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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Title of the thread you posted this in is: [Support] DVBLink, Kerio Connect, Apache-php, TVHProxy, Webgrabplus So if you are trying to be helpful, you need to add a little more information, like which app you are talking about, and what exactly happened. Otherwise your post is rather useless.
  2. Expect write performance to increase almost 4x read because the parity updates the same sectors, so updating a highly fragmented file could possibly see better improvements. A well optimized Unraid system is mostly WORM on the parity array, so not much improvement to be had by defragging there. All random I/O should be happening on cache pools.
  3. Pretty sure you have unneeded steps in there, only used if forcing a rebuild on the same physical disk.
  4. ZFS isn't yet natively supported by Unraid as of the 6.10 series, so while it's maybe theoretically possible with third party plugins and lots of fiddling, probably not without lots of work, and maybe even not then. Definitely not in the easy bucket.
  5. Gave up, searched for content dupes using dupeguru, and just watched random episodes. I suppose you could manually pick a source you think most accurate, and rename based on watching them one by one. What? You don't watch what you have? You just collect and try to complete collections you never watch? 🤣
  6. try a different browser / incognito mode
  7. That is an error, the logic to display green only took into account whether or not there was only a single drive in the pool, all multi drive pools were considered redundant because that's the default when you add multiple drives, and it's assumed if you knew enough how to change to RAID0 or single mode you knew what you were getting into. I don't know if that logic is in the list to be fixed or not.
  8. SATA to SATA power splitters are a no go in my opinion. If you get some 4 pin to SATA power, those can work out ok, probably 4 drives per "molex" type connector would be safe. The SATA power connector has very thin pins and connections, it's not meant for high current.
  9. If the power supply can't handle the load, it can cause a reboot.
  10. Maybe, or your current case may work fine if you strategically block off and channel the air so it only goes where it can cool the drives most effectively. Most computer cases aren't designed with keeping multiple hard drives cool, so you may have to reverse fans and / or block off useless vents, and add walls to push the air where it's needed. All the air going through the case should pass over the drives first, so no intake fans behind the drives in the flow path.
  11. Not a simple question. Short answer, yes, it's supposed to stop the array. Long answer, it may not stop the array cleanly if something is holding it up. If stopping then shutdown works quickly 100% of the time for you, then it should do a clean shutdown. I personally always stop the array first, because I want to monitor the entire process to make sure things are working properly. I've had many instances where something was keeping a file open that I would have to chase down and manually kill before the array would stop cleanly.
  12. Not power from the wall, but it does sound like too small or defective PSU. What model is it? How many amps is it rated to supply on the 12V feeding the drives?
  13. If you are talking about the control panel, perhaps reverse proxy? If you are talking about the game port itself, 25565, it doesn't talk using plain http, so a web proxy won't work. What communication stream are you trying to secure?
  14. That specific container, published by plex themselves, doesn't have a support area on this forum, instead the plex authors support it on their own forums. https://forums.plex.tv/ There are other plex containers in the app section of Unraid that ARE supported here, and have their own support threads. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44141-support-binhex-plex/ Is an example of a container supported on these forums. If you can't find the answers you need about the plex "official" container on their forums, maybe try installing one of the Unraid specific containers and see if that works for you. I don't have any good input on your specific issue, I personally don't use plex for a few different reasons, I prefer emby, but that's a whole 'nother discussion. The reason we need people to keep support requests for containers in the specific areas and threads designated is so the people most likely to be able to solve the problem don't have to keep track of posts on the whole forum, rather they can concentrate on their areas of expertise.
  15. I run the UrBackup server container in one location and the UrBackup clients in my VM's. Much easier to manage open file / shadow file / locked file issues inside the VM with a client than to try to backup the whole image file. Also the backup sets can more easily be granular restored and deduplicated for space saving with much deeper retention. Added bonus that it's easy to keep my bare metal boxes in the same backup infrastructure.
  16. QOS settings in your router, if it's powerful enough to handle that. Nothing integral to Unraid to do that.
  17. A properly set up gigabit network isn't really that much slower than local. You theoretically could set up a windows VM to read the RAID volume, but honestly I think the hassle and risk to your data should you get something wrong isn't worth the small decrease in time, especially since transfers will not be something you normally sit and watch, rather set up and let run overnight. Incoming speeds to Unraid should consistently max out a gigabit connection if you don't assign parity until after the data is copied.
  18. No data drive can be larger than parity, and you can't make any data slot smaller, only bigger. So if you start with a 10TB data drive and want to keep the data on it, you will need a 10TB drive or larger to assign as parity. If you manually move all the data off the 10TB to other drives so it's empty again, then you could set a new config and assign it as parity.
  19. A good set of shared bookmarks works better, no typing, just click.
  20. Which means you are using either MACVLAN or IPVLAN, and as was said, MACVLAN is known to cause issues in some unknown combinations, and switching to IPVLAN helps. Please confirm you are currently set to IPVLAN.
  21. go to your forum account settings and enable signatures
  22. Possibly the easiest way forward is to assign the new 2TB to slot 7 and let it rebuild.
  23. Unraid does not stripe data across disks, each data drive has an independent file system. You can have some disks XFS, some BTRFS if you wanted for some reason.
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