your LAN. LT has simplified the process greatly by providing DDNS and an xxx.unraid.net certificate through LetsEncrypt. The only downside is that you have no control over the url. If you want to control the url you need to purchase your own domain, your own certificate, and manage your own DNS. It is not trivial, but you can configure Unraid to use your own cert by going to Settings -> Identification -> Management Access and turning on the help. It is far simpler to just create a bookmark that points at the url LT provides.
  6. Here is a script I use to move files from my camera's sdcard onto the array, might give you some ideas: https://gist.github.com/ljm42/02b54ce9cc36f992515b
  7. ljm42

    A proper login page

    Chrome without a password manager isn't the problem. It is Chrome with a password manager (LastPass) that isn't able to work with basic auth. Custom branding on the login page is not important (to me, anyway)
  8. That sounds great! I'd really prefer to keep everything on full https Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  9. Yeah, and then nobody reads it except to point out that it is out of date LOL
  10. Also, just a heads up that there are a number of broken images on the CA Help page /Settings/caHelp
  11. A number of app templates load images insecurely: <Icon>http://i.imgur.com/4RhSj6J.png</Icon> which "breaks the lock" on the CA page when Unraid is loaded over https. Is there any way to alert developers to fix their templates short of contacting them individually? And/or can CA auto-fix the ones that are loaded on well known domains such as imgur?
  12. Just a tip, if you want to test the new GUI but aren't ready to upgrade your main system, you can run unRAID in a VM on unRAID: It is not officially supported, but it is a great way to test out the new functionality.
  13. It is on the Upgrade Notes in two separate places already Interesting though, the notes say "the Update Assistant could have warned you of this in advance", so I guess it used to warn about that but no longer does?
  14. Note that users of LT's LE SSL certs need to keep this set to "auto" or there will be problems down the road. From the help:
  15. I like the banner that runs across the top of the page alerting you when there is a new version of unRAID, but when you click it, it immediately starts the install without giving you the chance to read the release notes. Please consider changing this behavior, it seems like it should take you to the /Tools/Update page rather than automatically starting the install.
  16. In fact, it did I actually didn't like that though, because it applied the update without a confirmation and without giving you the option to read the release notes. Maybe my issue is more with the banner than this plugin
  17. Hi Squid, would you consider adding a third button labeled "Update OS" that takes you here? /Tools/Update That is the next logical step after running the tests. I've been running the update assistant on two systems for every beta release, and adding this direct link would save some clicks.
  18. There were a few commits I wanted to test and I thought "no big deal, I'll just put a quick wrapper on 'patch' and grab those updates." Well, it turns out 'patch' has a few shortcomings and by the time I was happy with the script there had been two more RCs and I completely forgot what I was so interested in testing But at least the script is ready for next time! Agreed. This should only be used on a test system!
  19. Bleeding Edge Toolkit If the RCs are just too pedestrian for you, and you want to run the latest webui code from GitHub instead, check out the Bleeding Edge Toolkit: https://gist.github.com/ljm42/83f41014c871f237c93c5a805086e30f I call it a "toolkit" because for the most part it is still up to you to decide which patches to install. I provide some examples, but I don't intend to update this every time there is a commit. Instructions are in the script, but the idea is that you modify the script to install the patches you want and then set the script to run at first array start, at which point it will automatically download and install the patches for you. You can also run it manually every time you add a new patch to the list. Big disclaimer... this is intended to be used on test systems only. The developers are certainly not intending unreleased code to be used in production systems. If you are interested in testing at this level, installing unRAID in a VM is a good place to start:
  20. Your syslog is full of errors related to dimm 0 and dimm 1: Feb 11 14:27:35 Maximus kernel: EDAC MC0: 465 CE memory read error on CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#1_DIMM#0 (channel:1 slot:0 page:0x16d6c6 offset:0x40 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - OVERFLOW area:DRAM err_code:0001:0090 socket:0 ha:0 channel_mask:2 rank:0) Feb 11 14:27:36 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: HANDLING MCE MEMORY ERROR Feb 11 14:27:36 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: CPU 0: Machine Check Event: 0 Bank 7: cc007fc000010090 Feb 11 14:27:36 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: TSC 0 Feb 11 14:27:36 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: ADDR 16e608040 Feb 11 14:27:36 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: MISC 2050204486 Feb 11 14:27:36 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: PROCESSOR 0:306e4 TIME 1518377256 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 Feb 11 14:27:36 Maximus kernel: EDAC MC0: 511 CE memory read error on CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#1_DIMM#1 (channel:1 slot:1 page:0x16e608 offset:0x40 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - OVERFLOW area:DRAM err_code:0001:0090 socket:0 ha:0 channel_mask:2 rank:4) Feb 11 14:27:38 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: HANDLING MCE MEMORY ERROR Feb 11 14:27:38 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: CPU 0: Machine Check Event: 0 Bank 7: cc00ee0000010090 Feb 11 14:27:38 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: TSC 0 Feb 11 14:27:38 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: ADDR 16dff0200 Feb 11 14:27:38 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: MISC 2040681a86 Feb 11 14:27:38 Maximus kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: PROCESSOR 0:306e4 TIME 1518377258 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 Looks like a hardware problem to me. I'd start by removing and reseating the dimms, maybe you'll get lucky. Next step is probably to replace them, unless someone else has ideas.
  21. Yeah, the paths are filled in so it isn't the usual problem. I'd uninstall the preclear plugin. It is known to cause problems in 6.4.x. I'd upgrade to 6.4.1 as well. There isn't really much point in troubleshooting on an outdated version.
  22. What would be better is having the system realize the path is on an unassigned device, and adjusting the setting automatically:
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