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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. JonathanM

    Turbo write

    Turbo write doesn't effect check speed.
  2. If parity was perfectly valid when the drive failed, the emulated drive is still available with all data intact and usable, albeit with a speed penalty as it needs all the remaining drives to accomplish the emulation. Rebuilding the drive can also be done while the array is up and usable. If the failed drive slot is showing unmountable, that needs to be fixed before you rebuild. Post diagnostics and don't proceed without explicit instructions if any of this doesn't make sense to you.
  3. I must be blind, I can't see any damage in that picture. All I see are the hotplug data lines being shorter so they make contact only after the card has power. Maybe a clearer closeup with the damage circled? The referenced thread is about complete boot failure, so if your system is booting to Unraid that's not the issue.
  4. Would you mind writing up a quick summary of what you did to transition your install? I'm sure some people would find it helpful.
  5. There is now a file manager plugin which will allow you to move that data from disk to disk if you don't already have a preferred method of handling it.
  6. Looks like it's up to date to me. When the urBackup team pushes a new release through distribution it will automatically get built, AFAIK. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/urbackup2-server
  7. Why? Modular PSU's have their upsides, especially for systems with glass sides. For servers though, the fewer removable connectors the better. Every non-solid connection is a point for possible failure. The point trurl was making was that your description matches exactly a scenario we've seen a bunch of times, somebody swaps PSU's but leaves the modular drive power cables connected to the drives, and as soon as the replacement supply is turned on, the wrong voltages are applied to the drives frying their PCB's, causing them to go missing.
  8. USB is not recommended for a whole host of reasons, what you are experiencing is one of them. Not all enclosures are created equal, some work better than others. Reboot.
  9. If the two drives were EVER assigned to the same pool, even briefly, they "permanently" remember that status because BTRFS keeps a record of pool members totally separate of Unraid's pool definition. To remove them from the BTRFS pool can require extra steps, @JorgeB is the resident expert on what is required. Theoretically if the drive is removed from Unraid's pool correctly, the status is updated and things work as intended. If you physically remove the drive, I believe it may still have the BTRFS headers on it that make it a member of the pool, I think you have to leave the drive installed and remove it from Unraid's pool definition, then the pool is rebalanced to remove it. I'm a little fuzzy on the exact procedure, but what you experienced is a symptom of both drives being assigned to a single pool at some point in the past, and not being properly BTRFS balanced to separate drives.
  10. Attach diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  11. What is the practical difference between sleep and shutdown for you? How do you accomplish the 10am wakeup? If it's boot time that's the issue, set the wake for 9:55 so it will be ready at 10. Servers and sleep just don't play well, it's actually an anomaly to have sleep working properly.
  12. Not possible with the current technologies available. The USB key needs to be the lowest common denominator able to be read and written by every popular OS. BTRFS doesn't play well with current versions of microsoft software without 3rd party mods.
  13. That option only works if you aren't using UEFI bootup. A better option is to download the new version from memtest86 and create a different USB boot stick to run it.
  14. This. If you know what you are doing, mc at the console would be much faster because it will do a simple path rename, the data will stay physically where it is. The plugin is meant to be bulletproof and as newbie proof as possible, so everything is done with data safety first, speed second.
  15. Nobody's saying it was on purpose, and it's not even confirmed to be an accurate report. Sometimes good people's accounts get hijacked, there are many possibilities.
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