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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Any of the 8 to 24 port LSI SAS, if you get one with a "e" designation it will have the appropriate ports out the backplate instead of needing an adapter. As in 9207-8e instead of 9207-8i.
  2. The diagnostic is a zip file, so when you click to download, save as instead of opening it, and attach that zip file to your next post in this thread.
  3. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1205233-REG/highpoint_rocketstor_6418s_eight_bay_sas_sata.html/overview You can roll your own for much less.
  4. Failure is a strong word, but if things are functioning and configured correctly you shouldn't get the message unless there is an airflow or other more drastic issue. My temp alerts (and probably yours as well) are more an indication of something I should deal with, but it's not as urgent as a drive failure. However. your statement "array is functioning" applies to an array with a failed drive as well, and that's WAY more important to deal with promptly. For your temp issue, either fix the airflow, or if it's as good as it gets, change the alert temp to a higher number so you don't have alerts crying wolf. When you get a failure, you need to address whatever the issue is immediately.
  5. Multiple communication paths are a must if you want your best chance to keep operating. Always keep a backup, preferably multiples. The more important the setup, the more redundancy you need.
  6. One option is to enable email notifications so you see the full message. I get FAIL's occasionally if a drive happens to be in the temperature warning zone when the health report is generated.
  7. Unclear from your title and description what is actually happening. Did you accidentally assign a data drive to the parity slot? When you removed a drive, parity was no longer valid, unless you wrote zeroes to the entire drive to be removed. Empty implies a formatted filesystem, which is part of parity, and probably deleted files, which are also part of parity. Your title implies you put the wrong disk in the parity slot, but the body of your message sounds like everything is working correctly, you just need to unassign the parity drive, reassign it, and rebuild parity based on the remaining drives.
  8. By whom? Attach the diagnostics zip file directly to your next post in this thread.
  9. Changed Status to Closed Changed Priority to Other
  10. I use the dupeguru container. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/56392-support-djoss-dupeguru/
  11. I see no mention anywhere that dja was taking over from jtok, and the github shows jtok as the sole contributor. Just because I recommended a post as useful and pinned it doesn't mean dja has any input in the project. jtok has read the forums in the last year, but hasn't posted since March of last year. Safe to assume they don't want to interact here for now, until they say otherwise. Unless someone wants to fork the code and start maintaining it, you are stuck with what you have now.
  12. That's why I asked if you had read the posts before you posted here. Someone else made the same mistake and posted about it earlier.
  13. You are using 4GB drives? I thought you said you had 4TB?
  14. I just put in the drive numbers you gave, and it correctly calculated both.
  15. Put the numbers in, take a screenshot showing the results and post it here.
  16. Screenshot? Did you read the thread before posting?
  17. That is not a good reason. NPM and other containers can and should be mapped to other ports, and redirected in your external firewall if you need port 80 to answer on your WAN.
  18. Which container? There should be a support link in the Apps tab card for the container, if you already installed it there will be a support link in the icon drop down in the Unraid GUI. Take a look at the support link and see if your question is answered there, typically in the first post of the thread or linked there.
  19. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/53062-ubuntu-16041-x64-quotdemonicquot-audio/#comment-519239
  20. That's actually more secure, because it doesn't tip the attacker off with the knowledge that no password will ever be accepted.
  21. For Unraid It's not a technical issue, it's a legal issue. Until apple says they allow it, it won't happen. It appears esxi is the same way. Please read this webpage, and then tell me esxi supports macos. https://tcude.net/creating-a-macos-vm-in-esxi/
  22. Normally it would be lag bolted from the inside of the safe to the floor or wall studs, ideally both. But yes, if not properly implemented you could just walk off with the whole outfit.
  23. Unraid includes the newest version that is licensed to be redistributed by third parties.
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