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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. That's your issue. If you want a domain name to answer with an IP, the domain name must be registered with a root Domain Name Server. Nothing to do with your nextcloud or nginx config.
  2. Maybe stating the obvious here, but have you checked that all those domains ping back to the correct IP?
  3. Perfectly normal. The IP showing is in fact the IP of the docker container. As you found out, you need to use your unraid IP address and the port you mapped to the docker.
  4. This. I don't think there is any easy way to enable it, as the entire audio support is missing from the kernel to save space. Since unraid runs in RAM, only the bare needs to run a NAS are included.
  5. Not quite sure what you mean by user management. By design, only root can access the web management or console, and only non-root can access share assets. Can you outline what exactly you want to allow other users access to in the web management?
  6. Don't do that. Only place ONE ovpn file in that folder. The first one it finds.
  7. rsync to another disk in the array should work fine, as long as you have the correct command line options. rsync has a metric boatload of options, so it's a good idea to look up a reference guide to make sure the command you issued is what you really wanted to happen.
  8. Same as any other drive. Copy content to another location, stop array, change disk format, start array, select the checkbox beside the option to format the drive, make sure that specific drive is the only one listed as needing formatted, then select format. When that's done, copy the content back in place from wherever you put it. Since this is the ReiserFS to XFS thread, I'll assume you have a single cache disk that you want to convert to XFS. If you select multiple cache slots to be visible, you will lose the ability to format the cache drive in anything but BTRFS, so don't do that. It's also a good idea to be sure that your data copy method and destination support sparse files and symlinks, as there are likely to be a bunch of both things on a well used app / vm / cache drive.
  9. There are other good reasons for wanting this, but order of operations can be handled right now with
  10. /download != /downloads Fix your mapping, or your setting in transmission, they must match.
  11. https://vpn.ac/faq Last entry, no port forwarding with your provider. You will need a subscription to a provider that will forward a port for torrents to work decently, or sometimes at all. PIA using the nl endpoint is a good option.
  12. Dude. Seriously. CHILL. I meant no offence, and was trying NOT to be a smart alec. I stated the only possible reason I could think of that drive serial numbers would be remotely sensitive, and you seem to think I was attacking you. I was asking a serious question, and got attacked in return. You say your reasons are private, that's fine, I was just trying to figure out if the anonymizer could be improved to help people be more comfortable posting their diagnostics, which are imperative to troubleshooting many issues. The internet is sometimes difficult to read someone's tone, and I apologize if you interpreted what I asked as improper. I will refrain from trying to help in the future.
  13. Isn't that listed at the top next to the current speed?
  14. Look up NAT reflection or loopback. https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Why_can't_I_access_forwarded_ports_on_my_WAN_IP_from_my_LAN/OPTx_networks
  15. Genuinely curious here. Why? Are you afraid someone might find out if your drives are still in warranty? What about the serial numbers can be linked to you? If you present a good case where serial numbers should not be freely shared, I'm sure we can get them partially obfuscated in the anonymize script.
  16. Yes, but mistakes happen, and this isn't the end of the world, just irritating. The developers do the best they can, but with literally thousands of possible OS and VM configuration options, it's not easy to get them all right every time, especially when they are chasing moving targets with both the virtualization platform and the randomly updated OS's.
  17. You can't on the update screen, you have to change it on initial creation. Make sure you toggle advanced view.
  18. Depends on what format it is currently. Not all file systems can be mounted in unraid.
  19. No, why should it? Any changes made to the files will be done real time, same as if it was emulated, during rebuild, or normally. It will slow down the rebuild though.
  20. Nope. I've never seen any way to do it. Don't do that.
  21. When someone says they are accessing their server via VPN, they are NOT talking about a commercial VPN provider. Same technology, totally different application. They mean setting up a VPN SERVER on your network, either on your router or other computer, possibly unraid. Then when you wish to access your home network from outside, you connect the VPN client to your VPN server at your home IP. No third party required, and only a single port to the VPN server is opened.
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