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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. I'm really tempted to change the title of this thread to something like Cipher Message of the Month or just Soon™️ Especially when the forum automatically inserts the "4 weeks later..." 🤣
  2. https://docs.rackspace.com/support/how-to/modify-your-hosts-file/
  3. Root is specifically disallowed from accessing SMB shares, it's only for managing the server at the console and webGUI. Most likely reason would be cached name resolution somewhere. Easiest solution would probably be to manually set the entry in your windows hosts files on the various client machines linking tower with the static IP you assigned to the server.
  4. Which stuff? For the purposes of this particular error, the most important would be to get a copy of the config folder on the USB flash drive, or a full flash backup. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Changing_The_Flash_Device#Overview
  5. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/apcupsd/
  6. Use the 50% rule. Disable half, test, disable half of the offending group, repeat. Should only take a small number of cycles to hone in that way.
  7. What, exactly, are you accessing over the network? The apcupsd used in Unraid is by default published as a server, and can easily be set as a client. I personally have 2 Unraid servers on the same UPS, and I use one to trigger the other for shutdowns.
  8. It's not ideal, but some here make it work. The biggest issue is adding storage, as you know. USB drives, while supported, are highly discouraged in the parity array because of connection stability issues. There have been several discussions about NUC's recently, search the forum and I'm sure you'll find what you need.
  9. The screenshot shows the array started, you must select maintenance before you start the array. Hit the stop button, and see.
  10. All ok pings are important to verify that you will see an error ping. Otherwise there is no difference between major failure and everything working as designed.
  11. Do this first https://wiki.unraid.net/The_parity_swap_procedure then replace disk 6. I'm assuming all the other disks are perfectly healthy, diagnostics may reveal a different course of action.
  12. Which has little if any correlation to the low voltage threshold set in the UPS. If the actual setpoint in the UPS is higher, then the UPS will shut off while the NUT software thinks there should still be plenty of battery left. You must find the correct value for your specific UPS model, either experimentally or from the manufacturer.
  13. Are you sure? Nominal is named voltage, which for 2 12V in series would be 24, and the voltage low needs to be the tested value just before the UPS powers down with a low battery condition. You can't just put a value in and assume it's correct. Either get the official value from the manufacturer, or test it.
  14. Yes. I haven't tried not forwarding the GUI port, but I guess in theory it might work if all the other needed ports are forwarded correctly. I need remote access to the GUI, as 90% of my managed AP's are outside my LAN. It's https with a strong password, so I'm not too worried about it. Here is the article I used when configuring my setup. https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/218506997-UniFi-Ports-Used
  15. All the needed ports are forwarded through my firewall, and my FQDN resolves to my WAN address. If I need to point to a different controller app I just change the fowarding rules to the new LAN ip. Your firewall MUST properly support hairpinning / loopback.
  16. Any share set to cache prefer will be moved to the specified cache pool.
  17. No, The plugin can only intercept actions done over SMB.
  18. How have you determined that? What happens when you ping www.google.com at the Unraid local console?
  19. Yes. When you are ready to finalize the move, if you move your license file to the new USB, you will end up blacklisting the old USB stick, or you can remove the trial key from the new USB config folder and copy the rest of the files to the old stick, keep the license file on the old stick with all the new server's config files. All the customizations are in the config folder, you just need to keep the *.key file on the drive it was issued to unless you intend to burn your automatic once a year license transfer.
  20. Yeah, I figured since the passthrough was no longer in place, no need to beat that horse until or if it came back to life. ONLY expose individual ports that are strictly necessary for a known purpose, NEVER passthrough or DMZ your server.
  21. As a general rule SATA power connectors shouldn't be the source for a splitter, a 4 pin molex style to multiple SATA outputs is much more reliable, if you must use splitters. Much better to avoid splitters altogether if possible.
  22. This has already been discussed in the support thread for the NUT plugin.
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