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[Plugin] LXC Plugin

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9 minutes ago, bmartino1 said:


May I ask why you are using two folders for lxc …/lxddata/generallxcpath/…?

Something like: /mnt/cache/lxc in your case would be way simpler and I wouldn‘t recommend that you put the lxc directory in your appdata folder

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9 minutes ago, bmartino1 said:

I my case, I want both under the same folder for custom rsync backup purposes.

That makes not much sense for me since you backup the main data path and the backup path via rsync (at least how you described it since you backup your appdata directory).


I designed the Backup function in that way so that you can place it basically anywhere so that you don‘t have to do double the backups via rsync.


This was just for explanation, however you can do whatever you want just wanted to explain why it doesn‘t makes much sense to me.

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it was before I knew how the lxc plugin worked and how I made paths and how data was generated, so I sandboxed them into 1 folder as this is the test machine and not a production system.

On the main production system(why the custom rsync), they are separated. It something I haven't gotten around to fixing on the test machine. After knowing xyz to make sure its doing xyz. also why I went the way I did originally with the unfi lxc backup restore method... also some crazy curiosities on how its doing what it's doing.

I was also playing around with the cgroups per older posts and others per earlier post and testing the limits such as device pas through.

It why earlier in this forum I asked if I was able to run the lxc commands directly themselves and how I would go about passing a graphics card or usb port similar to the vm stuff...

Mainly as I had a weird old system, amd opterom, that for one reason or another wouldn't run a unraid vm, but would run dockers and lxc... that systems is long gone for now...

Only because things are running, while it wouldn't be too hard to change and fix folder structures and naming conventions. It will probably not change. as i probably wouldn't leave it in my appdata folder, knowing other stuff. (mainly with uses with other dockers and plugins that touch dockers.

Hope that helps in why its that way. I understand its confusing and weird.

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1 hour ago, Hayo Tee said:

Hi. I want to import Nextcloud LXC image. There is instruction how to import. But for Unraid it isn't work. I need another way.

I will look into that and report back.


However if this is just the rootfs you can deploy a container and then overwrite the contents from the archive with the rootfs from the before deployed container.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

I will look into that and report back.


However if this is just the rootfs you can deploy a container and then overwrite the contents from the archive with the rootfs from the before deployed container.

Yes, I'll try. It might work.

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@Hayo Tee I've made something to really easily install NextcloudPi from the linked repository, if you want to try it simply run this command from a Unraid terminal:



Please see this repository on how to install NextcloudPi: Click


The steps basically are:

  1. Open a Unraid terminal and execute
    wget -O /tmp/lxc_container_template.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/unraid_lxc_nextcloudpi/master/lxc_container_template.xml
  2. Navigate to http://<YourunRAIDIP>/LXCAddTemplate
  3. Make your changes if necessary
  4. Click Apply
  5. Wait for the Done button
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On 8/12/2024 at 8:17 PM, ich777 said:

@Hayo Tee I've made something to really easily install NextcloudPi from the linked repository, if you want to try it simply run this command from a Unraid terminal:



Please see this repository on how to install NextcloudPi: Click


The steps basically are:

  1. Open a Unraid terminal and execute
    wget -O /tmp/lxc_container_template.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/unraid_lxc_nextcloudpi/master/lxc_container_template.xml
  2. Navigate to http://<YourunRAIDIP>/LXCAddTemplate
  3. Make your changes if necessary
  4. Click Apply
  5. Wait for the Done button

Container isn't starting.

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30 minutes ago, Hayo Tee said:

Container isn't starting.

Can you please tell me what step that you've done, step by step?


I can start the container just fine, did you also wait for the Done button to appear?


I have confirmation that the container is working from @Archonw


What output does:

lxc-start -F <CONTAINERNAME>




I have now reinstalled the container and it's working and starting:

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8 hours ago, ich777 said:

What output does:

lxc-start -F <CONTAINERNAME>



lxc-start: nextcloudpi: ../src/lxc/tools/lxc_start.c: lxc_start_main: 267 No container config specified


Edited by Hayo Tee
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6 minutes ago, Hayo Tee said:


Are you sure that you‘ve waited until the Done button showed up, it seems most likely the case that the download wasn‘t finished.


Please try to delete the container and redownload it (please note that the download can take a long time since this is a pretty big container).


If you can‘t delete the container or you get an error you have to remove the folder for the container in your LXC directory.

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22 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Are you sure that you‘ve waited until the Done button showed up, it seems most likely the case that the download wasn‘t finished.

root@server:~# lxc-start -F nextcloudpi
lxc-start: nextcloudpi: ../src/lxc/network.c: netdev_configure_server_macvlan: 909 Device or resource busy - Failed to create macvlan interface "mcfUrl1s" on "eth1"
lxc-start: nextcloudpi: ../src/lxc/network.c: lxc_create_network_priv: 3466 No such device - Failed to create network device
lxc-start: nextcloudpi: ../src/lxc/start.c: lxc_spawn: 1847 Failed to create the network
lxc-start: nextcloudpi: ../src/lxc/start.c: __lxc_start: 2114 Failed to spawn container "nextcloudpi"
lxc-start: nextcloudpi: ../src/lxc/tools/lxc_start.c: lxc_start_main: 307 The container failed to start
lxc-start: nextcloudpi: ../src/lxc/tools/lxc_start.c: lxc_start_main: 312 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options


I have two lan ports. I want to use lan0 for unraid and containers, and lan1 only for nextcloud. how to set it up correctly?

now i changed nextcloud network adapter to br1 and its started!

Edited by Hayo Tee
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14 minutes ago, Hayo Tee said:

I want to use lan0 for unraid and containers, and lan1 only for nextcloud. how to set it up correctly?

Usually you specify br0 in the container config but I don‘t know your exact config.

Can you please post your Diagnostics so that I can see how everything is set up?

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6 minutes ago, Ladrek said:

Unraid 7.0 doesn't have LXC on the dashboard :(

On what plugin version are you?

Are you sure you are on the latest LXC plugin version?


What do you referring to? The RAM usage or the Containers themself?

I see the containers on the Dashboard alongside with the RAM usage.

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