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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Early Ryzen's need C-states disabled or power modified in BIOS.
  2. You can hide the share for everyone, and only those with valid credentials will be allowed access. Like itimpi said, I don't think there is a way to hide the share for some but not all.
  3. I tried it, but it hung within an hour or so. I typically have at least 2 different machines with browsers open to the GUI, but tried it with one. It appears to me that it was a coincidence for the OP.
  4. Depends on what system you are viewing it from, and the method of viewing. If you insert the Unraid flash drive into a windows box, it will be <Drive Letter>:\config\... If you SSH into a running Unraid system, it will be /boot/config/... If you access the flash share across SMB, it will be //Tower/flash/config/... or \\Tower\flash\config... depending on windows or not.
  5. https://www.backblaze.com/blog/enterprise-drive-reliability/
  6. Read the posts directly above you. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84601-support-spaceinvaderone-macinabox/?do=findComment&comment=793781 He even posted pretty much exactly the same picture.
  7. Those are caused by a browser opened to Unraid's GUI on some device in the network that hasn't been refreshed after a reboot. That would be a good start.
  8. Not quite. You could keep dual parity, and add the replaced 3TB parity drive as a data drive, gaining 3TB instead of 4TB of space but keeping dual parity. Or, if you wanted to drop the second parity you could add both old parity drives as data and keep the 4TB as your only parity drive, gaining 6TB of space. If you are confident in the reliability of your current array drives (and if you are not you need to replace any suspect ones) I don't see a need for dual parity for so few drives. You would be better off using that extra parity drive as backup space if you are not already backing up everything.
  9. Plenty of hits on a dockerhub search in the apps tab. It's on you to figure out how to translate the existing docker builds with the GUI options in unraid. Doesn't look as straightforward as some, but I'm not familiar with the app at all.
  10. /data is NOT the same as /Data The paths must match.
  11. It's not permissions, it's incorrect paths. Read this carefully. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?do=findComment&comment=564306
  12. So it's a year later, and we still see people formatting instead of file checking unmountable disks on a regular basis, sometimes more than one a week. Could we discuss moving the format option to the disk settings page, possibly below the file system check section? Maybe if people are presented with the correct option of doing a file system check before formatting we could avoid some data loss. Also, I haven't looked so I don't know, but when a drive is unmountable and the array is started, can you do a file system check without restarting in maintenance mode? I would think so, since one of the purposes of that mode is to not mount the drives so they can be checked, and an unmountable drive is... not mounted. I know in the past the argument has been that it's more convenient to format a completely new array with a button right beside the start button on the Main tab, and if the disks are clear, I can't see a reason NOT to have a format button there, but I think if there are traces of a file system already in existence on the disk it makes sense to force more thought into formatting. Perhaps also change the logic to only present the main tab format button if the disk has no data in the first sectors, or some other indication of no detectable file system. I've also seen a person in the last week not able to set up shares because they neglected to format the drives on a fresh array, so maybe some sort of array first start wizard with steps to get people to change the name of the server, set a root password, format new drives, etc. is needed instead of relying on the main tab format button. Ideas?
  13. Make sure that when the array is stopped, only 1 cache slot is shown. Then you can select XFS as the desired format type on the cache drive properties page, and when you start the array you should be presented with the cache drive as unmountable, and the option to format. Be sure the ONLY drive listed as unmountable is the cache drive, as the format option operates on all unmountable drives simultaneously.
  14. I just clicked on that link, it downloaded and extracted in a minute or so complete and correct.
  15. Each answering application will have their own set of logs.
  16. Yes. No. Depends. Each application that is responding to requests from the outside must be evaluated on its own merits. Both of the applications you site are heavily scrutinized for security issues, so as long as you keep abreast of security issues in your reverse proxy and those applications, it's "safe". There is no such thing as a blanket statement of safe or not for any internet exposure. There is only degree of risk, which increases greatly when a security hole is found in one of the applications you are exposing.
  17. Remove them from the array configuration using the new config tool. You can't preclear drives that are part of the array.
  18. For a stock current as of late 2019 unraid install, that would not work well. At the moment, the only easy answer is not to allow SSH over a non-VPN connection. If you open the SSH port to the internet, even if you never get a successful entry from a hacker your server will still be crippled when the log file fills with attempted logins. There are things that still need to be addressed in the way Unraid handles exposure to the internet. It's getting better, but it's still not there yet.
  19. Tools, diagnostics, zip file. Attach the intact zip file to your next post.
  20. It should, but honestly at this point I'd wait out 6.8 release or run an RC. The RC's are 99% there, and frankly you would be better off with 6.8.0 rc7 than with 6.7.2, for a multitude of reasons.
  21. I think you are stuck with network. I suspect shucking the drive will leave the contents unreadable for all practical purposes.
  22. Google says... "My Cloud storage devices, as well as other WD NAS devices, cannot be connected to a computer using the built in USB ports. These USB ports are designed to connect USB storage devices to Western Digital network hard drives for access over the network."
  23. No. You can use midnight commander in the console though. mc
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