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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. when using host mode theres not much you could do wrong, may one thing, try with dlna off in plex. also in case u already tested some more tv proxies in plex, may clean up ... check at the discord channel on xteve for specific help there about the app.
  2. also thanks from here to @bluemonster for the fix and @ljm42 for the script
  3. g morning, since tha last CA Apps update it seems there is something weird with LSiO Dockers, always showing update available even all updates are done. when i then say update all it also pulls 0 byte and just restarts docker. when i then again say check for updates lsio dockers are all available again ... no big issue, just wondered ... sample when updating
  4. or to use as subfolder (i had to dig a little to find) take a look at your filebrowser.json sample here to use as my.domain.com/files in filebrowser.json "baseURL": "/files", nginx location ^~ /files/ { auth_basic off; allow all; # Allow all to see content include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; proxy_buffering off; access_log off; }
  5. 502 ... u sure u got it correctly addressed ? working fine here behind lsio letsencrypt nginx ... from nginx conf proxy_pass;
  6. glad it works as it should. in case ... just leave a message.
  7. there should be a sample_xteve.txt file in your /_config folder ... when you open it ... i added a optional startup for xteve extra for cases like this so you can choose ... may check the readme, so when u edit and rename the file, xteve should start with those options. i hope this answers your question
  8. well, there is actually no plan to add this feature cause xteve is designed to take as much m3u´s as u need and build a final m3u and xml ... i use 5 m3u´s sources as sample ... i think about it if there are more wich would need that feature, it is of course possible. for now as easy command docker exec -it <dockername> xteve -config="/root/.xteve/server2" -port="34401" & now u have a second instance running with its subdir /server2 inside your mounted folder listening on port 34401 alternative of course run 2 docker instances just sep. unraid folders like .../appdata/xteve1/ .../appdata/xteve2/ i hope that helps for now ... if there are more i will add this feature basically
  9. added in the xteve only version. new option use_TVH_xml="yes" ## TVHeadend xml as source in case wanted ### Disable TVH_move caue senseless and looping epg ... TVHXML="/root/.xteve/data/tvhguide.xml" to get the new config, rename the old one to get the updated file version and make your settings.
  10. pretty sure and pretty simple, let me test something and i report back
  11. Docker - xteve_vpn ### as more are yousing it as i thought it will stay online ### alpine based xteve with openvpn in Docker Git: https://github.com/alturismo/xteve_vpn Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/alturismo/xteve_vpn ## bridge mode only !!! enabe buffer in xteve, otherwise VPN is obsolete !!! ## as bridge mode only Plex will moan "device not found" but will work anyway, in case u need adjustments restart plex Docker - hideme_privoxy alpine based privoxy with hideme wireguard in Docker Git: https://github.com/alturismo/wg_hideme_privoxy Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/alturismo/wg_hideme_privoxy Docker - ovpn_privoxy alpine based privoxy with openvpn in Docker Git: https://github.com/alturismo/ovpn_privoxy Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/alturismo/ovpn_privoxy ## update, auto restart ovpn added, check every 3 minutes online status, if offline and auto reconnect failed (sample, router disconnect ...) Docker - xteve alpine based xteve with cron job Docker Project: https://xteve.de/ Git: https://github.com/alturismo/xteve Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/alturismo/xteve Docker - xteve_guide2go alpine based xteve, guide2go with croncron job Docker for Schedulus Direct subscriptions, for SD setup follow the guide Project: https://xteve.de/ Git: https://github.com/alturismo/xteve_guide2go Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/alturismo/xteve_guide2go ### feature update, if wanted, rename cronjob.sh and redo settings + extras Docker - guide2go alpine based cron job Docker for Schedulus Direct subscriptions, for SD setup follow the guide Git: https://github.com/mar-mei/guide2go Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/alturismo/guide2go SD: http://www.schedulesdirect.org/ Docker - owi2plex alpine based cron job Docker to grab EPG Data from enigma openweb interface Git: https://github.com/cvarelaruiz/owi2plex Dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/alturismo/owi2plex Dockers have a config to setup wich lineups to fetch and a configurable cron (persistent). There are some extra jobs like updating xteve and move guide to TVHeadend as im using them, can be turned on/off. credits to the source programmers, i just used those apps and prefered the docker solution, so i putted them together to fit my needs. ########################################### update all guide2go dockers from me (guide2go, xteve_g2g, xteve_g2g_owi) cronjob.sh needs an update if SD is used, added cache function's to get pictures back in Plex ###########################################
  12. g morning, docker update from today morning here, possible something broke ? or is there a change i have to add ? nginx: [emerg] dlopen() "/var/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_stream_geoip2_module.so" failed (Error relocating /var/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_stream_geoip2_module.so: ngx_stream_add_variable: symbol not found) in /etc/nginx/modules/http_geoip2.conf:1
  13. Hi, may some help what could be wrong with an python app running in user scripts i get the following error in log when running from user scripts script is simple as #!/bin/bash owi2plex -h -u user -p pass- -b UHD -o /mnt/user/appdata/guide2go/enigmaUHD.xml >> /dev/null when i run this from unraid terminal all is good, from user scripts its missing something ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/owi2plex", line 11, in sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/click/core.py", line 764, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/click/core.py", line 696, in main _verify_python3_env() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/click/_unicodefun.py", line 124, in _verify_python3_env ' mitigation steps.' + extra RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/python3/ for mitigation steps. For any Tipps, thanks ahead ### EDIT ### in case someone else could need it, had to add the following in the script export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 now it works
  14. here its looking all good with hw transcoding, tested in tvh and plex, just as note. unraid 671, i7 8700, intel gpu, HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1795~g771dfd6be
  15. Perfect, thanks for the Info Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  16. i upgraded from 32 to 64 DDR Ram. Plex using alot of RAM here and i wanted a 3rd VM Ubuntu for xrdp remote chrome etc. may a question, is the /tmp from host autpmatically usable as RAM disk ? so when i mount /transcode from Plex to /tmp in host should it be all in RAM or do i have to mount something special for RAM ?
  17. may another question with a different approach i tried now an startup script (entrypoint.sh) to get my execution(s) customizable my goal is a config file wich then is used for executions my problem seems to be the loop and detaching the app from terminal so it ll kill the app after the loop is done, while if theres no config file its working ... thanks ahead for an tip sample config.txt -port="34400" -debug="0" -config="/root/.xteve/test/" -port="34401" -debug="2" entrypoint.sh #!/bin/sh if [ -f "/root/.xteve/custom.txt" ]; then echo "Custom config found" file="/root/.xteve/custom.txt" while read -r line do if ! [[ ${line:0:1} = \# ]] ; then echo "Starting xteve with "$line"" ./xteve/xteve "$line" ### << NOT working, gets executedm then stops ... docker dead fi done <"$file" echo "all custom started" else echo "no custom config, starting default" ./xteve/xteve -port="34400" -debug="0" ### << working fi
  18. thanks for the reply, i thought thats the init stage (variables to the app run command) i tried to figure it by taking a look at some dockers around, but actually didnt come further, nvm, i ll take another attempt some day thanks again
  19. OK, thanks for the Info, means a simple download folder is not possible. Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  20. ok, so 1st it has to be an unknown host when i read correctly, makes sense. tried and ended always up like this with adding /config/www Setting Browser when using http://ip/blabla <- while blabla is located at /config/www For an Tipp thanks ahead
  21. g morning, well, this was just an sample with a port in this case this docker runs in host mode so port setting is obsolete next step would be to config a subdirectory etc ... thats why i would like to know if i can set a variable to the CMD argue, or is this always hardcoded ? cause when i add dockers from apps here i also often can add variables etc wich are then used on docker run
  22. sure pretty simple, i try learning a little about building docker sample https://github.com/alturismo/xTeveTest/blob/master/Dockerfile <- working nuttom command port 34400 as you see i run the app and the port in docker hardcoded, now i d like to make the port configurable through the webgui, so my start was to make it variable so i could set something in unraid gui ... sample as mentioned, 1st docker, 1st tests ... i tried some stiff with ENV and ARG but never came to an result
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