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Everything posted by trurl

  1. I am getting different behavior with the latest system buttons. Instead of a context menu, I get an additional powerdown button added to the 2 buttons that were already there. This also causes all the buttons at the right to wrap to a line below. I haven't tried to push any of them. Also, when I tried to uninstall it seems to just go back to the 2 buttons instead of removing it completely. Tried clearing browser cache but didn't help. Using chrome.
  2. When I look at mine, I see Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1431440256 Since I didn't do anything to make it update, I assume it just gets the latest version when it installs. You might try just restarting it, or if that doesn't work, reinstall it from your template.
  3. Interesting question - I like and am also keen on this. I tried creating a volume mapping to /boot, but that didn't want to work (/boot doesn't even show up in the host path drop down). I created a soft link from /cache/boot to /boot (ln -s /cache/boot /boot). But this, to me at least, is quite a large security risk. It could inadvertently give access to the flash files where you don't want it, especially if /cache is shared. Another option that springs to mind... create a backup folder on either the cache or a disk / user drive. Don't export it and create a cron job to copy all files periodically. Or do this manually each time you upgrade or change anything (which is what I do - each time I upgrade I backup the entire flash drive to my windows file server which is subsequently backed up to CrashPlan anyhow ). UPDATE Seems you can do this: [*]Create a mapping in the advanced settings. I did /boot to /boot, and made it read only. [*]Open the CrashPlan client and click the Change button on the backup tab [*]Check the "show hidden files" checkbox in the client (I'm using the CrashPlan-client via RDP from the host). [*]Once you've done this, all sorts of wonderful folders spring to life. Including /boot. [*]Select it and ok away, presto it is backing up (238 files for 700 MB in my case) Currently backing up boot > bzroot (7.59% @ 2.6Mbps) Glad you were able to figure it out :-) Would you be able to explain where this advanced settings file is and what exactly I need to do to create this mapping? There is a slider in the upper right to enable advanced settings. Since this is about backing up the flash, you should be aware that unRAID stores the array configuration and start/stop status of the array in /boot/config/super.dat. This is important to know for 2 reasons. The most important reason is that you don't want to restore a backup with a different array configuration than you actually have. There was a user that made a backup of his flash, and after that, he upgraded his parity drive and used the old parity as a data drive. Later when trying to solve some problem, he restored his old flash backup. Unfortunately, this made unRAID think that his old parity (now containing data) was still the parity disk, and it began writing parity to it. Not good. The other reason is that if you make a backup of the flash with the array started, and you later restore that backup and boot, then unRAID will think that the array wasn't stopped before it was shutdown, and it will do a correcting parity check due to an unclean shutdown.
  4. That doesn't seem like a valid host path for unRAID. Are you trying to start this from the command line instead of the docker page in the GUI?
  5. Why aren't you installing it from the GUI Install Plugins page?
  6. Post a syslog that includes these recent activities.
  7. The read and write size can be used to limit the amount of memory preclear uses. Usually not an issue unless you are doing multiple disks at once or have very small RAM. See here
  8. What do you see if you browse that folder in MC?
  9. At the unRAID command line, that path is "/mnt/disk9/Movies/Captain Amer". The easiest way to get there and delete it is to use Midnight Commander. At the command line, just type mc
  10. I think you may be having a misunderstanding about the word share. Anyway, you indicated you had used putty. When you log in to the server as root, you should have permission to delete anything. If the file was open then maybe it wouldn't let you delete it. Where exactly is the folder?
  11. Another reason for putting the config, which is the applications "working storage", on cache instead of the parity protected array is because any writes to the parity protected array will also write to parity, so you would have two disks spinning.
  12. unRAID automatically makes a user share for any folder at the top level of cache or an array data disk. So, if you create a folder at the top level of a disk, and you have user shares enabled, then you have effectively created a user share whether you actually go to the shares page and add that as a share or not. That user share will have default settings if you don't set them.
  13. As you can see from your volume mappings, only a subfolder of /nobody is actually mapped to unRAID. So, /nobody itself is inside the container, and the file you have created is taking up space in your docker .img file. You should remove the container and image in order to clean up your docker .img file. Then add the container again from your template, and when you use it, make sure you make it output to a folder that is mapped to unRAID. That is probably what your /Output folder is for. if he wants the converted file outputted, if he hasn't killed the container yet that is... docker exec -it HandBrake mv /nobody/*.m4v /Output/ from the unraid command line should give him it. Wasn't sure I should give him that opportunity to pollute his docker .img further since his understanding is a little uncertain.
  14. Are you trying to delete by referring to the cache disk or by referring to a user share with files on the cache disk? Whichever answer, what do you have for that disk / share SMB Security Settings?
  15. As you can see from your volume mappings, only a subfolder of /nobody is actually mapped to unRAID. So, /nobody itself is inside the container, and the file you have created is taking up space in your docker .img file. You should remove the container and image in order to clean up your docker .img file. Then add the container again from your template, and when you use it, make sure you make it output to a folder that is mapped to unRAID. That is probably what your /Output folder is for.
  16. &codes are indispensible. Similar to html " " ' ' < < > > & & Yeah, except that putting "This & That" within HTML won't cause a fatal error. <Whatever>"This & That"</Whatever>
  17. &codes are indispensible. Similar to html " " ' ' < < > > & &
  18. You could probably come up with some XSL and plug it in here.
  19. Do these buttons have any sort of "Are You Sure" verification? I get accidental clicks a lot when connecting to the WebGUI via a touch screen. Nope, it's like real buttons ... the moment you press them and off it goes! Thanks. I vote for including the powerdown plugin with this and also maybe add verification functionality based on the Confirmation Settings.
  20. Thanks Trurl & BobPhoenix - I was able to use my main key in another machine to start PreClear on one of my drives through Console, though not both simultaneously. Now that it's going, it will be perhaps a bit more difficult to determine which drive was PreCleared since both are running. Not sure how long this will take - probably several days and I will have to do it again for the other drive, although it will allow me to create a new Larger Parity Drive when the 1st one is complete. Without an additional Sata Slot, is there a simple way to move data to a larger drive so that it can be removed/replaced or should I simply do a disk copy over the network and/or computer to computer. My Tower does have another Network Card which might be possible to use between computers w/o going through a switch. Not exactly sure how but.. Suggestions welcomed! Dave The usual way would be to just rebuild a smaller disk onto a larger one. Were you wanting to use a different file system on the new drives?
  21. Me too. Wonder why it wasn't blocking it before.
  22. Just use any old flash drive and boot up with 5.0 or 6.0 unRAID and preclear your disks on the other machine. You don't need a key for that as far as I know but I will say I've only used unRAID 5.0 for this so cannot confirm about 6.0. I do know 4.7 would be limited to 2.2TB disks in the array so likely it wouldn't preclear > 2.2TB correctly. You must use the latest preclear. It will work on unRAID 5 or 6.
  23. Can we assume this is only for v6? Might be a good idea to note that in the OP.
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