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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Are you positive unraid is actually running? It certainly sounds to me like you booted Windows natively instead of as a VM.
  2. User scripts plugin, #!/bin/bash docker restart binhex-nzbget Schedule as desired.
  3. Only that afforded by the specific RAID level you choose. https://carfax.org.uk/btrfs-usage/ Keep in mind that BTRFS is still a developing file system, some RAID levels are more well tested and stable than others. Do your research before committing yourself. Also, RAID, unraid, whatever, are NOT backups. Disk redundancy is there for high availability when a drive dies. It does nothing to prevent file corruption or deletion, accidental or otherwise. A solid backup strategy for anything valuable is still necessary.
  4. Your sample size is WAY too small to make a declarative statement like that.
  5. Not in the parity array. You can use any valid BTRFS RAID level in the cache pool however. Whether or not that is advisable is up to your risk tolerance.
  6. First thing to try would be power down all the devices, then bring them up one at a time, starting with the router. 1. Shut down unraid, all pc's in the house, then unplug the router. 2. Bring up the router, wait for it to completely connect, then power on unraid, let it boot, power on computers one at a time, check to see if they can resolve the name. Be sure to give things time to settle, sometimes windows can take a while to figure things out.
  7. Me too. I was looking at my production server for reference instead of one of the test servers with the RC's on.
  8. Yes, I've been running the 6.8, you said 6.9. But yes, I see the rewording now in 6.8, much better.
  9. Nope. Haven't been given access to said releases.
  10. I know the help text explains things, but maybe it would help people if instead of Use Cache disk: It was changed to Use Cache disk for NEW content: Or something similar. At least then there is more context, and maybe it would lead people to ask better questions and use the help tip. Already implemented in 6.8.x
  11. You probably misinterpreted that statement. All file systems can get fragmented, some filesystems perform worse than others while at the same level of fragmentation. Having fragmentation, and suffering a performance loss are 2 different things. Like Squid said, your issues with performance are likely not primarily due to fragmentation.
  12. https://hub.docker.com/r/roundcube/roundcubemail/ I think what you meant to say is that nobody packaged roundcube up with a quick easy to deploy unraid template. There are plenty of roundcube dockers. If you are motivated you should be able to figure out how to set it up in unraid, it doesn't look too terribly complex.
  13. Minimum free space in share settings is what you are looking for. XFS is more forgiving than ReiserFS, but it still can be an issue in certain circumstances. If you are moving files on and off of a drive continually, I'd keep a much larger margin than if the drive is pretty much a WORM area. I'd still leave a few GB free in any circumstance, I've seen some file system upgrades that added space requirements for metadata management and there could be space needed for file system health checks and repairs. The exact numbers aren't clear, so you are pretty much on your own to decide what you are comfortable with. Personally I fill WORM drives to 99.9%, my reasoning is that an empty XFS volume reserves roughly 1GB per 1TB capacity for metadata right away, and I figure a file system repair may need that much space again.
  14. That's not an ideal move. If you have an incident that takes out multiple drives, you could easily lose both the primary data and all your backups.
  15. That is not the diagnostics zip file from the tools menu.
  16. Just curious, is this a thing where a server outage at their end keeps your server from functioning? Does plex require a functional internet connection to watch your own media inside your own LAN?
  17. Each file in unraid can only exist on one drive. The cache pool is just another array drive for this discussion. Only new files written to a cache yes share will be created and accessed from the cache drive, and if the file is not in use when the mover runs, it will be transferred to an array drive. Further accesses and edits to that file will only occur on the array drive. Unraid never splits files across array drives, so the maximum space available to a container file is the free space on any single drive.
  18. Pretty normal. The parity disk has to be updated for every write, including metadata, so the poor parity drive is jumping back and forth between multiple areas, and each seek incurs rotational latency before it can start writing again. If you are willing to drop parity protection for the duration of the move you could increase speed by a bunch.
  19. 1st question. Are you one of the principles of said company? 2nd question. If not a principle, are you a permanent long time employee of the company? If not, then I don't think unraid is a good fit, regardless of whether you can get the logging you want to work. The amount of ongoing knowledgeable support needed to keep an unraid server healthy and happy is not something that lends itself well to an outside vendor or 3rd party.
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace
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