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First Disk In Raid Appears as Unmountable

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No Matter what I do, Disk 1 will not show (or the first disk listed) will not Mount.


Hardware Troubleshooting
I have replaced the Disk.  I have replaced the Sata Cable.  I have switched SATA ports on the Motherboard.  THese all returned the same result.


Software Troubleshooting.

I then tried making the unmountable disk the parity disk, and it then still lists the first disk in the array as Unmountable.  Doesn't matter what disk is in that slot, it lists as unmountable.

I then also tried skipping the first disk, and then it just shows disk 2 as unmountable.

I am new to Unraid.


Thanks for any help.


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I have added the Diagnostic files.

This is a New setup.  I just installed Unraid.  The Drives have data on them, but I don't care about the data, they were sold to me with the Hardware.

Since the post, I found that if I set it up with 2 Parity drives, then everything works fine, but I don't need/want 2 Parity.  I also started over with the latest stable version of Unraid and the issue remains.

The server is doing a parity sync, I guess cause the drives were not zero'ed out before I used them.  I am going to wait till that finishes to continue troubleshooting unless you guys have any further idea's.

Current status...



Edited by ZeroThirtySeven
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17 minutes ago, ZeroThirtySeven said:

Also, I suppose I should already be replacing the drive that has the read errors.


Serial Number:    WD-WCC4E6JS4FPA
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     POSR-K   200   200   051    -    286
197 Current_Pending_Sector  -O--CK   200   200   000    -    6

You should configure WD disks to monitor attribute 1 and 200.


I would replace that disk.


Since you say no data needs to be recovered, you can fix the Unmountable by checking the Format box and clicking the button.


You definitely don't need dual parity to fix that problem, in fact, it wouldn't matter how many parity you had, even none. You just have an unmountable filesystem, and none of the things you tried had any relevance to that problem.




29 minutes ago, ZeroThirtySeven said:

The server is doing a parity sync, I guess cause the drives were not zero'ed out before I used them.

It has to do a parity sync when you first assign the disks or parity won't be valid.

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1 hour ago, trurl said:


Since you say no data needs to be recovered, you can fix the Unmountable by checking the Format box and clicking the button.


I apologize.  I thought I was being very specific with my original post, but I left out the most important part.  Every time I click Format, it runs the format for a few moments, maybe 30sec, and then goes back to telling me it is unmounted.  Doesn't matter what Drive i put into the disk 1 slot, the OS tells me it is unmountable and running format will not change that status.  All six drives have been slotted into the disk 1 slot with the same result.  I even Verified that it is not a hardware issue by changing the SATA cables and SATA ports (altho I have not ruled out hardware 100%, maybe a driver or device compatibility issue?).  The only time I have been able to get disk 1 (which ever physical disk it happens to be) mounted is when I configure the array with 2 parity drives.  

I have used the "New Config" tool several times to make these changes, and even changed the version of Unraid to the latest stable version.

Nothing I have searched of online describes this issue perfectly, but I have read that Rebooting the server and then formatting can help, or starting the array in Maintenance mode would do the trick.  These still failed to work.

I format



It looks like this




Then back to this.



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7 minutes ago, ZeroThirtySeven said:


So your saying that my Motherboard isn't recommended then?  

What model? Most motherboards have native chipset controllers for most of the ports, but may use marvell controllers for additional ports.


Marvell controllers don't seem to work well with many recent versions of linux, so if you can utilize the native controllers and leave the marvell ports disconnected things may work much better.

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5 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

What model? Most motherboards have native chipset controllers for most of the ports, but may use marvell controllers for additional ports.


Marvell controllers don't seem to work well with many recent versions of linux, so if you can utilize the native controllers and leave the marvell ports disconnected things may work much better.


GA-990FXA-UD3 by Gigabyte.


There are 6 SATA ports stacked 2 high below the Heat sink.  All 6 are being used in my current configuration.  I would have to make the assumption that all 6 won't work, as I have cycled through using all 6 drives in the Drive 1 slot, and they all failed.

Looking at their support site, the BIOS version is about 10 years old.  I will look into updating that.  Also, Marvel seems to be a Built in hardware RAID.  I will also look into disabling that as I have read that UnRaid sometimes doesn't play nice with those, and it is unneeded.

A friend is moving and sold me the Hardware.  He had it set up with NAS4Free previously.

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Ok, so I have the issue solved.  I didn't think to look for this until we started talking about the SATA Controllers.  The ports were Emulating IDE.  I switched them the AHCI, and then formatted, and now all 6 drives are properly Utilized.  


I appreciate the assistance.  Now I will begin my Adventure continuing to setup the rest of the server.  


If all goes well I think I will be purchasing Licence.  My only remaining reservation besides actually using and testing would be the lack of iSCSI support.

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