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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Yeah, that's not gonna fly. Have you tried the USB manager plugin? It may give you the flexibility you need with devices and VM's. That may be the result of a driver that got missed in the latest versions, I believe it should be added back in the next RC Unraid doesn't support wireless. Server + wireless is a bad combo to try to support.
  2. This is being dealt with. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/127949-support-for-adding-optional-usb-devices-in-vm-manager-form-view/?do=findComment&comment=1170902
  3. This is being discussed in the support thread for this application. Please continue any discussions there. Click on the container in the Unraid gui and select the support link.
  4. Not that I'm aware of, but if you use your array like a vast majority of people, it shouldn't hurt you too bad once you get your data loaded, read speeds should be fine, and once your writes are limited to daily updates you can let mover take care of things when you're not actively using the array. Typical Unraid use is a WORM style, with daily updates being relatively small.
  5. Try temporarily shutting down SWAG and standing up a plain nginx container listening on the same IP and port, and see if it's reachable from the WAN side.
  6. Would it be too much work to automatically change missing devices to optional, accompanied by a mid (yellow) level notification, something like... "VM was started without required USB device, automatically changed to optional" So the VM won't fail, but you would get a warning that something you need may be missing?
  7. tldr: Use backup software inside the guest OS so you can keep the guest OS running during backup, and restore anywhere, same strategy you would use for a bare metal machine. Counterpoint. Any backup operation running exclusively on the host is going to require the VM to be shut down for backup so the guest is in a stable state. If you back up a VM while the guest has files open in RAM, what is backed up isn't going to be fully valid. Therefore, I suggest that your guests should be running backups in the guest OS, so the backup agent can utilize shadow copies or whatever is needed to get a good backup while the guest OS is kept running. I agree that Unraid needs to do a better job of allowing us to keep good VM definition backups, it sure would be nice to have XML backups and versioning without using 3rd party plugins. It shouldn't be a catastrophic event if you muff an XML edit, a rollback button would be ideal. Not sure what that would gain, and you would lose the use of a couple interfaces that could be used for storage. It may sound like nit picking, but it really isn't, Unraid technically boots and runs from RAM, not the flash drive. The OS files are read from the flash archive and unpacked into RAM, where the boot process really starts. The flash is essentially read only for the purpose of being called "boot media", and read operations don't significantly effect flash lifetime expectancy. Only configuration changes are written to the USB so they can be applied at the next boot. Downloading a flash backup from the management GUI whenever you make significant changes is easy and quick, and if your boot USB fails, it's a quick and easy replacement. I know to you as a relative newcomer to Unraid having the OS dependent on a USB flash drive feels wrong, but it's a proven strategy that works, and allows much better portability and ease of migration to new hardware. Good USB sticks will run Unraid for MANY years, there are plenty of Unraid installations that have moved the same USB stick through several generations of motherboards and sets of hard drives. I understand the OCD of wanting to keep things visually neat and in order. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Unraid users have some level of OCD, some are even to the point of CDO, where even the letters of the syndrome must be in order. However... If you have that much excess space, I would argue you have too many drives. All drives, even empty ones, are used in their entirety in the parity calculation. So having empty space presents unneeded risk, energy consumption, and drive wear hours. I follow and recommend the practice of keeping between 1 to 2X the size of your largest drive free, so for your rig I would want less than 36GB total free, and only when that reduced to 18GB free would I add or upgrade a drive. That obviously doesn't apply during initial data load, where you know pretty much exactly how much space you need, but during normal use where data growth is relatively predictable it works for me.
  8. If both machines disk controllers are in IT mode, yes, you can just move the drives over. If either machine is using RAID, it won't recognize the drives. You could even end up having to rebuild partitions. Create a trial USB key for the new machine, download the diagnostic zip file from it, and get the zip file from the current machine. Attach them both to your next post in this thread and we should be able to give you a better answer.
  9. https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/58866/ip-addresses-from-public-ip-block-in-my-lan Even if you don't directly use cloudflare resources, it will likely cause strange issues when you try to access other resources on the internet that DO use cloudflare. Any support issue is going to be obscured by your nonstandard use of IP, and it's going to make it more frustrating for anyone attempting to help you troubleshoot. I'm not telling you that you must change, just letting you know how it's effecting you.
  10. Different slot? Change BIOS settings for PCIe allocations?
  11. Enable bridging in the main network settings.
  12. https://unraid.net No www Theoretically it probably should redirect properly just because, but it's not a requirement to have www be the first part of a url.
  13. Those issues are being worked through with newer versions. Since you don't list what you are having problems with, I can't point you to the solutions. Out of date software is becoming more and more vulnerable to exploits with each day, if you let your systems access the internet you need to stay up to date. The other option is to continue to use older software and remove internet access to it. Since the my servers plugin services are based around internet access, it doesn't make sense to attempt to keep it running on vulnerable systems.
  14. Better to add the second GPU now, any troubleshooting will likely have to be redone anyway.
  15. Since appdata is cache pool only instead of cache pool prefer, it can't overflow to the array when it runs up against the pool minimum free space. Click on the pool name "Cache" in your screenshot to see the minimum free space setting.
  16. Minimum free space is implemented by refusing the write and returning drive full message before the drive actually fills up. This all depends on all your specific settings and write destinations. Preventing the file system from filling completely keeps corruption from happening. If the pool share doesn't have the option to overflow to the array (prefer vs only) the write will fail.
  17. Add your own router to that direct static IP and put the server behind that.
  18. Can you access the admin page from WAN? Are you downloading the client directly from that page? Have you set all the preferences to allow WAN backups?
  19. Historically there have been more minor issues getting and keeping AMD equipment running well with anything but Windows. There is an entire thread here dedicated to troubleshooting issues with AMD. Intel is more likely to work out of the box and stay working. If you like tinkering and problem solving, the extra performance from AMD may be worth it, but for me I prefer to spend a little more for less troubleshooting. Opinions vary, and AMD vs. Intel is almost like discussing religion and politics.
  20. Just access points. I have multiple WAN sites with access points all managed with a container on my server. Why?
  21. Yep. I have the web interface reverse proxied with nginx, and the backup ports (55413-55415) directly forwarded through my firewall.
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