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Everything posted by trurl

  1. You seem to have started a new thread instead of posting in the unbalance thread where you started this. I am going to lock this thread. You can post again in the other thread.
  2. Also note that any mapping to an Unassigned Device that isn't mounted is also in RAM.
  3. The typical thing that will cause docker image to grow is some application writing to a path that isn't mapped. In the settings for the application, the paths must be absolute and must be a path that matches a mapping, case-sensitive.
  4. Why do you have so much allocated for docker image? Had you been filling it? I usually recommend 20G and if that isn't enough you need to figure out what is writing into the image. The image shouldn't grow. Looks like your cache is corrupt. Try to copy everything off it so you can reformat it.
  5. I haven't bothered with that in a very long time. Looking at the last posts on its thread it seems like it might not be working well with the latest Unraid.
  6. So why do you think only docker hub is impacted? Can your VMs access docker hub?
  7. Are you saying you moved an array disk from SATA to a USB enclosure? USB isn't recommended for array disks since they often have less reliable connections. I would only consider USB for an array that isn't using parity. And USB often presents disks differently than SATA, which is likely the issue you are having now. Rather than suggest a workaround, it might be more productive to reconsider what you are doing. Why did you have to do this? Tell us more about your system. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  8. Please attach directly to your post in future instead of linking to unknown external sites. You have more dockers than I usually run, and I know krusader is large (I just use the builtin Midnight Commander instead). Each of your plex containers are almost 3 times as large as mine. I use linuxserver.io plex instead of binhex, but I doubt there is that much difference. Maybe you are transcoding into the docker image? Are you sure your transcode path is mapped? The main thing though is your docker image shouldn't grow. Has it been growing?
  9. Possibly you have some shares misconfigured. Post diagnostics.
  10. If you don't create it using the Add Container page, then it won't have a template and you can't manage it from the Unraid webUI. And if you don't specify a name when you create it, the docker engine gives it one from some random naming scheme it has. Even dockers on the docker hub can be created using the Add Container page so you shouldn't have to do it at the command line. The Add Container page is just a form and its entries are used to create the docker run command. Also, if you use the Add Container page to create the docker, it also creates and saves a template with the form already filled that it will reuse when you Edit the container, or you can reuse it to add that same container in the future.
  11. OK, that looks good, appdata, domains, and system all on cache and set to cache-prefer. But your docker image is larger than I usually recommend. I am concerned that it is already using 20G. Are you sure you don't have something writing into the docker image? My usual recommendation is 20G for the total docker image allocation, and it shouldn't be growing. Go to Docker, click on Container Size at the bottom, and post a screenshot.
  12. That is exactly the WRONG setting and could cause exactly the problem of getting your stuff on array where it will perform worse, will keep disks spinning, and is difficult to get back on cache where it belongs. What I said was Yes means write to cache then move to array. Better post your diagnostics so I can take a look. It can take several steps to get this right if you already have made it wrong.
  13. Split your thread. Some people use GPU for hardware transcoding with their Plex docker, for example. I do that but just use the builtin iGPU on my Intel CPU.
  14. Did your "starting over" include deleting the appdata for the docker? That is likely where any relevant settings are kept.
  15. Locking this thread. If anyone wants to continue discussion take it to the plugin thread.
  16. For NAS functionality not much is needed. The main concern would be the reliability of old disks. In order to reliably rebuild a missing disk, parity PLUS ALL other disks must be reliably read. If you get into dockers and VMs then performance becomes more important. How much RAM will you have?
  17. As mentioned you should be able to mount them using Unassigned Devices, then you won't have to work over the network with them. Do you have backups of anything important and irreplaceable? You should regardless of whether you take this next bit of advice or not. If you do the transfer before installing parity it will be able to write the data somewhat faster since parity doesn't have to be updated. Or you could use Turbo write to get faster writes with parity: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79454-file-transfer-results-in-error-0x8007003b/ Don't cache anything for the initial data load. Cache doesn't have the capacity and it will just get in the way. However, best if you install cache before enabling dockers and VMs so those can get created on cache. As you get each disk's data transferred to the array, you can add it to the array and Unraid will clear it so parity is maintained. Since these disks presumably won't suffer from infant mortality, there is no need to burn them in with preclear. However, parity PLUS ALL disks must be reliably read in order to reliably rebuild a missing disk, so it is important that all disks in the array be reliable. Pay attention to SMART warnings on the Dashboard. If you don't use parity during the initial transfer then you can even avoid the clearing of the disks and just build parity at the end. I don't have any real estimate to give you on writing 57TB, and there will be other things happening during this process that will also take some time. I would expect several days for sure.
  18. He's been on another thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79454-file-transfer-results-in-error-0x8007003b/ for several months but it has been kind of frustrating trying to get any useful information.
  19. While it is still up, go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to you NEXT post. That will give us a better idea about your configuration and hardware. Then, see here for how to capture syslog so you can post it after crash: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=781601
  20. Go to the Apps page and put "parity" in the search box.
  21. And would still like to get complete diagnostics. It has information about your configuration that we can't get from syslog.
  22. That diagnostic only has syslog of a few minutes since reboot. I didn't notice anything in the syslog about your issue. Have you actually attempted to enable VM since that syslog began (rebooted)? I do notice a number of warnings from FCP though. Why do you have so many dockers without templates? Did you have a problem with flash at some point? You can't manage a docker in the webUI if it doesn't have a template.
  23. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  24. Have you done memtest (on the boot menu)? Before it crashes, go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post. Also, see here for more on how to get us information leading up to the crash: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=781601
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