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Radarr/sonarr or unraid deleting my files


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I have had my setup the same for years and just this past few days I lost all my media I took my server out of remote access changed all my passwords closed ports. Rechecked all my docker settings and last night I downloaded a few movies and today they did the same exact thing all my data “14tb” got deleted and now the few shows I added last night are gone can anyone help me figure this out? Radarr is reporting this 






Edited by Lassley7
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1 hour ago, Squid said:

You've been logging in from one computer

Dec 26 14:21:24 Poseidon webGUI: Successful login user root from

What is this entry?

Dec 27 13:51:37 Poseidon webGUI: Successful login user root from


This is my openvpn from my router, I disconnected my duckdns server “remote access” also so I just checked I went from having 99 “files” last night today I’m down to 36 “files”

I have asked the radarr community and they said “something other then radarr is deleting the file as said above in the screen shot. So something is happening 


Edited by Lassley7
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  • 4 months later...

I only just got setup with over the weekend so I can't provide much help on what might be deleting your files but I do not believe it to be caused by sonarr/radarr unless you recently messed with or changed settings in those. I've been using both since 2015 and have never had them delete anything. However, I have accidentally deleted stuff myself when messing with settings in them.

I would recommend setting up the recycle bins in sonarr and radarr. This has saved me a number of times when I have accidentally deleted something or overwritten something that I didn't want to overwrite.

In unraid I just created a /media-recyle share with a "sonarr" and "radarr" folder. I then volume mount the share into the Sonarr/Radarr contains.

/mnt/user/media-recycle/sonarr -> /recycle
/mnt/user/media-recycle/radarr -> /recycle

Then in both Sonarr/Radarr set the recycle bin to /recycle

Now whenever something gets deleted (at least if its deleted by sonarr/radarr) it should should get moved to that location. At the very least, you can more easily recover anything deleted by sonarr/radarr. If the files are not ending up in the recycle bin then you know for sure some external process is deleting them.

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Looking at your logs I noticed you are using Plex. Plex does have the ability to delete files, maybe something you did in Plex? Or maybe somebody is gaining access to your Plex account?. Might be worth looking at your Plex logs, just search the logs for the title of something that was deleted. The logs can be found under Troubleshooting > Download Logs

Search all of the Plex Media Server.#.log files (there's multiple) for logs that look like this.

May 02, 2022 11:26:35.222 [0x14f7ce7e0b38] DEBUG - Deleting directory [Baccano!] (3559)
May 02, 2022 11:26:35.222 [0x14f7ce7e0b38] DEBUG - Deleting directory [Baccano!/Specials] (3560)
May 02, 2022 11:26:35.222 [0x14f7ce7e0b38] DEBUG - Deleting directory [Baccano!/Season 1] (3561)

If you see those, then either you or someone told Plex to delete those directories since Plex never deletes anything unless a user initiates it.

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Probably not the answer, but every application/program (Sonarr/Radarr/Plex/Emby/Jellyfin, etc...) have permission to delete everything (it's required to "write" it).


Do you have a strong password to login to "everything" I mentioned above?...


If I visit you (we're friends) and you give me WIFI access, is it easy for me (maybe without a password) to go to and I'm in your Sonarr?


Mr. Grey.



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