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Remote Access

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On 4/4/2021 at 8:23 AM, thunderclap said:

I’m trying to set up remote access using the directions list for 6.9.1. When I do the port check it shows that my Unraid box is accessible from the internet but when I try connecting to it without being connected to my home network I can’t access it. Any ideas?

The Remote Access url is different from the Local Access url.


When you are logged in to the My Servers Dashboard from outside your house:
the server will have Remote Access url next to it.

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I setup remote access as per @SpaceInvaderOne recent video.  However my unraid server fails to communications check.  However on the unraid website the my servers page shows my server being green for remote access.  It doesnt succesfully connect to my server when i try to connect.


My unraid server is connected behind the 3 4g network which has cgnat enabled.  


Any ideas welcome!!  

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I'm having a similar problem, followed Spaceinvaderone's video, however when I check the port I get the can't connect error. I have opened the port on my router. I am using nginx proxy manager (NPM) and cloudflare not sure if these would have an effect. not sure what else to try. I this this is because NPM and unraid.net both need to use port 443, however I could be wrong.

Edited by dlawrence
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12 hours ago, dlawrence said:

I'm having a similar problem, followed Spaceinvaderone's video, however when I check the port I get the can't connect error. I have opened the port on my router. I am using nginx proxy manager (NPM) and cloudflare not sure if these would have an effect. not sure what else to try. I this this is because NPM and unraid.net both need to use port 443, however I could be wrong.


Local SSL has to be setup and working before you can enable remote access.  Local SSL defaults to using port 443, but you can change that at Settings -> Management Access -> HTTPS port. If you want to use 443 for NPM, then choose something like 2443, 3443 or 4443 for local SSL (just make sure it is not already in use by another docker)


Once Local SSL is working, so to Settings -> Management Access -> Unraid.net and set the WAN port to something else, like 5443. Then setup a port forward on your router to point external port 5443 to whatever port you configured local SSL access to.

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