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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. What was the source of the copy? @bonienl will need to know how to replicate the error.
  2. What is your cache minimum free space?
  3. And done.👍 Feel free to edit your second post to <reserved> or something like that to allow additional info at the top of the thread if warranted.
  4. To some extent yes, however, it would be wasteful to assume a file system would hold a millions of files, when it's entirely likely a media drive would only have hundreds. Different file systems have different strategies to account for this kind of variability.
  5. No, memory tests need to have exclusive control of the motherboard.
  6. All systems are prone to data loss at some point, stuff eventually fails. Backups should be an ongoing thing, it's just when someone experiences errors it can be a wake up call to make sure their backup routine is working for them.
  7. Do the emulated drives mount normally now?
  8. If the CPU doesn't have a graphics module, the motherboard video connectors will never work. Are you sure the video card works? Have you tried it in different slots on the motherboard? Some motherboards only initialize video cards for initial bootup in certain slots, typically the first x16 slot. Other slots may be usable for graphics but only after the OS loads drivers.
  9. No, totally wrong. Format is part of parity, so if you remove a drive and format it, Unraid will rebuild it with whatever format was on it prior to removal. If you set a new config and rebuild parity that would work, but you are unnecessarily risking a drive failure. Simply click on the target drive in the main GUI with the array stopped, change the file system type to XFS, and when you start the array it should offer to format that drive, and ONLY that drive. Make sure the target drive is the only one in the list to be formatted.
  10. Unraid currently requires an additional firewall to be safe, it is not audited for direct exposure. This may change in the future, but as of this writing you must have it protected externally. Many of us run firewalls as VM's, but that requires multiple ethernet connections, the physical port connected to WAN is not accessible to Unraid, it is directly passed to the VM and excluded from Unraid, and the LAN port on the VM firewall is connected via a switch to Unraid's ethernet. This only works with a fully licensed server because internet access is required to start the array and VM's during the trial period, and if something goes wrong you must have a way to connect to the server OOB, like a separately firewalled IPMI port on the server. If the server is down, I have a separate hardware firewall waiting to be fired up to take the place of the VM while troubleshooting occurs. None of this is going to work well in a remote colo setting.
  11. Unless the 4 bay hotswap already has a SAS backplane (very doubtful) I can't think of a good way to connect those drives into another box. USB is out for reliability reasons, eSATA is cumbersome with 4 connections, regular SATA would require a good bit of hardware hacking, and the cable length limitations would come into play. If the backplane does have regular SATA outputs, I suppose you could put a SAS expander in the hot swap box to convert over, then put a PCIE SAS card with external connectors in the mini PC.
  12. Be aware that they do not follow some of the long standing traditions of how to set up and work with media shares, so you will need to educate yourself on the differences if you try to use other existing guides in tandem with their setup. There really isn't a right and wrong way for the most part, just be aware you are probably in the minority setting things up that way. There are very good reasons to set things up the way they do, so don't think I'm trying to change your path. Best to learn how things work so you can troubleshoot with some knowledge instead of blindly following guides.
  13. Yes. This plugin's main purpose is to verify that files put away for long term storage are still intact after a period of time. It's not meant to track files that change regularly.
  14. Probably depends on the type and extent of the damage that needs to be repaired. Unknown to me, but we've seen file system repairs fail because of lack of free space, so we warn users not to fill up drives. Another good reason NOT to fill up drives completely is new file systems tend towards more robust or more feature filled file systems, which means each file needs more space for the file system to manage it. It's very common for data that fit on a ReiserFS drive be too large to fit on that same drive formatted with a current version of XFS.
  15. Unfortunately this is not a general knowledge forum, it's specifically about the Unraid OS, and the various aspects of Unraid. While it's possible one of the members here may be able to help with things unrelated to Unraid, that isn't the primary purpose of this forum, so I wouldn't expect any results.
  16. Some ISP's block common incoming ports unless you call and give them a good reason to open them. This may reduce the amount of rogue servers that show up on their network when people's computers get hacked.
  17. Try leaving more resources available to the host and see how it goes. Keep in mind that pretty much all the motherboard functions in a VM are emulated in software, so if the host doesn't have enough resources to emulate them smoothly you will have issues. I always advise giving each VM the bare minimum needed to run, then gradually increase resources until you no longer notice any speed benefit, then back off 1 tick. For example, give each VM 1 core and 4GB RAM to start. See how they perform simultaneously. Then ramp up to 2 cores, 8GB and retest. Resources given to the guests are lost to the host completely, where host resources can be allocated to speed up and improve all the underlying I/O. Starve the host, and you guarantee bad performing guests, no matter how many cores and RAM you give them.
  18. How long are you waiting after the container is started? I've noticed an extended startup time needed, sometimes close to a minute or more.
  19. You can't start the array without a valid license. You can boot Unraid, go into settings, do all kinds of testing without starting the array. You can apply for a trial license if you want to start the array, or if you want to permanently transfer your license to a new USB you can put your valid license file on the new stick and it will walk you through an automated transfer if you haven't done a transfer in the prior year. There are plenty of things to test without transferring a license, primary is the ability to boot up completely into the GUI.
  20. Which version of Unraid? I thought all the recent versions forced you to set a password at first login?
  21. Repeated BTRFS issues can be caused by memory that's a little flaky or other marginal issues that don't effect other operations, it seems to be more sensitive to hardware that isn't 100%. How long has it been since you ran 24 hours of memtest86.com USB with no errors?
  22. Title of the thread you posted this in is: [Support] DVBLink, Kerio Connect, Apache-php, TVHProxy, Webgrabplus So if you are trying to be helpful, you need to add a little more information, like which app you are talking about, and what exactly happened. Otherwise your post is rather useless.
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