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Figro's Docker Repo Support Thread


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On 3/31/2024 at 7:50 PM, CanadianBear said:

Bummer. At least now I know it's not something I did wrong. I'll stay subscribed to the thread and hope that it gets resolved some day. Thanks for looking into it! I just got VueTorrent going. Looks pretty good, but feels like it's missing a few things I'd like.

I updated the container to use @jesec/flood instead of flood when installing which is supposed to be the cutting edge build aka the github code. Not sure if you are still looking for a solution to this but updating the container should be able to connect with the latest qbit. 😄

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16 hours ago, Figro said:

I updated the container to use @jesec/flood instead of flood when installing which is supposed to be the cutting edge build aka the github code. Not sure if you are still looking for a solution to this but updating the container should be able to connect with the latest qbit. 😄

Thanks a lot! I seems like I can "connect" now, but it shows "No torrents to display," even thought I have torrents of course. Hmm...


Edit: I should add that I recently went back to 4.6.3 because the next update broke qbitmanage. I'm not sure if that would be it.

Edited by CanadianBear
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I can't get it working. The setup is pretty easy, and cloudflare tell me the tunnel is working, but when i tried adding anything as public access, i give me a dns error with the host as the error. For now i've just a website with nginx, but i doesn't work. 

When my actual setup with nginx proxy manager and cloudflare ddns work fine, with open ports on my router for the reverse proxy. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so this is awesome.  Glad I saw this on Unraid Spotlight!

now, does anyone know if there is a way to add another layer of authentication? I know zerotrust has authentication. but can i put that infront of the tunnel?  I just like to add more security if possible, maybe to replace my VPN one day with this.

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Riddle me this.


Followed the SpaceInvaderOne cloudflared tunnel video to the letter. Copied the URL it created (when you create a public hostname for a service - in my case, for Emby, which I have decided to set up first before trying Nextcloud) into my browser, and I get:


"This site can’t be reached emby.mydomain.co.uk’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.



Here are some screenshots of my setup


But when I go and click on the Emby WebGUI button in my Unraid console, it connects to Emby, showing [http://]!/home in the URL.


I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, missed out (at least based on the video, I followed that along perfectly) or am not considering. Unfortunately I am banging my head against a wall with this, despite it apparently being easier than reverse proxies.


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36 minutes ago, icarus69 said:

Riddle me this.


Followed the SpaceInvaderOne cloudflared tunnel video to the letter. Copied the URL it created (when you create a public hostname for a service - in my case, for Emby, which I have decided to set up first before trying Nextcloud) into my browser, and I get:


"This site can’t be reached emby.mydomain.co.uk’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.



Here are some screenshots of my setup


But when I go and click on the Emby WebGUI button in my Unraid console, it connects to Emby, showing [http://]!/home in the URL.


I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, missed out (at least based on the video, I followed that along perfectly) or am not considering. Unfortunately I am banging my head against a wall with this, despite it apparently being easier than reverse proxies.

nas-diagnostics-20240427-1836.zip 197.18 kB · 0 downloads

Hello, I have taken a look at your screenshots. The only part that should matter for this setup is the "Public Hostnames" portion under Zero Trust > Tunnels > <Your Tunnel Name> > Configure


Here are my settings for Jellyfin which is an open source fork of emby from what I can tell. Should be very similar setup


I'm not sure if emby uses HTTPS by default or HTTP but you may have to play around with these. If you use HTTPS try toggling "No TLS Verify" under TLS. The DNS records should be auto created when you make new hostnames under your tunnel. You should not have to edit anything in your DNS records. 


Your setup of the tunnel seems to be correct, I believe it is just some of these settings you need to play around with to get this working. Hopefully this helps. Let me know if anything changes 

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14 minutes ago, Figro said:

Your setup of the tunnel seems to be correct, I believe it is just some of these settings you need to play around with to get this working. Hopefully this helps. Let me know if anything changes 


Trying your suggestions:


1. Switching the tunnel from HTTP to HTTPS results in the URL:




2. Enabling "No TLS Verify" while using HTTPS results in the same error.


3. Keeping "No TLS Verify" but switching HTTPS back to HTTP... works! Though something to note - clicking on the generated URL that takes me to Emby, despite the "Type" being "http://" in the Couldflare Tunnel page, becomes "https://" when loading the Emby web page..? Is this ok? Why does this happen? Also, what does the "Catch-all rule: http_status:404" mean?


I don't know a lot about this stuff, but should I consider the task of fixing this done now? I don't want to have achieved this via any unrecommended means.

Edited by icarus69
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2 minutes ago, icarus69 said:


Trying your suggestions:


1. Switching the tunnel from HTTP to HTTPS results in the URL:




2. Enabling "No TLS Verify" while using HTTPS results in the same error.


3. Keeping "No TLS Verify" but switching HTTPS back to HTTP... works!


I don't know a lot about this stuff, but should I consider the task of fixing this done now? I don't want to have achieved this via any unrecommended means.

Glad you got it working. If using HTTP there should not be any TLS options under that hostname anymore and the tunnel should be using HTTPS using your cloudflare account's TLS certs. When you visit emby.<your domain> check to see that your browser uses HTTPS and that the cert athority and expiration matches on the cert. I have some examples of mine below. If thats all good your tunnel is secured :). From my knowledge as well these cloudflare tunnels should only allow outbound traffic as well. Hope everything is good!


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22 hours ago, Figro said:

Glad you got it working. If using HTTP there should not be any TLS options under that hostname anymore and the tunnel should be using HTTPS using your cloudflare account's TLS certs. When you visit emby.<your domain> check to see that your browser uses HTTPS and that the cert athority and expiration matches on the cert. I have some examples of mine below. If thats all good your tunnel is secured :). From my knowledge as well these cloudflare tunnels should only allow outbound traffic as well. Hope everything is good!




Actually I'm still confused about quite a few things. Forgive me as I'm new.


I still don't quite understand how/why Nextcloud is configured as HTTP in Cloudflare, but then appears as HTTPS in the URL.


Also, I don't understand why the Nextcloud errors page says "Accessing site insecurely via HTTP", when the URL says HTTPS. Remember, I was unable to access the Nextcloud console when settings HTTPS in Cloudflare.


I also just generally don't know what to do about the other errors.


I originally followed along with SpaceInvaderOne's Nextcloud + reverse proxy tutorial. Despite following along perfectly (including his troubleshooting suggestions at the end), I was unable to get it working, and I couldn't find any relevant help.

So then I decided instead to ditch the reverse proxy method and instead follow his Cloudflare tunnel tutorial and connect to Nextcloud that way. This worked (though I have some questions about configuration that I'll save for another post).

Possibly as a result of attempting these two methods, I now have two nextcloud folders in my Unraid server: /user/nextcloud/ and /user/appdata/nextcloud/.


Is it safe for me to delete the /user/nextcloud/ folder? This was the share folder that SpaceIndaverOne instructs you to create as part of the reverse proxy tutorial. But I don't see the same instruction to make one in the Cloudflare tunnel tutorial. So naturally (as a beginner) I'm assuming this means I don't need the /user/nextcloud/ share folder anymore? Or am I missing something about the role that share serves?


Lastly, am I getting played by AI? I've been using Claude AI to try and resolve some of the issues I have, but feel I've reached a dead-end. I'm wondering if I'm being given wrong advice by the chatbot. Here's the chatbot convo.






Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 15.03.14.jpg

Edited by icarus69
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello everyone. Can anyone tell me what I need to change in the image settings to be able to connect to rtorrent?


I would like to connect to rtorrent but I don't know what to enter here:



My config docker:

docker run
  -e TZ="Europe/Warsaw"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Kulis-unRaid"
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:3001]/'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AriaGomes/Unraid-Templates/master/Images/flood-ui.png'
  -p '3001:3000/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/rutorrent-crazymax/data/rtorrent/':'/config':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/downloads/':'/data':'rw' 'figro/flood-ui'

Polecenie powiodło się!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love the container.  


I have an issue that is completely my fault but I'm hoping that someone with greater DNS knowledge than me can help.  

I am using windows Active Directory in my home (long story) which was setup with the same domain name as the website that I use for all my dockers.  When I was using swag with duckdns I was able to set CNAME records on my server to forward internal requests to go outside my network and come back in. 


I believe I have currently gotten everything accessible with the cloudflared tunnel (following Spaceinvader's video) and using a www CNAME record to my domaincom.duckdns.org (set both in Cloudflare DNS and on the AD DNS. 


What do I need to do to set this record to use Cloudflare zero trust without the need for duckdns? I figure the fewer systems involved the better. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

When I use Cloudflare and NPM in Bridge mode, they work as normal (


However, when I keep Cloudflare as a Bridge ( and NPM in Custombr0 mode (, it won't work... I triple-checked on my configs; maybe it's caching? Will the Cloudflare extension only work with the origination IP? Or am I missing something here? I really want to use my NPM in Custombr0 mode.


Edited by sdballer
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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone get the metrics working on a different port? 

I have two Cloudflare tunnels running and thus require the metrics endpoints to differ a bit. 

So I have 'Cloudflared-01' and 'Cloudflared-02'

01 - uses the default metrics port '46495'
02 - tried using '46494' with no luck. 

Nothing comes up when i call but I hit the metrics endpoint just fine on


Edited by leth
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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, leth said:

Can anyone get the metrics working on a different port? 

I have two Cloudflare tunnels running and thus require the metrics endpoints to differ a bit. 

So I have 'Cloudflared-01' and 'Cloudflared-02'

01 - uses the default metrics port '46495'
02 - tried using '46494' with no luck. 

Nothing comes up when i call but I hit the metrics endpoint just fine on


Hey, Thanks for your question. This may be a little bit confusing but to achieve this you are going to need to only change `Metrics Port` port to 46494 like you currently have in your screenshot. However for the `TUNNEL_METRICS` environemnt variable you want to switch that back to


Metrics Port is not an environment variable but is a docker port allocation instruction. Here we are telling docker to map our machines 46494 to go to 46495 of the container. The container will then continue to send to port 46495 but docker will redirect it to the new port you set here. I hope this made sense to you. 


You should be able to reproduce this for as many instances of the container that you need (or however many ports you have left 😅)



Edited by Figro
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if anyone else is running into this issue, but for the past week my Cloudflare tunnel has been having issues reaching my local services. There's a bug ticket started on the Cloudflared GitHub so hopefully this will be resolved shortly.




Bug details: Unable to reach local services from Cloudflare tunnel and requires tunnel restart. Logs show "stream #### canceled by remote with error code 0" connIndex=0 event=1 ingressRule=0 originService=" This issue seems to occur at random intervals and eventually reappears after container restart.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/24/2024 at 2:31 PM, OcifferAction said:

I'm not sure if anyone else is running into this issue, but for the past week my Cloudflare tunnel has been having issues reaching my local services. There's a bug ticket started on the Cloudflared GitHub so hopefully this will be resolved shortly.




Bug details: Unable to reach local services from Cloudflare tunnel and requires tunnel restart. Logs show "stream #### canceled by remote with error code 0" connIndex=0 event=1 ingressRule=0 originService=" This issue seems to occur at random intervals and eventually reappears after container restart.

I see that this app hasn't been updated for 5 months, while the original cloudflare docker was updated 4 days ago, so maybe that is the reason. I am running the original cloudflare/cloudflared:latest docker and that works well

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On 7/24/2024 at 2:31 PM, OcifferAction said:

I'm not sure if anyone else is running into this issue, but for the past week my Cloudflare tunnel has been having issues reaching my local services. There's a bug ticket started on the Cloudflared GitHub so hopefully this will be resolved shortly.




Bug details: Unable to reach local services from Cloudflare tunnel and requires tunnel restart. Logs show "stream #### canceled by remote with error code 0" connIndex=0 event=1 ingressRule=0 originService=" This issue seems to occur at random intervals and eventually reappears after container restart.

I just got this problem. Was hitting my nextcloud instance.
My nextcloud was in a custom network, moved all necessary services to "host" network, re-aimed my hostnames to this instance. The bug you linked looks like it have been there for a while, they even found a older variant of the same bug.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the great container. I got everything configured and my Cloudflare tunnels are working. I can also see that the tunnel is Healthy when I log into my Cloudflare account. However, I am having one minor issue. In the Unraid UI, when I go under the Docker tab and select Unraid-Cloudflared-Tunnel > WebUI, a new page opens up but I just get the following error:


404 page not found


Am I supposed to see something on this page, like some of type of status?

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1 hour ago, Rojma said:

Thanks for the great container. I got everything configured and my Cloudflare tunnels are working. I can also see that the tunnel is Healthy when I log into my Cloudflare account. However, I am having one minor issue. In the Unraid UI, when I go under the Docker tab and select Unraid-Cloudflared-Tunnel > WebUI, a new page opens up but I just get the following error:


404 page not found


Am I supposed to see something on this page, like some of type of status?

This is meant for metrics if you plan on using that. There is more information about metrics on CloudFlare docs. I will make a small update to this to use the '/metrics' route by default so it's a little less confusing. https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/monitor-tunnels/metrics/


Thanks 😊

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