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Everything posted by xPliZit_xs

  1. Just for later and reference for others. Here is the line in UNRAID Syslinux configuration: kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot kvm-amd.nested=1 kvm-amd.avic=1 kvm-amd.npt=1
  2. Hi, just wanted to share my story of a successful update. Nextcloud was no longer accessible through web interface complaining about php v8.2 version. My installed version of nextcloud was 25.0.4. (can be checked in nextcloud installation directory a file called: updater.log) I changed the repository name as suggested by @tomwhi from: linuxserver/nextcloud to: linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.6-ls204 and applied to the docker From this point on nextcloud was accessible through web interface again. From web interface started the usual update procedure. In total there were two updates that completed one after the other. Afterwards, i changed the repository back to linuxserver/nextcloud and applied. Good luck!
  3. That was it!! Thanks so much. Now running VM's with avic enabled.
  4. Hi, i tried to adopt the suggestions for AMD and apply it at boot time but not working for me: kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot kvm-amd.nested=0 kvm-amd.enable_avic=1 kvm-amd.enable_npt=1 In unraid avic is always 0 or disabled when checking the features using: "grep -RHE '*' /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/" I would like to enable it and try it. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
  5. In portainer look for "Images". A list of images associated with docker containers and some are marked as "unused". In portainer select them clicking the checkbox and then click the remove button.
  6. What coincidence. Thanks for providing the update to quickly. Thanks!
  7. Hi @Roxedus, a new version has been out for a bit, just a heads up. Thank you. 👍
  8. Hey Guys, for people with issues with lancache... I did some research on the original Lancache website and they mention Lancache does not like when certain ports are shared with Lancache e.g.53,80 and 443. This is likely the issue here when running on Unraid assuming you run other containers using any of these ports. A workaround is to create a VM e.g. ubuntu and install Lancache on that VM. Within that VM Lancache has exclusive access to these ports. I am currently checking this myself and it looks promising!! My issues went away but still testing more. A video guide here: a written guide here: https://lurkingforgames.com/lancache I am happy with this and still testing! Also within the lancache folder you can do a "nano .env" and you can see most of the parameters from the Unraid Lancache docker settings. Change them exactly like you had it before.
  9. That finally worked!! Make sure to spell "keyFile" with CAPITAL F
  10. This is the only way i know that works. Its really not very hard once you can copy&paste everything.
  11. Ok guys.... i could not resist and did a fresh install using the latest jitsi and it worked for me. Follow my REINSTALL guide below its (99.9% Spaceinvaderone with my own words) Needless to say is that you have to have a working SWAG reverse PROXI. REINSTALL GUIDE Precondition: This tutorial requires that your letsencypt/SWAG reverse proxi works and your firewall forwarding ports are set correctly. UNINSTALL 1. open portainer and select the "stack" of jitsi containers. Select all 4 and stop and then click remove. In unraid web ui click stop on the displayed jitis container 2. open krusader and rename the existing jisti folder in appdata e.g. jitis_bak INSTALL 1. Open terminal into UNRAID from web interface 2. Paste: curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.5/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 3. sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 4. Install portainer if not already done (use video as in community applications from spaceinvader) 5. mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/jitsi/jitsi-meet-cfg/{web/letsencrypt,transcripts,prosody,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri} (press ENTER) 6. mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/jitsi/github && cd /mnt/user/appdata/jitsi/github (press ENTER) 7. git clone https://github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet && cd docker-jitsi-meet (press ENTER) 8. use nano to edit the .env file -> enter: nano env.example (press ENTER) -> leave the 6 passwords blank at the beginning of the file -> edit location of the config from: CONFIG=~/.jitis-meet-cfg to: CONFIG=/mnt/user/appdata/jitsi/jitsi-meet-cfg/ -> edit timezone if needed (optional) -> enable public URL for the web service (remove # in front of line) and then put YOUR full URL of your jitsi webservice under which user can reach jitsi e.g. PUBLIC_URL=https://geocities.meetmeonjitsi.org -> remove # from line "DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS=" and edit the IP to your current UNRAID IP address DONT IGNORE the authentication part. USE Authentication -> remove # from ENABLE_AUTH=1 -> remove # from ENABLE_GUESTS=1 -> remove # from AUTH_TYPE=internal when using nano press CTRL+O then ENTER to write the file and CTRL+X to exit 9. cp env.example .env (press ENTER) 10. gen-passwords.sh (press ENTER) 11. docker-compose up -d (press ENTER) Note: if you have done any install before then old jitisi containers may exist already and show up with _1 at the end of the name. Unused old containers can be removed or pruned later. 12. login to portainer -> you will see 1 stack has been created -> select it and click docker-jitsi-meet to see all four containers use the video guide to see howto rename them. Essentially assign proxynet to each container (join network), delete(leave network) the already existing network and rename the container as below for all 4: - jicofo -> focus.meet.jitsi - jvb -> video.meet.jitsi - prosody -> xmpp.meet.jitsi - web -> meet.jitsi 13. Assuming letsencrypt/SWAG is already running correctly then all the necessary files are in place -> Stop SWAG, Start SWAG 14. open a console window into the container xmpp.meet.jitsi in UNRAID dashboard left click on xmpp.meet.jitis container (running) and select console USE as example: prosodyctl --config /config/prosody.cfg.lua register <<YOUR USERNAME>> meet.jitsi <<YOUR PASSWORD>> PASTE (EXAMPLE): prosodyctl --config /config/prosody.cfg.lua register Johnny meet.jitsi PIW*$@$(J822189429 Press ENTER Close the console Restart xmpp.meet.jitsi container (optional/untested: restart SWAG again. This may resolve that you have to restart unraid (untested)) 15. Reboot UNRAID 16. TEST Jitsi Just did this myself and worked correctly. If it not working for you then maybe there is an issue with your reverse proxi. Thanks and Good Luck!
  12. @markinsutton i was able to get the latest version working but only if you did not "update" but just reinstall according to the video. After the install i usually would get some kind of error/browser crash when connecting to the browser. In this case you would restart unraid server and after this jitsi would work. I am running whatever is latest from about 1-2 month ago. So a new install seems to be ok but the update according to page 1 might break further updates and would not recommend trying this. Stop jitsi contianers then uninstall old version by using portainer to remove jisti containers and rename old jisti folder in appdata as a "backup" in case you need it. Then start new jitsi install from scratch. When install is done reboot your server. Worked for me. P.S. i had to use authentication as described in the step when the .env file is created otherwise jitsi install would not work at all.
  13. Hi, would it be possible to have this TS-DNSSERVER work together with DNScrypt-Proxy running on another machine? I currently have a unbound dns server forwarding to dnscrypt-proxy on another machine and wanted to give this docker a try but i dont want to miss out on the features of dnscryp-proxy. Thanks.
  14. Next thing i would try to make sure you use the card bios as file and specify it in the vm settings when you have only one gfx card in use.
  15. If you boot your Unraid in UEFI mode then try disabling it. Goto your bios and select the non-UEFI usb stick to boot from. This fixed ALL vm related issues i had. It is also suggested by Spaceinvaderone.
  16. Hi All, i have found a recovery for my jitsi install when it became unusable after a update. Broadly speaking all you have to do is follow SpaceinvaderOne's video and install jitsi again with a small change... 1. Backup your old jitsi install (/mnt/user/appdata/jitsi) or just rename the folder. 2. Remove the jisti containers using portainer (delete). The container stack will be recreated in the video guide. 3. Start following the video guide till 8:52, right after the git clone command to pulldown the docker. 4. Goto /appdata/jitsi/github/docker-jitsi-meet and open the docker-compose.yml file in a text editor. 5. Change the version of the docker container which is pulled for the installation to an older version! I used build 4416 which was released around the time when the installation video was posted. Note: for reference goto: "https://hub.docker.com/search?q=jitsi&type=image" Then search for jitsi, there is a tab called "Tag" that shows all available container build versions. Modify the docker-compose.yml. Within the file there are 4 sections corresponding to each container: image: jitsi/prosody:latest replace the part after image: with jitsi/prosody:4416 image: jitsi/jicofo:latest replace the part after image: with jitsi/jicofo:4416 image: jitsi/jvb:latest replace the part after image: with jitsi/jvb:4416 image: jitsi/web:latest replace the part after image: with jitsi/web:4416 Once done, save the file and exit the editor. 6. Continue and finish the install following the guide in the video. Hope that helps to recover broken installs. It worked for me. Feel free to re-install and test any newer version of jitsi until your install breaks The latest version as of today had issues for me... Thanks.
  17. I have checked on my live system and the web/letsencrypt folder exists and is empty. So perhaps it does not matter.
  18. I would like to know this too. If someone set's up a new Jitsi container then this should be clarified. Hope somebody can answer this? Thanks.
  19. Is updating JITSI still possible the same way as suggested on page 1 of this thread? Thanks!
  20. coming from 6.8.3 and upgrading to 6.9 the SSD must be reformatted to take advantage of the new alignment? What are the advantages ? Thanks.
  21. Hi, running 6.8.3 and recently went into Settings/VPN-Manager. I have a WG0 Tunnel already but i created WG1 out of curiosity.... The problem is that i cannot delete WG1 because the button to delete is not in the GUI for WG1 but it there for WG0. Thanks, hopefully this can be fixed.
  22. Hmm that's some significant system load. I can reproduce this as well. Who would have thought this task was so resource heavy.
  23. I don't know.... this smells like a HW issue. Check your PSU/Connectors/cabeling. Which PSU do you have? Also, you said you had it working with Windows before but was it "really" stable? Did you check using stability tester sw e.g. AIDA64, OCCT etc ? For memory test Memtest5 using 1usmus v3 profile is suggested as well. Just FYI, i have a Ryzen 3700X on Asus Prime x570 with 32GB @ 3600Mhz stable. No special settings needed running current 6.8.3 of unraid.