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Everything posted by trurl

  1. You can forget about that ever happening unless parity is disabled.
  2. How about your Global Share Settings?
  3. You don't really have to follow any procedure written by someone else. You can definitely wing it, as many of us did before there was a wiki about this. You just have to understand that unRAID parity is realtime, so that anytime a data disk is written, parity is updated. The thing that maybe trips up some people is that anything that isn't a read is actually a write. Writing files, deleting files, moving files, and formatting a disk are all writes.
  4. This is the most important thing, the very reason this 29 page thread exists, and the reason people took the trouble to write up the procedure.
  5. Try formatting it on your mac and then see if you can mount it in Unassigned Devices.
  6. Then maybe you have a problem with a different plugin and should report it on that thread. Have you ever used this plugin? Are all your other plugins up-to-date? Did this start recently? If you recently upgraded unRAID, have you tried clearing your browser cache?
  7. It logs to a limited space reserved in RAM. On the Dashboard near lower left you can check on the space used on flash : log : docker.
  8. Redownload unRAID version you want, copy any bz* files from the download into the root of flash, run make_bootable again. If that doesn't help try a different USB port.
  9. Have you read the Upgrading wiki linked in the 2nd post of this thread? Backup your flash and you should be able to go back to v5 by replacing the files on flash with those from your backup. By sourcefiles, do you mean you have a custom compile of the applications? There are logitechmediaserver dockers. The Community Applications plugin is the usual way to find and install dockers.
  10. I am updating with the Advanced Buttons plugin so that may also be involved. I will test further when I have any dockers to update.
  11. Probably an unRAID issue and it is only noticeable with this docker since it has such an obvious effect. I will check again when it updates and also with my other dockers when they update.
  12. I am running 6.4.0 rc6 so maybe not really fixed. I just "edited" it again so I could see the docker run command. TZ is there: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="LogitechMS" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 9000:9000/tcp -p 3483:3483/tcp -p 3483:3483/udp -p 9090:9090/tcp -v "/mnt/user/Music/":"/music":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/LogitechMediaServer":"/config":rw dlandon/logitechmediaserver cc53a625b787815ad4fc36708b48287726906c878af9031dc907cd6a162cdc3c The command finished successfully! And the log shows the correct timezone, so it works as expected this time, but note that the procedure I followed is exactly the same as I follow to "fix" it. It is only when Updating the docker that it seems to break.
  13. +1. ShareTunes plugin fixed for me too. I have another issue with this docker, and I don't know whether it is unRAID or the docker itself that is causing it. Often when it is updated, it starts again but without the correct timezone. This has resulted in my alarm going off at 2AM instead of 6AM. I can see in the log that it is using UTC instead of my timezone when this happens. If I go in and edit the docker, but don't really change anything, then apply, it seems to fix it. It may be that just restarting it fixes it also, but sometimes that doesn't seem to be enough. I had been using a different docker for this application and it didn't seem to have this problem, but it was seldom updated, and that was a few unRAID version ago anyway. Maybe next time it happens I will try to post a log, but I don't know if it will show anything other than what I already said. It has happened twice in the past week and I am mostly just trying to get back to bed with a working 6AM alarm when it happens.
  14. There are 2 parts to network security generally. Authentication (login) and Authorization (what the user is allowed to do). unRAID authenticates (logs in) the user, and UD authorizes the user to access the device. There is no way to login to UD, just a login to unRAID. Also, root user has no network access. If you try to login as root, you only get guest access to public shares. If you notice, there is no way for you to authorize root user when setting up private or secure shares.
  15. The plugin just leverages SMB/NFS already part of the unRAID OS. You should be able to use FTP, etc. plugins or dockers to allow access to any Unassigned Device mounted by this plugin. In other words, this plugin is just intended to provide the mounting of Unassigned Devices. FTP, etc. should be (and is) provided by other components.
  16. From the post you quoted: From the first post in this thread: The user scripts thread is linked in Squid's signature. If you can't see user sigs on the forum, click on the dropdown at upper right next to your name and go to your Account Settings.
  17. Do you not have unRAID Notifications setup? You really should and for a lot more reasons than just this plugin.
  18. You must let unRAID format a disk after it has been added to the array. It isn't clear since you formatted it, so unRAID will clear it after you add it and then it will format it.
  19. If in doubt, do not copy config/super.dat.
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