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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Why? It would seem to be easier to change the new router's LAN settings to match the current settings, rather than reconfigure all your machines and services.
  2. Some quick googling reveals that in order to get port forwarding to work with Metronet fiber, you must purchase a static IP for an extra fee each month.
  3. The trial version allows full use of all the features, but you must be connected to the internet to start the array. You can review all the features with the trial version.
  4. Nextcloud maintains a database of files accessed through its interface, if you change files without nextcloud being involved, you must resync the database. This is talked about several times in the nextcloud support thread.
  5. Not particularly newb friendly, but htop at the console is informative while the issue is present.
  6. No Netty Epoll errors in 1.19 on the binhex-mineos-node container. I regularly have 1 or 2 local connections and 3 or 4 WAN, no performance issues so far.
  7. Not normally possible. Are you sure there isn't a USB drive internally on the motherboard?
  8. Is the controller firmware up to date? I seem to remember old firmware causing this.
  9. Reduce the number of cached selections. Only cache locations that absolutely need it. You are probably trying to cache too many entries, especially if you selected appdata.
  10. I do, and as long as you leave them in the same place in the user share, they will run from either location without moving if you want. I use this to keep seldom used or low demand VM's from taking up precious SSD space and writes. /mnt/disk1/domains/VM1/vdisk1.img can be moved to /mnt/cache/domains/VM1/vdisk1.img and it stays available at /mnt/user/domains/VM1/vdisk1.img You must set the domains share to be cache no or only so the mover won't interfere. If you set cache no, then new VM's saved to /mnt/user/domains will be created on /mnt/disk1/domains, or whichever array disk is a valid location based on the other share settings. If you set cache only, new VM's will be created on /mnt/cache/domains You can freely move them to array or cache locations in the domains folders and they will appear in /mnt/user/domains If you don't understand how or why this works, don't experiment until you do understand, as there is a risk of irretrievable data loss if you mix /mnt/user and /mnt/diskX /mnt/cache paths in file moves, as the same file appears in both paths but the OS doesn't know it's the same file and can overwrite it with itself, resulting in a zero byte file. If you stay out of /mnt/user completely for file moves you are safe.
  11. Sure, I recommend setting up a utility VM to work with other VM disks. Once you have the utility VM running, you temporarily add the target vdisk as a secondary disk to the utility VM, boot it up and run gparted or partition magic or whatever your favorite partition manager program is, do your manipulation, shut down the utility VM and remove the secondary disk. The utility VM can be very small, just a minimal Ubuntu or whatever you are comfortable with. Exactly the same type of thing you would do with a physical machine, only it's easier because you don't have to fool with finding a spare USB drive and setting up a bootable partition manager.
  12. Are you using the stock bridge network for your containers?
  13. Depends on how you have the container configured.
  14. There are multiple parts to that video, so it doesn't help me understand what you plan to do. By default 2 devices are set to mirror each other, which limits the capacity to the smaller of the 2, and doesn't add any capacity, and if the added device is smaller than the original, it will reduce the capacity of the pool to match the smaller device. That's why I asked what you planned to do.
  15. What exactly are your plans? Adding another drive doesn't automatically give you more space, if that's what you are after.
  16. Perhaps you should add the rest of the instructions to this post.
  17. How is someone trying to follow your advice supposed to know that? Most folks trying to solve this issue would assume what you posted was all you did, since you didn't explain all the needed parts.
  18. mc (midnight commander) is a better option for many pure file manager tasks. There is also a file manager plugin for recent releases of Unraid. Depends on what all you want the file manager to do.
  19. Unless you also implement something to clean them out this will likely balloon your docker image file.
  20. Do you have backups of everything you care about on the server? What happens if a drive you think is fine suddenly dies without warning? Would you trust this drive to participate in that rebuild? Keep in mind it's not just the parity drive needed for a rebuild, it's the remaining data drives as well.
  21. https://www.highspeedinternet.com/resources/ethernet-vs-wifi Still not there yet.
  22. Not recommended for servers or any unattended operation. Fine for a gaming desktop with constant supervision.
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