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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Thank you. I agree, after reviewing heelphan's xml and description of what happened, it appears unlikely to be related. Had he pointed the "Encoding cache directory" to /mnt/cache at some point it would have produced the effect he seems to have experienced.
  2. Without starting the container, can you go to the edit screen for unmanic and post a screenshot showing your paths?
  3. Perhaps adding a warning to the first post and possibly the template description stating that all the files in any folder defined there will be deleted. As it stands now, it's not clear that the folder listed there as well as all subfolders will be erased on container start. Also, maybe not recursively delete? In my case, I lost several hundred GB of archived shows. It's been a painful process re-ripping and encoding.
  4. @Josh.5 It's possible there may be a second casualty here. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89417-lost-all-docker-customizations-access-to-start-vms-help/?do=findComment&comment=829846
  5. The issue is that connectwise doesn't maintain a container. The one linked in the OP doesn't appear to work because it doesn't have all the dependencies needed in the build file, and the last update was 10 months ago. I did a quick look at the ones available, and none seem to be kept up to date. A basic linux VM would be a much better choice at the moment.
  6. For a very limited set of conditions, yes. Reading doesn't normally involve parity, so no benefit for read speeds. Writing is limited by the slower of either the target data disk or parity, whichever is slower, so no benefit for a single write. However, if you are trying to write to 2 different data disks at the same time, parity must shuffle back and forth to service both data disk writes, so in that case, a faster parity drive could make a small difference. I wouldn't make the speed of the parity drive a deciding factor, other than to not be significantly slower. You would notice much more day to day performance difference by making your fastest drive be the data drive that's used most often, as read speeds are purely limited by the speed of that drive. Much of the performance optimization discussions will be highly dependant on your exact use case, Unraid has an incredibly diverse array of possible uses that any single recommendation is not likely to be best for you personally. If you lay out your exact daily interactions with Unraid you may get some good advice on best performance, but from your first post to this thread, I'm thinking you don't even know exactly how you plan on using it.
  7. I'm a little confused by your post. I, and many others, use VM's with nvidia passthrough to run our home theater setups, and maybe I just don't know what I'm listening for, but my hdmi output seems to be perfectly fine both audio and video. I have the hdmi output straight into the hdmi main input of my Onkyo HT-RC560, and it outputs clean audio in multiple configurations from stereo to 5.1 surround, depending on source files. I routinely play FLAC and other high quality source material, and it's every bit as good to my ears as CDs or DVD's. What audio issues are you running in to? As far as trying to do the same thing in a container, that's not even remotely the same level of solved. Maybe someone has managed it, but I'm not aware of the specifics on getting that going. At the very least it would require an nvidia card that was fully supported by the LSIO nvidia Unraid modification, and even then I'm not aware of anyone passing through anything but the GPU encoding / decoding to a container, directly accessing the hdmi output may be doable, but I haven't seen anyone try.
  8. While it is certainly free to download and use for individuals, I don't know if the license of the free version allows limetech to repackage it with downloads of Unraid. Perhaps something could be done to allow the end user (us) to download the free version and place the files in the appropriate places on the flash drive, along with modifying the boot menu to allow a new boot option. The authors of memtest certainly make a distinction between the v4 pre UEFI and the v8 free edition. v4 is GPL, v8 is NOT. https://www.memtest86.com/compare.html
  9. Did you download the xml and put it in the spot you referenced as your host path?
  10. Brand new doesn't mean good. Somebody could have used the package as a football before it got to you. If you care about your data, you need to test your drives before trusting them to keep it.
  11. /data != /downloads Both halves must match, not just the array location. Change /data to /downloads, both in the container config and inside the application. This is in the docker FAQ.
  12. Because you can't make changes to the array before you do the new config.
  13. Doesn't matter, the procedure will work with or without the drive attached.
  14. Close, but not quite. Move step 2 below 4 and you should be good. 1 3 4 2 5
  15. Yes, overprovisioning can bite you like that. Try copying the vdisk.img to another drive with enough free space and see if it runs. You will need to update the vm's xml to reflect the new location of the file.
  16. See if this gets you anywhere. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/54953-solved-how-to-mount-vdiskimg-files/?do=findComment&comment=537778 It's not a direct howto, but perhaps you may be able to modify the commands to fit your situation.
  17. Kapton tape. It's not too hard. https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Fix-the-33V-Pin-Issue-in-White-Label-Disks-/
  18. I wasn't arguing with you, it's @DarphBobo that I had an issue with. I agree with you and @dockerPolice
  19. Sigh. Seems to be so. Having a single unambiguously correct answer to the question "Where do I go for support" is too lofty a goal. Tying things up in neat and tidy consistent packages sure is satisfying when you can achieve it though.
  20. At the very least could you link your templates that don't have individual support threads to your catch-all thread, and keep the OP in that thread up to date with whatever support options you are currently offering for each container? List all your containers offered in CA, and if the only support you can offer is a link to the app support site itself, then state, "we don't use the app, go here to ask questions" That way when someone clicks on the support link in either CA or the container drop down it gives them a complete picture of what support options they have.
  21. True. In this instance the poster thought his question was directly related to it's usage in unraid, and asked why there wasn't a support thread on the forum. I pointed out that there was indeed a support thread from the template maintainer, but it wasn't linked in the template. Over and over we tell people to click on the support link in the container instead of posting questions to the general forum, but there isn't an unraid support thread linked to the template in question. Inconsistency causes frustration.
  22. Did you read their response to witalit? Rather dismissive. They did tell him to use their catchall thread which I referred him to, but that thread is not what is listed in the template as their support thread.
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