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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. How do you edit an existing folder after you created it?
  2. Still isn't a prebuilt one, theoretically there are instructions to roll your own, although like you, I don't windows for personal use, so no experience with following those directions. It's not quite as convenient for manual use. Having a local client controlling the daemon on the server allows easier manual addition of magnet and torrent files. No advantage I can see if everything is already automated.
  3. Bumping this topic for visibility, BTRFS pools don't react like people expect them to when the array autostarts with a missing cache pool member. @limetech @johnnie.black
  4. I think I or someone else made a feature request years ago where autostart could be optionally (by default) disabled if any array storage device changes were detected. Does that sound familiar? If not, I think it should be implemented.
  5. Typically speed ratings are a maximum, so your current RAM if it's on the approved part list for that motherboard should be fine running at the speed called for by the CPU combined with the specific layout of your RAM. There should be no need for different sticks, just run them at the approved speed. It's like getting supercar rated tires and putting them on a sedan. The only issue is that you probably overpaid a little because you will never run them at top speed.
  6. Are you using the built in apcupsd software, or the NUT plugin? Whichever you are using, have you tried the other option?
  7. rsync itself is command line only. What are you asking limetech to do?
  8. If you can find someone already doing exactly what you want to do, copy their hardware list. Otherwise, you are probably going to be very frustrated trying various combinations trying to get something working at all. Unraid's KVM based virtual machine engine is easy to get passthrough working for 1 VM, somewhat more challenging to get 2 simultaneous machines each with hardware passthrough depending on the motherboard and CPU, doing 3 and 4 all on the same machine with a video card assigned to each VM is quite challenging, even with hardware that works well for 2 simultaneous machines. I suspect you will be paying more for the parts capable of performing acceptably that can host 4 VM's than you would building 4 separate machines with similar performance.
  9. No chance. It was gone immediately on shutdown.
  10. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?do=findComment&comment=564309
  11. That, in conjunction with the resets, points to insufficient clean power to the drive. Do you have splitters? Loose connections or too many drives on one lead set can do that.
  12. Cache Dirs has nothing to do with the cache drive. Cache dirs attempts to keep the file listing in memory of the configured shares, but if you don't have enough RAM to keep the full list current, it's counterproductive as it will keep accessing the drives to reload the directory listing. Only use Cache dirs on the minimum amount of content that is frequently accessed. If you have it set up properly and the only repeated access to the drives in question is a file listing with no request for content, then it will help with head movement.
  13. If it were a perfect world, then your second scenario would work just fine. However... I've seen MANY instances on this forum of people losing data trying it, for some reason or another. If you want to try your luck, here is how I would approach it, just for education's sake. 1. DISABLE the VM and Docker services in settings. If you still see a Docker and VM's tab in the GUI, you didn't do it right. 2. Set ALL shares to Cache: Yes. This is important, it works differently than how you imagined, turn on help on that page to see why. 3. Make sure nobody is writing anything to the server, and run mover. 4. After mover is complete, make sure there are NO files left showing on the cache drive. It should be completely empty. 5. Proceed with the FAQ procedure to replace a failed cache drive. 6. Verify the new cache volume is mountable with no errors, and shows the full capacity you expect. 7. Change the shares that need to permanently be on the cache pool to cache:prefer, and run the mover. Make sure any shares that you DON'T want to use the cache pool are set back to Cache:No. 8. Re-enable VM and Docker services. If everything works with seamlessly with step 5 and 6, then you can be confident that a failed cache drive would be handled correctly. If not, then thank your lucky stars you moved all the data off first.
  14. They were hidden, not removed. @limetech can reinstate them when he gets a chance to review the issue.
  15. I'm not sure where Unraid fits in that equation. Why not just run RDP Server in your existing setup?
  16. According to that screenshot, you should be telling deluge to save to /data, because that is what you have mapped to /mnt/user/Downloads
  17. Did you already delete the email with the key attached?
  18. The share is not particularly relevant, the container mapping is the critical part.
  19. Sounds like you almost had it exact, but not quite. Folder names are case sensitive, so make sure your container path in the docker settings and the path inside the application are precisely the same.
  20. Depends on the ducting and fan placement. Air won't flow if it isn't forced, so if the air can get past without flowing over the heatsink there could be a dead spot that gets too warm. Most rack mount cases have pretty good airflow, but you should check the temperature after running to be sure. Keep in mind that airflow changes drastically with the case lid on or off, so be sure to check after normal running conditions and not open on the bench.
  21. More alphanumeric characters is way better for security than a few special characters. The longer the password the better. A camel case 5 word sentence with no spaces is WAY more secure than 8 special characters.
  22. I know leaving that much unused feels wasteful, but if you ever have file system corruption it can be necessary to have some percent free to allow recovery. I'd really recommend not filling disks up to the very brim if possible.
  23. Completely unnecessary with anything faster than 100Mb, and even some of those have auto MDIX Crossover cables have been obsolete for 10 years.
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