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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Sure, that works, I want to know why it's behaving like this when none of the other dockers I have installed change arbitrarily when you click edit. If it happens to someone who doesn't have a firm grasp on docker mappings and such, it would become a support issue.
  2. I can't figure out why this is happening, perhaps @Squid or @binhex can shed some light. Take a look at the /downloads in the first shot, that's what is currently running, and is proper. When I edit it, the host path 2: /downloads morphs into /data. This doesn't happen in any other docker I have installed, I'm just glad I caught it. The default path as downloaded is prepopulated at /data, that's fine, but why is it reverting to that and not using the previously updated and currently used value on edit? It doesn't do that on other binhex dockers.
  3. Wild guess, but what happens if you tab to a different field after you make the change? Not click with the mouse, hit the tab key.
  4. Look through all your LE nginx config files and remove one of the conflicting ssl_session_cache lines.
  5. AFAIK, any that use smb/cifs with fstab files. So, most to pretty much all of them? I haven't kept up with all the thousands of varieties, but I think you could take the base example and tweak it for any linux. BTW, if you plan on mounting a shared calibre library, it requires nobrl as another comma delimited parameter after the cifs part. I can't remember off the top of my head why, I just remember head banging the desk for a short while until I figured it out.
  6. I daily drive mint and debian VM's. Don't bother trying to do pass through, just connect smb/cifs. It'll be just as fast, and easier to get running. Create the folder you want to use as the attachment point, and add the following to your fstab file //unraid/share /mount/point/folder cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,_netdev,username=unraiduser,password=selfevident,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
  7. If you rebuild the containers with direct disk references instead of user share references it will work. Instead of /mnt/user/appdata, set it to /mnt/cache/appdata. This assumes that the appdata folder in question resides on your cache disk.
  8. I agree whole heartedly. Minio is simplistic, and if the only thing you use it for is a destination for encrypted Duplicati backups, the single login password really isn't much of an issue. For people with existing Nextcloud installs, or the desire for easy multi user quota management and credentials, Nextcloud works great.
  9. Set your storage type to Webdav, fill in your nextcloud server address and port, set path on server to remote.php/webdav/backup-folder-you-want-to-use (NOTE!!! - NO pre or post /) for this backup set. Each backup MUST have a unique folder. Nextcloud user credentials each have their own tree, so as long as you have unique users for your backups, each one could be at remote.php/webdav/duplicati or something, but if you use the same nextcloud credentials for 2 backups, make SURE you have different paths on server defined for each duplicati backup set. If you reverse proxy your nextcloud instance, be sure your file size is set correctly in your reverse proxy as well.
  10. I took this and went another way with it after looking into Minio. I didn't like the single user instance aspect of minio, and I already have nextcloud up and running, so I connected duplicati to nextcloud webdav, and presto, easy user management, where each nextcloud user can have multiple pc's each with duplicati backing up to their own single account in nextcloud. Multiple users with individual storage limit quotas on the server. Thanks @prostuff1 for the push, I was dreading the end of crashplan and putting off migration, and your post was the impetus to get me working on the replacement that works for me and my friends and family. This implementation feels almost robust enough to actually offer it as a paid service. Unraid+LE+Nextcloud+Duplicati=profit?
  11. Got it working! The issue that I ran into had nothing to do with unraid, the docker or really duplicati or nextcloud. It was a combination of nginx reverse proxy settings and mono version on linux mint.
  12. Install apcupsd in each VM, and point it to your server ip:3551 as the device, port as net, and cable as ether. Set the VM's to start power down in a staggered fashion, so each has time to shut down before the next starts shutting down. e.g. VM1 starts shutdown after 1 minute of power outage, VM2 after 3 minutes, VM3 after 5 minutes, and unraid starts shutdown after 7 minutes. Time each VM's normal shutdown routine so you know how much time to allocate.
  13. Exactly the opposite of what I would recommend. Time how long it takes you to go from a fully running idle system to shutting down completely, power off. Take that time, subtract it from 10 minutes, and set the UPS to start shutdown after the remainder. So, from the time the power is lost, to the unraid server shutting down, should be less than 10 minutes.
  14. That runtime is highly optimistic, and for the health of your battery you should never even push close to that. I would recommend trying to get your unraid box fully shut down inside a 10 minute window, and allow the UPS to carry the modem+router+switch for a few minutes after that, to give you a little time to use the wifi on your phone or laptop if needed. Try not to ever run below 50% if possible, preferably less. And no, do NOT set the turn off after shutdown on cyberpower. If you are close by and can shut down the UPS with the button on the front, fine. Otherwise just leave it. The UPS is there to allow a graceful shutdown of all your tech equipment, not to provide off grid runtime.
  15. A properly set up vpn can allow you access to all those things as well, it is as if you are connected to your home network, all things are accessible through the vpn. If you can do it locally, you can do it remotely, bandwidth allowing.
  16. You said you have access to a vpn, but that most likely is a vpn server in another location. What you need is a vpn server inside your network, then you will connect your vpn client to that server. There are several ways to run a vpn server, many medium to high end routers have them built in ready to configure. You can also run a vpn server docker on unraid, but that will require that your unraid server be running and started correctly to access your network. You can also run a vpn server on a raspberry pi if you have one of those.
  17. Does anybody have duplicati backing up to their nextcloud webdav? I've been poking around trying to get it to connect, and even though I can successfully browse and create files with a webdav client, I am unable to get duplicati to successfully connect to webdav using the exact same host, port, directory, and credentials info that work with the webdav client. I know this is a duplicati application issue and not related to the docker implementation, but I was hoping someone on here had successfully connected duplicati to a webdav destination and could share their method.
  18. Have you changed the list of domains at any point while using the LE docker? It's very possible that the certificate that is expiring is not on the list of currently used domains.
  19. Sure. That's not an issue. However... many times when a USB interface errors, it will kill the data stream from all the devices on that interface when it issues a USB reset command. So it's fairly likely that if you do have a problem, it will red ball all the USB drives. Then, without SMART data, it will be difficult to figure out which drive(s) may or may not actually have an issue.
  20. Since unraid requires flawless reads from ALL devices other than the failed drive to reconstruct said failed drive, you are putting your entire array at risk by not being able to monitor the condition of those drives.
  21. Install a docker for a plain web server configured for host 85 and 4445, and see if you can get external 80 and 443 answered properly there. You can have multiple dockers answering on the same ports as long as they aren't ever running at the same time.
  22. Old post, but the principle for disk aggregation is the same. User shares are now the default and preferred method to access the server, everything you do over the network should be accomplished using user shares, only mess with individual disks if you fully understand what you are dealing with.
  23. Are any of your array drives low on space? Do you have proper minimum free space set for your shares?
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