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[Plugin] Appdata.Backup

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I have this issue and it prevents me from backing up plex on a weekly basis. How to I downgrade to your previous plugin? I can provide a debug if I run it again but if this is going to take a long time ( weeks or months ) then I have no protection for plex and given my luck I will have a failed drive and be screwed! lol. 

On 4/10/2023 at 9:22 AM, KluthR said:

Known issues

  • Sometimes, users backing up Plex, are seeing backup issues for some "Application Support subfolders"


Edited by Braus
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The next plugin update is making progress! Ive implemented a "Skip backup?" option per container which allows you to skip backup but includes the container for stop/starts processes.


The new grouping function is not done yet but it looks like this. Please note that a container can be assigned to one group only.





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3 hours ago, KluthR said:

The next plugin update is making progress! Ive implemented a "Skip backup?" option per container which allows you to skip backup but includes the container for stop/starts processes.


The new grouping function is not done yet but it looks like this. Please note that a container can be assigned to one group only.

I like this a lot. I was just setting up the plugin for the first time and was coming here to request this feature. Looking forward to the update!

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On 11/25/2023 at 7:19 PM, ConnerVT said:

Interesting how your Plex appdata usage is so different than how mine is distributed.

Cache is going to vary wildly depending on what's happening at any given moment, and my Media is huge because I have all possible thumbnails generated. And my actual libraries are into the dozens of TB at this point. 

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I actually resolved this. I deleted the ENTIRE directory that was “meta data” and re ran plex and let it rebuild the data. After some time I re-ran the app backup plugin and the issue was resolved. I did notice what the issue was though. Turns out, it was permission issues. Some files in that directory had re-wrote permission for ALL, whereas others had permission for no one. APP BACKUP could backup ones that had permission for ALL but not for NONE.

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On 12/6/2023 at 2:37 PM, Be-Art said:

Hi @KluthR, There is a debug log sent to your server '7741fdb5-c2b4-4df0-b4d8-b95d5420612c' the error states "Cannot create destination folder". The automation of the backup has not run since 21/11/2023, backup on 28/11/2023 is noted as 'failed' on the directory. 

Thats weird. /mnt/user/backups/appdata/ is writeable but the subfolder is no creatable. Nothing I could do, something is wrong there. Please try a mkdir via terminal and report if its working

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A new beta is out and I want as many users as possible to test it. It has the container grouping in it and many other changes. I think some bugs are in as well 🤣


The new beta offers you to copy the prod config to it, so you dont have to reconfigure anything EXCEPT FOR THE DESTINATION PATH!!!

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Apologies if I missed this in another post.

I recently upgraded to 6.12.6 and finding the old App Backup deprecated installed your awesome new one.
Going to setup found it pretty straight forward however when I click save after configuring I am redirected back to http://IP/Settings/AB.Main but just a solid white page. Refreshing or navigating away and back shows the settings not having saved. 

I've tried this in multiple different browsers with no luck. Also tried uninstalling/reinstalling plugin as well as restarting unraid entirely. 

Thanks for any assistance in getting this setup.

Edited by Healzangels
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I know this was mentioned before, and maybe you have implemented something in the beta, or I am doing something wrong, but my backups always complete with "root" as the owner and no read/write permissions.


I have a script setup to run after the backup completes with the following (2 servers backup here -- Tower & Control):

"chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server
chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server"


I believe this will work in the meantime, just wondering if there is a fix for this perhaps?


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14 hours ago, KluthR said:

To be honest: The CSRF things are Unraid things. Yes, we have a few users having this issue but I dont know why. 99% of the users dont see this issue - including me.


Which browser and which extensions are installed? Is a password manager involved maybe?

Shucks unlucky I guess! 
I've tried with Chrome, Firefox, Safari as well as in incognito mode with no extensions running but still CSRF. Tried the new beta and same thing. I'll attempt a few other options and see if they have any success. Thanks for the info.

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On 8/3/2023 at 1:59 AM, KluthR said:

Please try this:


Open /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/appdata.backup/pages/content/settings.php. Scroll down to line 214, saying "<form id=abSettingsForm>". Just after that line, insert this:

<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?=_var($var,'csrf_token')?>">

Save it and reload the settings page and try to save. What is happening now?

Kept looking through thread and saw this so gave it a whirl. Seems to have fixed my problem as well. I can now save the settings changes! Going to continue testing but seems promising! 

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21 hours ago, mdoherty66 said:

I know this was mentioned before, and maybe you have implemented something in the beta, or I am doing something wrong, but my backups always complete with "root" as the owner and no read/write permissions.


I have a script setup to run after the backup completes with the following (2 servers backup here -- Tower & Control):

"chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server
chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server"


I believe this will work in the meantime, just wondering if there is a fix for this perhaps?



20 hours ago, KluthR said:

Issue is known yes but not fixed yet. This and the no archive option are still missing but on my todo! A future beta will have it. I try to finish it asap.


Okay thanks!


Hoping someone can possibly help me out in the meantime, as my ownership/permissions script is not working. When I manually run the commands, it works fine, but when I try to run them in the script, I get the following:


"chown: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Tower Server'$'\r': No such file or directory
chown: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Control Server'$'\r': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Tower Server'$'\r': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Control Server'$'\r': No such file or directory"


I'm sure I am just doing something wrong, so any help would be greatly appreciated!



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Is it currently possible, or can it in the future be possible to update per container after backup? I looked through the settings and didn't see an option for the sequence.


From what I understand when looking at the logs a container is:


Backed up

Backup is verified



This is done for all containers on the list then the updates start. Thus each container is stopped twice, once for backup then once for update if applicable. I would like to have the containers:



Verify Backup

Update if applicable



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