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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. https://netcraftsmen.com/just-say-no-to-jumbo-frames/
  2. disable jumbo, set mtu to 1500 and see what happens.
  3. Don't auto upgrade containers that support other containers. There really is no good way to automate dependencies currently. You could write your own scripts to get things done, but a universal fix in Unraid will require major rewrites, and I don't see that being a high priority when there is a simple solution available now, to just disable automatic updates on containers that must stay running to avoid breaking other containers. Your fix to update in order only partially solves the root issue. You could still run into situations where the full startup sequence is needed to get things running again, so the only way I can see doing automatic updates with the current startup order is to bring down all the containers, apply all updates, then run through the startup routine. Otherwise people will still have situations where some containers get stuck in limbo when their parent containers get updated. Unattended updates should not be a thing on systems that are important to keep running, too many things can go wrong and require intervention to fix.
  4. Since wifi works and wired doesn't, can you alter the wired connection in some way? What I mean is, if it's static, give it dhcp, if it's assigned a specific dhcp in the router, give it a new assignment, change the port it's on, etc? Since it works wifi, you can be pretty confident it's not Unraid or the client computer. Unless... is it possible you tried the wrong password too many times and got your workstation LAN IP locked out?
  5. One appears to be a genuine used server pull shipped from CONUS, the other appears to be a counterfeit shipped from China, with a listing designed to deceive. My opinion only, YMMV.
  6. Error message? Wrong client version? Does the server log show the attempt? BTW, this is NOT a minecraft support forum, this forum is for problems getting the container running on an Unraid server, so you are likely to get better answers from a dedicated minecraft forum.
  7. Try power cycling your router / edge appliance / firewall.
  8. The second parity disk is more protection than cloning parity1, it can independently rebuild any second failed disk, not just parity.
  9. You've tried chrome, edge, safari and firefox, none work, even in their private modes?
  10. What OS on your main desktop? 7,8,10, or 11? Try creating another user on your desktop as a test.
  11. It seems modern sticks aren't as long lived as their venerable cousins. In your shoes I'd stick with what's working, and just keep a fresh USB backup handy, along with whichever new stick seems to currently have the best reputation. Moving to a new stick is easy if you have a current backup. To test prospective sticks before transferring your license, I strongly recommend setting up a trial install and make sure it boots and runs well for a period of time before committing yourself to the new stick. Hopefully you have some older hardware running enough to do that kind of testing, where you can test things at your leisure before committing to your production server.
  12. If you have the physical space and want to continue using the 250, simply add a new pool on the main GUI with the array stopped, assign the 250 to it, name the pool, and use it for whatever fits. You will probably need to run the blkdiscard command on the raw device ID of the 250 to allow it to be formatted correctly since it was previously part of a BTRFS RAID set, and Unraid doesn't properly remove that info sometimes, but adding it as a second pool would be my first choice rather than trying to join the 250 and 1TB as you originally attempted.
  13. It's configurable in Settings, Network Settings.
  14. For support with specific apps on Unraid, the author / developer provides a link where they should provide assistance. In this case, https://github.com/drakkan/sftpgo/issues
  15. Try temporarily uninstalling (not just disabling) any security or antivirus software. Sometimes the network protection part goes into hyperactive mode and blocks local lan websites.
  16. Another option is to set up a new USB with a normal trial install, as that will be full pro. You would need to be careful when assigning disks, as to not invalidate existing parity, but you could definitely set up a whole new array with only the additional drives, leave your current drives completely untouched.
  17. 4X is for bulk data transfer rate, random write access will be MUCH worse than that, depending on exact I/O pattern. Layering the array I/O with the VM I/O, and your results are unsurprising.
  18. Mine loads promptly, as long as I have enough storage. I accidentally ran out of space because I didn't delete old archives, and it took forever to start until I manually deleted some of them. BTW, the drive the files were on still showed free space, and other apps were fine, but the mineos internal logs showed out of space when trying to create snapshots and archives. Didn't troubleshoot further because removing the extra archives fixed it. You could try moving your active games profile folder to another location temporarily and see if it starts promptly.
  19. FTP is an ancient protocol, and rather insecure even at its best. I recommend finding another way of accomplishing what you want to do.
  20. Not all SMART errors are equal, but that particular one looks pretty bad. You could run a SMART extended test to get more info, but I would plan on replacing it.
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