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[Support] Goobaroo - Modded Minecraft Java Servers

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Summary: Support for Goobaroo game server docker containers, primarily modded minecraft servers.
DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/repositories/goobaroo
I wanted to produce server docker containers that were upgradable and self installing direct from Curseforge and FTB.  Modded Minecraft is for the Java Edition only.  There are no modded servers for Bedrock/Windows 10 version of Minecraft.
I'm just getting started, but wanted to share what I have so far.
Current Available Servers:

  • All The Mods 7 - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-7
  • All the Mods 7 To the Sky - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-7-to-the-sky
  • All the Mods 8 - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-8
  • Create: Above and Beyond 1.3 - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-above-and-beyond
  • Enigmatica 6 v0.5.21 - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/enigmatica6
  • FTB Inferno - https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/99-ftb-inferno
  • FTB Infinity Evolved 1.7 v3.1.0 - https://feed-the-beast.com/modpack/23_ftb_infinity_evolved_1_7/versions
  • FTB OceanBlock v1.12.0 - https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpack/ftb_oceanblock
  • FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.18 v1.4.1 - https://feed-the-beast.com/modpack/ftb_presents_direwolf20_1_18
  • FTB Skyfactory 2.5 v2.5.8 - https://feed-the-beast.com/modpack/ftb_presents_skyfactory_2_5
  • FTB Skyfactory 3 v3.0.21 - https://feed-the-beast.com/modpack/ftb_presents_skyfactory_3
  • FTB Stoneblock 2 v1.21.1 - https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpack/4_ftb_presents_stoneblock_2/server-files
  • Note, that I had to install Garden of Glass manually when installing the client though ATLauncher.  I also had to enable InfiniteInvo-1.0.52 that was listed under Optional Mods
  • Pixelmon v9.0.2 - https://reforged.gg
  • SevTech Ages - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/sevtech-ages
  • Sky Factory 4 v4.2.4 - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-4
  • Sky Factory One v.1.0.4 - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-one
  • StoneBlock 3 v1.0.0 - https://feed-the-beast.com/modpacks/100-ftb-stoneblock-3
  • Vault Hunters 1.12.4 - https://vaulthunters.gg
  • Vault Hunters 3rd Edition 1.18.2 - https://vaulthunters.gg
  • RLCraft 1.12.2 - Release v2.9.1c - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/rlcraft


I'm trying to keep the servers as consistent as possible.  Common options include:


  • Runs on port 25565 * see bellow for changing
  • OPS, allows you to set list of users with Operator privileges
  • JVM_OPTS: Tweak memory to suit your needs, but they are defaulted to recommended.
  • EULA, needs to be set to true.  Defaults to false.  This is for the Mojang EULA available at https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula Server will not start without accepting.


If you are having troubles installing, please make sure that the permissions for the /mnt/appdata directory are correct.


Important: Please update your containers with the latest version from today, Dec 13, 2021.  These containers include the fix for log4j exploit CVE-2021-44228.  This is a remote code execution exploit.  https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/important-message--security-vulnerability-java-edition


Changing the port


In order to run multiple servers you need to work within the docker settings.  Do not change the server.propeties at all.  Changing it will only break the networking for the container because it is expecting the default port of 25565.


To use a different port just change the PORT value in the docker config in the unraid ui, and use the bridge network.  It will then map the port you defined to your unraid server IP and you can port forward that publicly if you like.  


Here are two servers running on my server.  That column on the right shows the mapping of the port and IP inside the docker network on to the IP of my unraid server and the mapped port.


Or alternatively you can use br0 network and give each docker container their own IP on your internal network and port forward to that instead.


But changing the server.properties will only break it.

Edited by Goobaroo
about ports
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Haven't tried this yet but I plan on tinkering with it today. 1 thing I noticed is I believe a port needs to be added in the GUI portion of unraid. I also assume I will need to change ports in the server.properties and to add it in the gui. Ty for this container.



Works wonders. Changed the port in server.properties and added it to unraid gui and was able to login instantly.


Edited by GonjaT
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  • 2 weeks later...

i think this is a great idea and i'd love for you to add the rest of the sky factory modpacks for people who want them all running at the same time.
it would be nice for you to also add the original sky factory 1 too :D i have them all running on mineos but i've never liked it much so i'd love to see standalone versions thanks.

Edited by RazorX
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On 11/21/2021 at 7:39 PM, Goobaroo said:

They both have directories in /mnt/appdata where you should be able to find the server.properties

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

in my case they are there but empty i found the files are in the tmp files i did notice when installing i had issues with 




any help would be appreciated i am an new user to unraid 

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32 minutes ago, GH0ST2117 said:

in my case they are there but empty i found the files are in the tmp files i did notice when installing i had issues with 




any help would be appreciated i am an new user to unraid 

Ran into the same issue, fixed it by changing the skyfactory4 folder's permissions to 777.

Edited by Bob_Flem
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On 12/3/2021 at 12:08 PM, Goobaroo said:


Done.  Let me know if there are any issues.  It is a whopper of a pack starting with 5 gigs of memory for the server.

Thats Insane that you did this for me lol. It is a very large pack. I just love these container because they just work when installed.. I dont need to mess with server files or anything (except the port #) I have 4 servers running in AMP, sorry I have 2 now thanks to you lol. It was a pain to get it up and running on AMP messing with server files etc. I only have ATM 6 and Better Minecraft 1.18 fabric left on amp. I would love to know how you build these containers so I dont need to trouble you lol.

Thanks and have a great day!

Edited by GonjaT
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@GonjaT, @rmeaux, @RazorX, @GH0ST2117, @Bob_Flem



Important: Please update your containers with the latest version from today, Dec 13, 2021.  These containers include the fix for log4j exploit CVE-2021-44228.  This is a remote code execution exploit. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/important-message--security-vulnerability-java-edition


I've applied the patch provided by Mojang.  No other updates to file versions.

Edited by Goobaroo
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1 hour ago, Tritech said:

Running your enigmatica 6 and it started and is working perfectly. Only question is how to get console access to op/run admin commands?


There is a OPS environment variable where you can add a comma separated list of minecraft player names, when the server starts up it will grant OP permissions to those users.  You can then run any admin commands in game.

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