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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please post the full log output. Since this is one of the few containers where I only maintain the template and have no control how the container is working or can't change anything in the container I would recommend that you post that over on the GitHub Issue tracker: Click
  2. As said, it's not possible. What do you want to do? You can't set the fan speed on Unraid. When the driver is loaded the default fan curve that the manufacturer defined is applied which is stored in the vBIOS.
  3. I think you are talking about the Steam Server Browser and not in game correct...? : That's caused because Steam can't correctly interpret for how many players the server is made for but if you are search it in game you will get this: (please ignore that it is listed twice, one time is over my public IP and one time is via LAN)
  4. Have you yet tried if more than 10 people can connect? Have you enabled anything on your client, so to speak your local PC? Maybe it displays error, do you see this in-game or where do you see the 64 players?
  5. Könnte auch am NIC liegen, hast du evtl. irgendwo einen Mellanox 10Gbit/s und es mit dem versuchen? Ich hab noch irgendwo im Hinterkopf das es mit denen mal Geschwindigkeitsprobleme gab.
  6. Do you've enabled any mods? BepInEx can cause something like that for example. The default setting should be 10 IIRC and that's also the maximum what should be supported.
  7. That is only possible on modded servers and the vanilla server only accepts 10 players AFAIK.
  8. Yeah I know, I already said that in the blog post (and I completely get that you can‘t easiely change a video):
  9. Oh no, I just saw that Mordhau was one of the games that I did on request and which I actually don't own, so to speak I can't test it. Anyways, I've now gone through the documentation from the dedicated server and can't find anything that changed, the ports are all the same and it should work as it is. Please double check your port forwarding. Can you see the game in the Steam Server Browser (Steam -> View -> Servers -> Favorites -> Add Server -> enter YOURLOCALIP:27015 -> Add -> click Refresh twice), if you can see it try to connect through that. Have you only tried to connect to the server through your local LAN or have you yet tried it from WAN, so to speak from not inside your LAN too?
  10. I will try this tomorrow on my PC but it seems the client can't establish the connection.
  11. Why? You are making your life harder with that... For game servers just forward the ports (with the appropriate protocol) in your router and that's it. Just for clarification, game servers usually don't use the http/https protocol and instead they use proprietary encrypted protocols and when you are routing them over a nginx webserver that can't work (of course you could, but you won't have much fun with that because you have to use streaming ports and so on and that is way overkill). Oh before I forget, also don't forward the ports to other ports when you set up the NAT, so to speak don't set up the a port forwarding like this: Internal: 7777 <-> External: 7778 You always have to use the same ports as in the template: Internal: 7777 <-> External: 7777 ...and don't forget to forward all the ports from the template (with the correct protocol). Hope that makes sense and explains it a bit more.
  12. Can you please gove me a bit more information? When do you see this error? What did you do exactly? Is this an error from the log? On what Unraid version are you?
  13. What did you upgrade? The driver? That makes no difference at all, both drivers are supporting both of your cards.
  14. Yes. Please post your Diagnostics. I think in your case something else is preventing the card from being recognized in the plugin when the VM is off. @alturismo does something similar with his cards and the plugin is able to see the cards again after a VM is stopped.
  15. This means that the server is started successful. However this message means that something at the update process from the dedicated server itself has failed but there is nothing I can do about that. Do you use any AdBlocking software in your network? Are you sure that nothing is blocking the communication with Steam?
  16. I‘m really not that familiar with BepInEx but I know from a few people that it is working, even with mods. Is it maybe possible that you installed client side mods to the container? Please also keep in mind that there are client/server side mods and some mods even need to be installed on the client side to. Valheim Plus is currently broken and there is nothing I can do about that because Valheim Plus needs to be updated and then it will work again, I would recommend that you report that it is currently broken for the current Valheim version on the official Valheim Plus GitHub Issue tracker. As said above I can‘t give support for mods since I can‘t know how every mod is working. But if they are working if you are installing it to your local game maybe they are client side only and don‘t support dedicated servers at all.
  17. No, you have to click RAW, this is the correct URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/un-get/master/un-get.plg
  18. Your source and destination is set to the same...? Is this a local share or do you back up to a remote share?
  19. Kurz und knapp: Ja Ja, aber wenn es dir nicht um die Datensicherheit geht dann kannst du auch beide Datenträger in das Array rein packen ohne Parity und ohne Cache <- keine Angst, das mindert die Leistung nicht. Ein Cache ist nicht zwingend erforderlich wird aber empfohlen wenn du ein Array hast das Parity geschutzt ist da die Parity die Schreibleistung mindert, was in deinem speziellen Fall nicht der Fall ist. Hope that helps.
  20. As far as I know no. I think there was one user with the same question and I found on GitHub that this feature is development but that was almost 6 months ago. I would recommend that you post an Issue on Photoprisms GitHub with that question to get a definitive answer from the developers. GitHub Issue Tracker EDIT: I've now found one Issue on GitHub for that: Click
  21. Yes. No, this is how you make game servers available to the public. If you really want to hide your IP you have to enter the CF paid tier where you are able to forward ports to, but in my oppinion that would be a bit overkill for a game server.
  22. Bei der ursprünglichen Übersetzung wurde sich darauf geeinigt die Persönliche Anrede, sprich "du" zu verwenden aber durch die vielen PRs auf GitHub sind sicherleich einige Sie dazwischen gerutscht. Ich habe meistens vermieden "du/Sie" zu verwenden und eher Sachlich zu bleiben ohne eine Anrede zu verwenden, deshalb werden die "Sie" auch vermutlich mehr auffallen.
  23. Please try it without mods fist if possible, you are making it harder for yourself that it is... Are you sure that you have BepInEx enabled on the client too? If not you can't connect to it. Even enabling BepInEx on the vanilla game won't let you connect if it's not enabled on the client and/or you have installed different mods. This is the wrong port, the query port is 2457 IIRC Why, this isn't even necessary. Please keep in mind I usually support mods since I can't know how all mods are working. In your case I would really recommend to start over fresh and removing the container, removing the valheim folder which lives in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App without enabling any mods whatsoever. After that make sure that you've disabled all your mods on your PC and see if you can connect. In my case the server is just working fine and I can connect without a issue.
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