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Everything posted by trurl

  1. This plugin doesn't automatically install any of its components. You have to go to the settings page and choose which ones you want.
  2. Simplest for the neophyte is to use DHCP and not worry about the IP address of anything. If they need something more complicated then they can get into the complications.
  3. Could be split level as itimpi says, but thought I would clarify the way minimum free space actually works. It doesn't know how large a file is going to be when it starts writing it. If the free space is more than the minimum it will write to the disk. Suppose you set minimum to 10GB, and the disk has 11GB free. If you write a 10GB file it will write it to the disk, and then it won't try to write any more files to that disk because the free space is less than the minimum. Suppose you set minimum to 10GB and the disk has 11GB free. If you try to write a 12GB file it will try to write because the free space is greater than the minimum, but it will fail when it runs out of space. This is why you set minimum free space larger than the largest file you will write.
  4. Thanks trurl! Will the recreate process use the same file system as the old drive and is there a problem using a mix of xfs and reiserfs in an array? The rebuilt disk is bit for bit identical to the old disk. Some of those bits are the filesystem, so yes it is the same filesystem. Don't make the mistake some have made of trying to change the filesystem during the rebuild process. Changing the filesystem formats it by writing an empty filesystem to the disk. Parity is updated by this write so parity agrees that you have an empty filesystem and when you rebuild that is what you get. Each disk managed by unRAID; i.e., data disks in the parity array and the cache disk(s), can use ReiserFS, XFS, or btrfs. Each disk is an independent filesystem. If you have multiple disks in a cache pool they must be btrfs. XFS is the default for data disks in the parity array, and btrfs is the default for cache disk, but you can choose something else, just be aware that changing filesystems formats the disk.
  5. Well, one reason is if you use NFS. Whenever I have setup a device to use NFS (although the reason to do so is much reduced with the more recent versions of SAMBA), I have had to use the server's IP address to setup the mount point. If there is a way to do it without having that IP address, I am not aware of it... I have the IP address. I just assign it in my router instead of in unRAID. unRAID used DHCP to get the assigned IP from the router. It is always the same, known IP because my router has that specific IP address reserved for the MAC address of my unRAID server. Same for all of my other devices. They all use DHCP but they all have known, unchanging IP addresses because I set them up in my router. Everything managed in one place but everything has a known, unchanging IP address.
  6. Not sure static IP is any better than DHCP. Seen plenty of people get a new internet service and wonder why they can't find their static IP unRAID that is on 192.168.1.x from their DHCP devices that are now on 192.168.2.x All the devices on my network, including unRAID, use DHCP. I have the router reserve IP addresses by MAC address for each of them. Only need to manage them in one place that way. Probably lots of other people do it that way
  7. When I did memtest it was immediately obvious. Then I did memtest with each stick in each slot and it was definitely a bad stick. I was able to run without it fine until I got another one. Yours looks like a stuck bit somewhere since it always comes up "returned 00008 instead of 00000". The bit could be stuck elsewhere in the system I guess, controller or somewhere. In any case it sounds like a recipe for data corruption. If you had another disk I guess you could try it just to make sure it isn't really something with the disk. Could be stuck in the drive electronics I suppose.
  8. If you're not going to remove the old drive then you would have to unassign it so you could reassign that slot to the new drive. If the old drive is removed then it's not necessary to unassign it.
  9. I removed the container and image then re-added it with Community Applications. Why does the template on your github say <WebUI>http://[iP]:[PORT:8085]/admin</WebUI> if it is supposed to be 2202? On the Dashboard, if I click on Ubooquity and select WebUI, it takes me to 8085. If I manually enter the url myself and tell it to go to 2202 it works fine. So it seems like the template is telling us to go to the wrong port when we select WebUI from the menu on the Dashboard.
  10. The template is taking us to the wrong port for the WebUI ... <Port> <HostPort>2202</HostPort> <ContainerPort>2202</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> ... <WebUI>http://[iP]:[PORT:8085]/admin</WebUI> ...
  11. No dockers can see anything that was mounted after the docker service was started. Go to Settings - Docker and stop the docker service then restart it so all dockers can see the new mount.
  12. I think you broke something with the docker. Java is installed inside the docker. Getting unRAID to install java by putting it in the extra folder will not help anything. If the latest version of the .jar is not compatible with the java installed in the docker then it is not going to work.
  13. Looks like unRAID user gshipley has done something with this but for some reason hasn't publicized it. Since it is java I think there may be some chance the dockerfile on his github actually works so you might try it. Here is his template for it: https://github.com/gshipley/docker-templates/blob/master/gshipley/bliss.xml
  14. dockers only know about their volume mappings. /mnt/cache/.transmission/posttorrent.sh is not a path in the docker. Assuming the bolded lines above are your volume mappings, the path you need is /config/posttorrent.sh You really need to understand volume mappings or you will always have these kinds of problems.
  15. That thread is a little long and some of the methods discussed are a little advanced. Just removing the drive and rebuilding parity is the simple way. Here is another wiki about another scenario you might find useful: Replacing Multiple Data Drives with a Single Larger Drive
  16. Many dockers can take a while to startup. How long did you wait after starting the docker before you tried to access its webui?
  17. Not really following your issue in this thread, but just wanted to make sure you don't put the typo you made in this post into your configuration. It shoud be user, not users.
  18. Hit advanced settings when you add the app Thanks, I did click on advanced settings, and I saw the environment variables, but no indication of what the values should be anywhere that I've seen... Its the environment variables and values that I was looking for... Jeff... I switched over to kenji's dropbox docker, but I don't think you need a login. Maybe dropbox changed something on their end. Try going to the website and see if you can find someplace to enter the link info.
  19. Running unraid 6.1.9 My / config file is on /mnt/cache/App Data/Crashplan/. /backup is on one of my disks. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help appreciated. It's having a problem with the space in App Data. Check for an update to the Dynamix webGui.
  20. Gimme an update or 2 to accomplish this. You really don't know what features people want / need until you throw it out there. I already have a .cron running a script for this but intend to convert over to your method. I am currently putting my backup in a subfolder also so if you plan to implement this I may wait for it or else I can move my existing backup to a new share. Thinking the "initial backup" should be pretty quick if I already have an "initial backup". Should be by tomorrow (if not today). - its a lot easier to implement than the exclusions which needs many many test runs (backup and restore) which all depends upon how much TV the wife wants to watch Thanks for the subfolder feature. I wound up keeping my .cron and script because it was also backing up other cache-only shares, but I modified the script rsync to exclude appdata. I have setup the appdata backup using CA for nightly and my other script is only running weekly. My "initial backup" only took a little over a minute since most of it was already there. One thing I would prefer is a notification only on completion with success/fail, instead of a notification on start and another on completion. I love getting emails from my server in the middle of the night but only so I can check them the next morning to see that everything went OK. No point in finding out about the start of the backup several hours after it completed.
  21. Gimme an update or 2 to accomplish this. You really don't know what features people want / need until you throw it out there. I already have a .cron running a script for this but intend to convert over to your method. I am currently putting my backup in a subfolder also so if you plan to implement this I may wait for it or else I can move my existing backup to a new share. Thinking the "initial backup" should be pretty quick if I already have an "initial backup".
  22. How is this possible if he formats the USB drive? Following with these and reading @trurl what is the way to make a backup of the flash disk? keep a copy of: config/super.dat (and you won't have to assign your drives)( if you've changed your array or parity since you backed up that super.dat restoring it could result in data loss) config/*.cfg (files you want to keep the settings from) config/shares/*.cfg (files you want to keep user share settings from) Anything else? Thankyou Gus I think itimpi was just leaving out some details. Perhaps he should have said I usually backup my flash to my PC over the network. super.dat that I mentioned also tracks whether the array is started or stopped. You don't want to restore a copy of that file that was taken while the array was running or unRAID will think you are booting from an unclean shutdown. The flash share can still be accessed even if the array is stopped, so stop the array and then make the backup. And as others mentioned, you definitely don't want to restore super.dat that doesn't have your current drive configuration.
  23. If you start with a fresh install you will just have to reassign all your disks. Be sure you don't assign a data drive to the parity slot or it will get overwritten with parity. Then make any other settings you want in the webUI Alternatively, keep a copy of the config/super.dat and you won't have to assign your drives. Also, you can copy any config/*.cfg files you want to keep the settings from and also the config/shares/*.cfg files you want to keep user share settings from.
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