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[Support] Machinaris - Chia cryptocurrency farming + Plotman plotting + Unraid WebUI

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8 minutes ago, karldonteljames said:

It does, but this also says that the wallet is empty, as expected.



Alright, perhaps you have some connectivity error with ATB.  Please remove the cache file on your disk:




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I've got some external drives i'm not longer using, so figure i may as well use these as chia storage.

How do i configure machinaris to create the plots and then move the data to these external drives? Do I need to map them in the docker image?

At the moment machinaris creates the plots and then moved them to the share "plots" I assume i cannot create a share using external disks and unassigned drives?

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1 hour ago, karldonteljames said:

I've got some external drives i'm not longer using, so figure i may as well use these as chia storage.

You can assign them as individual pools (or multiple disk pools), then set the plots share as cache="only" and select the pool you want to fill up first, once it's full select the next pool and so on.

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Wish i had seen that before hand. I’ve mapped the docker using /plots2 /plots3 etc and then connected them using /mnt/disks/External_Disk00/plots /mnt/disks/External_Disk01/plots.

If i setup a disk pool will i lose the data that is on the drives? albeit only a couple of plots now. - EDIT: That was a daft question, I think i’l leave it as they are for now, otherwise i’l need to stop my array and setup the pool wont I? With HomeAssistant running, and a couple of other services I’d rather not take it offline unless I have to.

Thanks for the information though. That’s really helpful for the future.

Edited by karldonteljames
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If I add the following lines to my plotman.yaml will plotman fill one drive then move to the next, will it distribute randomly or will it just not accept multiple destinations?


                - /plots
                - /plots2
                - /plots3
                - /plots4
                - /plots5
                - /plots6


As it is right now I have all but one of the plots drives commented out, my plan was to wait until drive was full, then stop plotman, make changes to the file then restart it. It'll take me a few days to fill these drives anyway as i'm only creating about one per hour.


Thanks in advance.

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7 hours ago, karldonteljames said:

If I add the following lines to my plotman.yaml will plotman fill one drive then move to the next, will it distribute randomly or will it just not accept multiple destinations?


                - /plots
                - /plots2
                - /plots3
                - /plots4
                - /plots5
                - /plots6


As it is right now I have all but one of the plots drives commented out, my plan was to wait until drive was full, then stop plotman, make changes to the file then restart it. It'll take me a few days to fill these drives anyway as i'm only creating about one per hour.


Thanks in advance.


Hi, good question.  In my experience, Plotman treats `dst` folders as a secondary staging location, so it will attempt to move completed plot files there in a round-robin fashion, without taking drive space into account.  Please try Plotman's local archiving feature which is meant to distribute plots to their final destination, taking into account free space amongst the drives locally mounted.


Update: In the next release of Machinaris, I've improved the display of Plotman's configured directories/targets as the original yaml file is not easy to troubleshoot.  Here's an example from the current `machinaris:develop` image: 


Edited by guy.davis
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  • 3 weeks later...
11 hours ago, inabon said:



how does it work?


Thanks for your question.  Please see the Machinaris wiki, where site_path_filter (of 'plots') allows one to exclude a drive (like '/mnt/plotting') from being an archive target like others at the same level such as /mnt/plots1, /mnt/plots2, /mnt/plots3 etc.   This applies to both local (same machine) and remote (another machine) plot archiving.

Edited by guy.davis
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Greetings! Machinaris v0.8.5 is now available. Changes include:

 - Wallets page - Claim Rewards button offers portable plot reward recovery after one week has elapsed. (EARLY BETA!)
 - Chart memory usage per container (GiB) as well as total host memory usage (%) for OS and all apps.
 - Enhanced Forktools to optionally decrease a blockchain's full_node process count, which greatly limits memory usage.
 - Improve Plotting page to display configured tmp, dst, and archiving directories before starting to plot. Support `site_path_filter` for archive folders under `site_root`.
  - Bladebit support for new `ramplot` mode (needs 416 GB RAM) 

 - Enhance 'NFT Reward Recovery' tool to support v2 databases. 
 - Fixes for invalid Chiadog harvester alerts. 
 - Fixes for bladebit `diskplot` mode (less than 416 GB RAM, needs 400+GB of tmp disk) 

 - Bladebit to v2.0.0
 - Chia to v1.6.1
 - Chinilla to v1.3.0
 - Littlelambocoin to v1.6.1
 - Maize to v1.6.0
 - MMX to `testnet8`.
 - Tad to v1.6.0

Known Issues
 - Incorrect reward recovery calculations for some blockchains.  Please use AllTheBlocks site if this affects you.

 - https://github.com/Chia-Network/bladebit/releases/tag/v2.0.0
 - https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/releases/tag/1.6.1

Big thanks to all who tested and provided feedback!

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I tried to install Machinaris on Unraid 6.11.1 to use some unassigned disks for the plots but I'm stumped on the generating/import keys page.
As I do not have a Chia wallet/keys yet I click on Generate New Key, but all I am getting is a nondescript error "Unable to generate keys!" no matter what I'm doing.




I have verified that the container has full internet access and I can already see connections to DNS, remote peers and pricing APIs in the firewall logs (but for generating keys is an internet connection even necessary at this point?).

Also I have checked the permissions of the mnemonic.txt and tried to chmod it to be 777 (no change).

I also deleted the docker config folder completely for this app to have a fresh start and have the configs regenerate, also no dice.

The logs described here I have checked too: https://github.com/guydavis/machinaris/wiki/Troubleshooting#where-are-the-logs

but did not find any direct indication of this problem (none of the logs change or grow when I hit the Generate Key button again and reload the log in a log viewer).


Any ideas?

Should I try to generate a wallet externally and try an import of the seed phrase?



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2 hours ago, SilverFolfy said:


I tried to install Machinaris on Unraid 6.11.1 to use some unassigned disks for the plots but I'm stumped on the generating/import keys page.
As I do not have a Chia wallet/keys yet I click on Generate New Key, but all I am getting is a nondescript error "Unable to generate keys!" no matter what I'm doing.




I have verified that the container has full internet access and I can already see connections to DNS, remote peers and pricing APIs in the firewall logs (but for generating keys is an internet connection even necessary at this point?).

Also I have checked the permissions of the mnemonic.txt and tried to chmod it to be 777 (no change).

I also deleted the docker config folder completely for this app to have a fresh start and have the configs regenerate, also no dice.

The logs described here I have checked too: https://github.com/guydavis/machinaris/wiki/Troubleshooting#where-are-the-logs

but did not find any direct indication of this problem (none of the logs change or grow when I hit the Generate Key button again and reload the log in a log viewer).


Any ideas?

Should I try to generate a wallet externally and try an import of the seed phrase?




Greetings! Sorry for the trouble.  Please share the last ~50 lines or so of "/mnt/user/appdata/machinaris/machinaris/logs/webui.log" right after you click the "Generate Key" button.  This log should show the issue.  If that log file doesn't add new lines on every page load/refresh of the Machinaris, then something more fundamental is wrong such as disk space.

Alternatively, there is a way to create a key from the Docker console for Machinaris container, via the Unraid Admin UI, Docker tab:

cat /root/.chia/mnemonic.txt
# Don't continue if a key mnemonic is already present in this file
chia keys show
# Don't continue if a key is already shown from above command, or some other error appears
chia keys generate
chia keys show --show-mnemonic-seed | tail -n 1 > /root/.chia/mnemonic.txt


Hope this helps.  Feel free to drop into the Discord server for more interactive help if needed.




Edited by guy.davis
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31 minutes ago, guy.davis said:

Greetings! Sorry for the trouble.  Please share the last ~50 lines or so of "/mnt/user/appdata/machinaris/machinaris/logs/webui.log" right after you click the "Generate Key" button.  [...]


Hi, thanks for the quick reply, I uploaded the log with the IPs redacted.

I pressed the button at about 16:55.
In the log I can see some entries have appeared, but this was only about 30sec after I pressed the button.


Disk space should be good, the docker apps are on my NVMe pool with about 230GB free.




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5 minutes ago, SilverFolfy said:


Hi, thanks for the quick reply, I uploaded the log with the IPs redacted.

I pressed the button at about 16:55.
In the log I can see some entries have appeared, but this was only about 30sec after I pressed the button.



The text file for the mnemonic seems to be created in the app's folder when machinaris starts, but with no content.




The docker variable for the mnemonic is set to the default of: /root/.chia/mnemonic.txt


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21 minutes ago, Einsteinjr said:

I think the Flax test build is broken.  When I start it, it says it cannot find the key and therefore sits in the "paused" state in the machinaris webgui.


It just started happening since I updated to the latest test build.


Please try `machinaris-flax:develop` image which has the more recent Flax 0.1.11 release and let me know if that helps.  The image can be changed on Repository setting line in the Docker configuration screen of Unraid for that container.


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16 minutes ago, guy.davis said:


Please try `machinaris-flax:develop` image which has the more recent Flax 0.1.11 release and let me know if that helps.  The image can be changed on Repository setting line in the Docker configuration screen of Unraid for that container.


Same Issue:


2022-11-09T09:54:22.051 farmer flax.farmer.farmer : WARNING No keys exist. Please run 'flax keys generate' or open the UI.


I even deleted the entire app-data for this container and redownloaded the DB.

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3 minutes ago, Einsteinjr said:

Same Issue:


2022-11-09T09:54:22.051 farmer flax.farmer.farmer : WARNING No keys exist. Please run 'flax keys generate' or open the UI.


I even deleted the entire app-data for this container and redownloaded the DB.


Perhaps the mount for the mnemonic.txt path (points to the Chia container path) was changed/missing?  


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2 hours ago, SilverFolfy said:


The text file for the mnemonic seems to be created in the app's folder when machinaris starts, but with no content.




The docker variable for the mnemonic is set to the default of: /root/.chia/mnemonic.txt



Please accept my apologies.  There is a defect in Machinaris v0.8.5 that is breaking initial key generation due to changes in the Chia 1.6.1 command structure.  I have just pushed a fix to the `machinaris:develop` image, so please try that by switching your Repository line in the Docker configuration for the Machinaris container in the Unraid Admin UI on the Docker tab. 




You should see a Setup screen, but this time the Generate Key button should not fail. Sorry again.


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19 minutes ago, guy.davis said:

Please accept my apologies.  There is a defect in Machinaris v0.8.5 that is breaking initial key generation due to changes in the Chia 1.6.1 command structure.  I have just pushed a fix to the `machinaris:develop` image, so please try that by switching your Repository line in the Docker configuration for the Machinaris container in the Unraid Admin UI on the Docker tab. 



Thanks for the fix, that indeed did the trick! 😄

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UPDATE: Nevermind, I think I found the correct contract address (starts with xch) via the GUI Wallet Pool List on my PC.
Just one quick question, I think I have setup everything correctly and joined a pool via Settings > Pools.

I can also see the pool in the Pools overview.

However in the plotman.yaml (Settings > Plotting) the "pool_contract_address" did not auto-populate.


As per the Wiki it reads to get it like this:

"On the Settings | Pools page, select the PlotNFT you want to use, then copy its P2 singleton address from the Settings | Pools page and paste it into the pool_contract_address key in your Plotting settings."


However, in Settings > Pools I do not see any pools.

I found however a "p2_singleton_puzzle_hash" in the pool list in Settings > Farming.

Is that the one to use for the pool_contract_address?


Sorry I am not yet experienced with Chia or other more "modern" crypto, my only experience was back in the days of PoW coin mining.

I swear everything was way simpler (but also more limited) than it is now with all these smart contracts, tokens and hex-coded addresses and hashes/puzzles/whatever 😅


UPDATE: Nevermind, I think I found the correct pool contract address (starts with xch) via the GUI Wallet Pool List on my PC.

Edited by SilverFolfy
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16 hours ago, SilverFolfy said:

UPDATE: Nevermind, I think I found the correct contract address (starts with xch) via the GUI Wallet Pool List on my PC.
Just one quick question, I think I have setup everything correctly and joined a pool via Settings > Pools.

I can also see the pool in the Pools overview.

However in the plotman.yaml (Settings > Plotting) the "pool_contract_address" did not auto-populate.


As per the Wiki it reads to get it like this:

"On the Settings | Pools page, select the PlotNFT you want to use, then copy its P2 singleton address from the Settings | Pools page and paste it into the pool_contract_address key in your Plotting settings."


However, in Settings > Pools I do not see any pools.

I found however a "p2_singleton_puzzle_hash" in the pool list in Settings > Farming.

Is that the one to use for the pool_contract_address?


Sorry I am not yet experienced with Chia or other more "modern" crypto, my only experience was back in the days of PoW coin mining.

I swear everything was way simpler (but also more limited) than it is now with all these smart contracts, tokens and hex-coded addresses and hashes/puzzles/whatever 😅


UPDATE: Nevermind, I think I found the correct pool contract address (starts with xch) via the GUI Wallet Pool List on my PC.


Hi, good question.  The old Chia version labelled this as 'P2 singleton address', but currently the output of `chia plotnft show` (shown on the Settings | Pools page) correctly labels this as: 


Pool contract address (use ONLY for plotting - do not send money to this address): xch12345678ABCD...


Initially the Plotman config on the 'Settings | Plotting' page has a placeholder of "REPLACE_WITH_THE_REAL_VALUE".  Each time this Settings page is loaded Machinaris looks to see if plotnft has appeared in the blockchain yet and will replace the placeholder with correct "pool contract address" when it can.  You still need to uncomment that line in the Plotman config (and comment the `pool_pk` line for solo/OG plotting), then hit Save. 


If solo/OG plotting is still enabled when you hit Save a warning is displayed to ensure you understand the implications.  Most people should be using "pool contract address".  Sounds like you got it sorted out though.  Let me know if you have further questions or concerns.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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