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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Temporarily enable mover logging, run the mover, then examine the syslog. Be sure to disable mover logging after you figure out what's holding it up.
  2. Manually edit the VM XML in advanced view and remove the reference to that device.
  3. Plug it back in, edit the VM and uncheck all the USB devices, save the settings. Unplug the drive, then add any USB devices back into the VM config.
  4. I'd think the cost difference between upgrading your existing Plus vs a full Pro would be well worth it, since you could keep both machines ready to use. The old machine could stay off most of the time, just boot it up to update your backups. Also, no fooling around with transferring configs, just keep running.
  5. Definitely, I'm talking about isolating it from any insecure devices INSIDE your LAN as well. More and more the threats are coming from compromised IOT devices that essentially become abandoned after manufacture. Unraid is working towards being more secure from threats in general, and that is going to come at the price of requiring better hardware, as better encryption and 2FA become available. Sounds like you are in a good place with this, I just wanted to keep your expectations low with your current setup. Honestly, if that 10 year old hard drive is well treated, I'm betting it will outlast the SSD. I've retired a good number of disks that were still working but the power to run them wasn't worth the storage they add. Old hard drives are really bad at watt per GB equations, especially when you can get a single drive that holds 18TB. At some point you have to accept that the ongoing power draw is a greater evil than scrapping still useful kit. Run it as long as you can, then buy as much as you can possibly afford so you can use it as long as possible again. Buy once, cry once, or something like that.
  6. I hear you, and as long as you are willing to deal with the consequences, good for you. However... you will never be able to keep old hardware running forever with the onslaught of security breaches and other pressures forcing ever increasing hardware requirements. If you choose to use Unraid for old hardware, you will hit more and more insurmountable barriers to staying secure. If you are ok with isolating the machine with external firewall measures, and accepting the risks of running outdated software, then go for it, and know that if you decide to move to more modern hardware you can continue to use your Unraid license with new up to date secure as possible versions. Because of how Unraid is set up, RAM is a non-negotiable requirement. Other distributions may be able to be shoehorned in and continue to work for longer on limited RAM, but Unraid is a poor candidate for limited RAM installs. The market wants more features, not less.
  7. Or, leave the current machine available as a backup, and do a new pro key for the new build. Since you are doing all new hardware anyway, why not take the opportunity to get your backup game rock solid?
  8. You have copies elsewhere, correct? Unraid, or any RAID system, is not backup, it's high availability. Plenty of ways to lose data that aren't covered by redundancy.
  9. I'm unclear what exactly you are asking, probably because what it sounds like you are asking is not possible, only one OS at a time can mount a filesystem natively, then that OS can share the files with another OS using SMB or NFS. Perhaps stating what you want to accomplish with more specific examples may help, I'm sure there is a way to get what you want done, but perhaps not like you are thinking right now.
  10. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Data_Encryption
  11. Have you watched Spaceinvader One's Youtube videos?
  12. Done. I should have seen that earlier, was too hung up on trying to cross reference paths to solve the issue.
  13. Minecraft doesn't use http or https for gameplay, so normal reverse proxy doesn't apply.
  14. Post the docker run command, and screenshots of the path settings in deluge.
  15. Fairly typical. Drives replaced under warranty are normally returns that passed an inspection process and had their firmware reset. Sometimes the inspection doesn't catch a truly bad drive, and you inherit someone else's problem. Always return drives to the seller for replacement with a new item if at all possible.
  16. I think there was some miscommunication. I was simply saying that there are places in the world that are starting to bill consumers for apparent power, using the technology available in newer smart meters, as opposed to the older mechanical meters that didn't measure anything except kwh, where newer smart meters can measure kvah, and it's up to the utility whether or not to bill for it. The changeover to smart meters is hardly universal, even the USA still has about 1/4 of their customer base on old meters. Expanding my original response... So, if you have a newer smart meter, there is a small possibility you will be penalized for lousy power factor depending on where you live. If you have an older meter, the chances of getting dinged for a bad power factor are pretty much nonexistent. Does that rephrasing of my response clear things up?
  17. Previously only big industrial sites would have the metering in place for apparent power, but now that smart meters with completely solid state measuring are becoming common, some utility companies are starting to use kvah instead of kwh for billing. Not on the continent I live on, but elsewhere in the world. Some regions of India have apparently been doing it for a while, and power companies in other areas are threatening to start. Google kvah billing for more.
  18. Depends on where you are in the world. Older meters don't calculate for bad power factor.
  19. I'd recommend emailing [email protected] and politely describe your experience. Items on the forum sometimes don't get the attention they deserve.
  20. Each data disk can only have one volume, but different disks can be different formats. With 3 HDD's, you could have 1 Parity 1 XFS 1 XFS-encrypted
  21. Click on the docker container icon on the dashboard, select "Console"
  22. Unless your motherboard only has 100mbit ethernet, or your pc is going to be next to your wifi6 router, then a Cat5e cable is faster, and in any case, a wired connection has better latency. https://www.increasebroadbandspeed.co.uk/realistic-speeds-wi-fi-5-and-wi-fi-6
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