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Everything posted by blaine07

  1. You might check this out. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/119502-bzimage-checksum-error/
  2. Upgrade fine for me. I however don’t think I’ve ever seen so many “BZimage Checksum” errors on a upgrade cycle. Happened to me on my T610 when going into the RCs and had to turn off the setting in Dells that causes issue. BZimage thing is concerning.
  3. Will try this in a bit. I don’t think error actually hurts anything… other than me because I know it’s there LOL Thank you!
  4. To add: Also noticed if I go to apps tab, pull up a specific app and update it that way it doesn't seem to translate and show that on the docker tab that I went to Apps tab and updated a app. Docker tab continues to show "Apply Update" Not sure knowing that helps anything either but...
  5. So sorry @Squid just saw your reply. This prompted me to go see what needs to be updated. Ironically it brings about another issue. When I hit "check for updates" from the docker tabs..ALL the containers just sit at "checking" and spin the refresh wheel. Once I refresh the browser tab after waiting a fair bit of time it'll show what actually needs updated. Used to when hitting "check for updates" on docker tab it would process what containers had updates rather quickly. I went to "Apps" tab and used Filestash as test exhibit. I went to update it, it popped up this big white screen. It went from SOLID white to the pic I attached. It never "finished" in the GUI. I waited a few minutes, refreshed Unraid Tab and it showed the container had been created 1 minute ago. On a *maybe* related note, when I click "Container Size" on the bottom of the Docker Tab, it loads but never finishes to show me my docker container size/containers size. Could that be related to the other "lag" I am seeing with containers updating and etc? Docker Setting Page:
  6. I searched this thread first and no dice. In MySQL container trying to find a way to suppress "mbind: Operation not permitted." It appears it's possible to suppress the message? https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/seccomp/#run-without-the-default-seccomp-profile Anyone have any insight/help?
  7. Either/any of yall using pfsense or something by chance? EDIT: with PfSense I had a bunch of issues after switching and my fix was Maybe something like this is breaking your setup?
  8. Noticed anything new, shiny and cool? Seems a 24 changelog is MIA lol?
  9. So… is it safe to move to 24 yet? [emoji848]
  10. Once I start to update something it takes literal seconds to look like pic above; then I will leave tab in forefront and touch nothing and wait- several minutes and it just won’t change from above. Then sometimes I’ll wait a minute or two and it will just refresh that little pop out and be completed. No update on live progress as it used to do however at all. It just straight changes from start to above; no percentages moving a number at a time like previous.
  11. Can you divulge more about this? Are their long term consequences to doing this? Any drawbacks? Seems it affects a lot of the dell servers?
  12. I hope this issue goes here since I am on 6.10.0-rc6, I *believe* this issue started on 6.10.0-rc1 but it's been happening so long I can not 100% remember; I have always just figured issue would work itself out. If this does NOT need to be in pre-release area please relocate my thread && I am sorry! My Issue is more annoyance than an actual Issue: When I update a container, a LOT of the time the update will start...and I will wait and wait and wait and it will never "finish" on it's own GRAPHICALLY. The container will often actually update without issue but the display of it's progress never changes from below. It used to always show the "download" for container update(s) live as it was happening. Now it'll just start and often "hang" looking like the pic below. Mostly, as long as I wait long enough, before refreshing the browser tab everything is fine. Are there any ideas as to why I can't see the true container update processes like I used to be able to? tower-diagnostics-20220506-0613.zip
  13. So I will run “backup-now ALL”? How do I update template on my end?
  14. Is their not a way to define "all"? (I don't even know names of all the DBs on the MariaDB server it's backing up LOL). I know before version 3.3.2 I was on V2.12.0. On 2.12.0 "backup-now" just grabbed them all. Not sure why that functionality would be depreciated? (thank you, for the reply!)
  15. Running "backup-now" manually on Version 3.3.2 db-backup no longer works. It returns a error. Any idea how to manually run backup now?
  16. I wish I understood exactly what was going on here and if adding these ARGS is going to cause more issues later.
  17. I have always had Max Memory defined as an Extra Parameter. On Github change long for 7.0.25 mentions: Move min/max memory config from run to system.properties.. Does that mean I need to move my memory out of Extra Parameters now?
  18. EDIT:I am dumb ant can't read. You had a fail at bzroot; below was bzimage issues. Probably disregard below. I have a T610 here. Might check into this; I had same issue and this fixed it. Not sure what implications, if any, it'll cause later but...
  19. Are you aware of any guides or tutorials to do this correctly with Unraid? All the thanks, as usual :-)
  20. I realize that after container has been created this process may vary slightly but is there a way to connect this container to multiple networks? There’s a different version of NPM floating around and it supports such. Does this container support it too? If so, how does one set it up after container has already been created? Does the —net flag still need passed through? For reference, this is other container, but wondering if this is applicable to this container too:
  21. Hey mate, all the thanks through making these changes! I truly appreciate it! 🙂
  22. Is this new config supposed to make /admin not available outside LAN? I can't find any difference between what you initially posted for "Admin" and the new admin config? Also, on bottom of Edit Proxy Host on NPM it says: Please note, that any add_header or set_header directives added here will not be used by nginx. You will have to add a custom location '/' and add the header in the custom config there. The config you have shared includes proxy set header directives? It says they wont work?
  23. Yeah I don’t see the _ anywhere defined. I’m super confused by all this lol
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