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Everything posted by Tucubanito07

  1. You will want to go to the config file and change the maintenance to this -> 'maintenance' => false, This is located in /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/www/nextcloud/config/config.php
  2. I hope someone can help me with this error. When I go to settings and I click on overview under administration. I get the below error. This is a fresh install on 23.0.0. I have been searching around and can't seem to find the answer. I does not happen to me on the other container I have but on a version 21.0.x. There are some errors regarding your setup. Error occurred while checking server setup
  3. I tried doing it the manual way and got an error "Exception: Database error when running migration latest for app notifications" and after some research i see that mariadb 10.6 is not compatible. So i checked my mariadb and its on "MySQL version: 5.5.5-10.5.13-MariaDB-log" so i have no idea why. Welp, ill try another version when its release and see. Thank you @tazire
  4. I am on release candidate 2 for Unraid and every time I update nextcloud I have errors. Could it be because no everything on the container is update to work on the new Unraid version 6.10 RC2? I tried to update to 21.0.7 just now and it kept telling me "The server was unable to complete your request. If this happens again, please send the technical details below to the server administrator. More details can be found in the server log. Technical details Remote Address: 10.10.x.x" However, when I checked the logs on "cat /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/www/nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log" and there was nothing. Has anyone ran into this problem?
  5. I am experiencing the same. My Nextcloud gui instance is slow. Hopefully, this gets fixed with a Unraid update or a docker update.
  6. Awesome thank you. I will update the go file with this.
  7. Ok awesome thank you so much. I can see it now.
  8. Well that was not there before grrrrrr. @JonathanM I swear I read the whole log and didnt see that. I believe it was the OVPN file I was trying to use that was not Peer to Peer and when I loaded the new one, It connected and threw this error and I didn't see it going through it. Well sir, I appreciated your help on this. I have been trying to fix this for the last couple of days. Will I have to do that command again do you happen to know?
  9. Yea. I just got another oven file and the credentials.conf has the NordVPN password I sue to login to the account. Here are the latest logs after getting a new OVPN that is dedicated to Peer to Peer. Edit: I deleted the logs.
  10. I don't see anything wrong in the logs. Edit: I deleted the logs.
  11. Sorry to jump in on this response. But my WebUI does not come up. But if I switch it to VPN to no like you requested to the other user, then the WebUI works. I set it back to yes and stops working. However, the container still works with Sonarr and Radarr. Do you by any chance know why this would happen? I believe all I have done is update the container and that’s it.
  12. I voted for ZFS. But I know when I first tried ZFS I was not able to use different size HDD and that is the reason why I came to Unraid. I have been on Unraid for a couple of years now and all I can say is good things about it. If ZFS supported different sizes of HDD that would be awesome.
  13. So what I am seeing is to change the tag to :latest and update it that way and make sure Nextcloud is stopped.
  14. When we update the container to the latest? Will it break anything on the database? If you know. Any recommendations on updating it so it does not mess up any of the databases we have already working.
  15. When ever the tag gets update to ALPINE = LATEST, what will happen to the application if we update it then? Will it corrupt the database or would we have to do something before we update to make sure it does not corrupt the databases or mess up anything when updating? Also, why are you guys going to Alpine? What's the benefits?
  16. What is the difference between this container and the jlesage and djoss?
  17. Hey guys, Try this link. It worked for another user that was having issues. https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1746902.rss
  18. This is the link I use. I just copied it from the iPhone podcast app. Hope this helps. https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1746902.rss
  19. Dude you rock. This looks good. I have Ryzen and seems to work. Thank you for all your work.
  20. You have to look for it with the url. Go to library and click on edit and click on add a show by url and paste the link. This should work.
  21. Thank you so much. Switching to that version resolved the issues I was having with Sonarr and Radarr not connecting and also the indexer not connecting.
  22. Where do you run that? On terminal or console for deluged? Having issues with sonar and radar connecting and would like to try this version and see if it fixed my issue. Thank you.
  23. I would like to know as well? I know there has been a lot of testing and that’s good. It would be nice to at least know a ballpark that’s all.
  24. I see this option. The only thing is, there is no option on deluge that says SOnarr move/copy to TV Shows and Radarr move/copy to Movies. If that was an option, this would resolve the issue. But @binhex on the above comment said that sonarr or radarr are the ones who copy the files. My problem is, that it does not copy all of the files over to the TV Shows or Movies. It works for some but now all, which is very weird.