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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. As long as you don't enable disk shares, you are ok with SMB. When working with /mnt paths, as long as you stay totally within /mnt/user you are totally fine. Don't mess with /mnt/diskX or /mnt/cache until you understand exactly why I'm telling you not to. When you understand what's happening behind the scenes, it's easy to avoid corrupting data, but until you have a good grasp, it's safer just to stick with /mnt/user. As you've figured out correctly, user shares are simply the contents of /mnt/user. Keep in mind that windows can't handle folders with case differences, but the command line can. So writing files to /mnt/user/Photos and /mnt/user/photos is going to cause confusion in windows, but your scripts on Unraid won't care, it's two different folders to Unraid. Be careful to stay case consistent. Docker containers add a wrinkle, the paths inside the container are mapped to paths on the host. So, if you have dupeguru mapped with host - /mnt/user container - /UNRAID for example, you would find all your user share folders in the /UNRAID folder inside dupeguru. All this and more is covered in the FAQ's pinned around the forum.
  2. Those are only valid to manage Unraid's web GUI or the console, they are specifically disallowed from accessing shares.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-horizon_DNS
  4. Need to find someone with ECC DIMM(s) with a bad spot that consistently shows up on an intel board but is still good enough to POST and function. Preferably a bunch of samples of varying grades of failure.
  5. Depends on your skill level and test equipment at your disposal.
  6. This is typically caused by windows brain dead behaviour. Once access is granted, no attempts to use updated credentials will be made, despite windows asking for new credentials. So, you MUST access the most restrictive share first, if windows opens a public share first it's game over. Try setting ALL your shares to private, to force windows to use the correct credentials initially.
  7. Or, let them be your backup. Unraid can reconstruct a failed disk, but it can't help recover a deleted or corrupted file. You still need backups.
  8. If you enable signatures in your forum settings there is a link in his signature.
  9. The external drives don't follow typical tech pricing patterns, they go on sale like appliances, on again, off again. Wait a while and check again.
  10. Unfortunately the forum search is rather broken, but google does a pretty good job. Google search
  11. See previous page. And several other pages in this thread. Perhaps you should read the thread? @ich777, maybe you should add a list in your second post of items that are a definite no at this time. Probably won't help much, but at least there will be a single place to point people.
  12. https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_Manual_6#User_Shares Your first shot is only /mnt/disk1, the second is /mnt/user, which shows all the disks. Same files, different view. Don't copy or move files between the two different folder structures without understanding exactly what is going on behind the scenes. You WILL erase your data if you do it wrong.
  13. Probably a misplaced trust in the marketing hype that accompanies all the latest advances in WiFi. Once you dig in to the actual mechanism of radio transmission of data, it's pretty obvious that point to point wires will always have the edge for speed and reliability. The convenience of wireless is the only advantage. As technology advances, both wired and wireless will get faster. But wired will always be more secure, reliable, and faster. Wireless will always be more convenient. It is what it is.
  14. My only experience with RAID controllers and Unraid is extremely negative. Here is one thread describing what you can expect.
  15. Dunno, but it couldn't hurt to walk down the list of port forwarding servers and see if they all act identical. This specific forum is for Unraid users, so most of the troubleshooting here is probably not going to be relevant.
  16. I debated editing out both copies when I saw it earlier, but at that point the damage had already been done, those credentials were burnt anyway. That's the only acceptable answer. As far as your original problem, how many different endpoints have you tried with the exact same behaviour?
  17. ECC is useless until you have a RAM error. How often does that happen? Not too often. But when it happens, I'd rather the error either be corrected if it's possible, or if not at least detect the error and shut down instead of silently corrupting my data. A bad stick of RAM can cause all sorts of havoc if not caught quickly. It all depends on your risk tolerance.
  18. In the upper right corner, click on XML view to toggle back to form view.
  19. That's..... sub-optimal. At least with Emby you can use the web client.
  20. Internet communication is tricky. I saw a demand in the statement, you NEED to do something. Apparently you were simply asking what could be done about the visual anomaly, but it seemed to be presented as a demand that it be changed. It's all good. 🙂
  21. That's a lot of work to address something that isn't a functionality issue. Trust me, I understand OCD tendencies, but demanding that volunteers devote their time to fix something that is cosmetic only isn't realistic.
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