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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Try it in the container CLI
  2. Go back to basics. Do these one at a time, checking to see if it made a difference. Not that it boots and works, just see what it does differently. Set aside the Unraid USB, don't connect it until the board acts normally. Reset CMOS, test Remove RAM, test, reinstall RAM, test Unplug everything from the motherboard board except CPU, PSU, and front panel LED and switch connections. Yes, fans, mice keyboard, monitor, etc. Test Start plugging things in one at a time, and test. Hopefully things will start the work as you plug stuff back in, and obviously if just resetting the CMOS or reseating the RAM works you don't need to progress. If the board doesn't give a bad RAM code when you have everything including the RAM unplugged, then it's got to be a bad PSU, CPU or motherboard, probably not the CPU.
  3. Odds are they were red balled but not because they failed. Unraid kicks the drive out whenever a write to the drive fails, whether or not the drive was at fault. It could have been the controller or the cable as well. Regardless, you secured a win for packrats everywhere. 🙂 Congratulations on your accidental unintentional backup strategy paying off!
  4. That's why you keep a basic router programmed to get your basic network back up in a pinch. No port forwards or VPN, just basic NAT with dhcp.
  5. Try adding a powered USB hub to the extender. I've had better luck with extenders if they have extra signal.
  6. Nope. Just restart the container and it should start working, check the container log for errors.
  7. IDC (insulation displacement contact) is actually preferred over the molded version, but that doesn't mean they did it correctly, or that the part that connects to the drive is designed well.
  8. Are you asking how much interest there is so you know whether or not to spend your time working on implementing this for others benefit? If so, maybe say that upfront. Otherwise it just sounds like you want to volunteer someone else's time for your interests. If you develop it and it works well, I'm sure there will be people wanting to use it.
  9. de-berlin endpoint is currently working.
  10. It's going to be slow no matter what you do, but the best method is to have an empty drive that you can format XFS as an array drive, then copy from disk to disk inside the array. Whether that's a new drive that you add, or putting the current content of your largest array disk on others in the array and then formatting that one to start the chain, either way works.
  11. No. You must copy the data elsewhere then copy it back after the format. Note that I said copy, not move. Move involves deleting the source files off the ReiserFS disk, which as you found out, can take what seems forever. After the copy is verified complete, reformatting the drive from ReiserFS to XFS will take a minute or so at most, instead of waiting hours for the files to delete, plus you can verify that the copy was successful before you format the source drive.
  12. Remove the /mnt/user/media = /media mapping.
  13. de-berlin working well at the moment.
  14. If there are no GPU's at all, some motherboards don't boot. If there is a GPU present, the motherboard will claim it for the boot process, and unraid may have issues reassigning it for use other than unraid's console. It's hardware specific whether and which issues you will have. If you have a specific goal in mind, find someone successfully doing what you want and copy their hardware list, down to the exact BIOS and firmware.
  15. Match what? Post the docker run command for your downloader and radarr.
  16. So you have the ReiserFS data backed up to another location?
  17. That's not recommended. Unraid's gui should be protected from general access, use a VPN if you need a WAN connection. The other services you expose should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Unraid's gui is not yet ready to be exposed. That's the end goal, but we're not there yet.
  18. Missed that. Good catch!
  19. when typing the path, /mnt/disk2/un <tab> doesn't fill in /mnt/disk2/unraid ? Try using putty.
  20. Most likely. Play both sets of files and see which ones are correct, copy the correct ones overwriting the corrupt files and rerun the command to see the results when the files are identical.
  21. Easiest way is to use tab completion. Start typing the beginning of the path and hit the tab key. Sounds like the terminal session got closed at some point. It should show the command you typed and eventually (hours later) return to the prompt, not just show a new session. You need to use a console that won't automatically close or get terminated, either on the local console at the physical machine, or use the screen program to set up a virtual console that won't terminate. For the benefit of others reading along, if anybody is, the reason I'm not redirecting the output to a file to be examined later is that there should be no files listed, so nothing to read in the output file. If it starts spitting out a file list, those files don't match. This was theoretically going to be an easy way to do file copy verification, not a full fledged sync routine.
  22. Tools, new config. Assign drives as you wish. Settings, disk settings, default file system. If your cache drive is currently xfs and you wish to change that, you will need to move the data elsewhere before reformatting.
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