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[Support] - Unifi-Controller: Unifi. Unraid. Reborn.

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On 8/5/2024 at 6:27 AM, fat said:

Controller version 8.1 and newer supports up to MongoDB 7.0

Unfortunately, support vs required and maintaining that software in release cycles is the problem...

unifi support per communications still claimed clients and end devices to run MongoDB 4.4 Which is EOL.. that's the problem...


With testing from those changes in earlier version of 7.5, we had reports of clients running 7, and it appeared to work, but unifi said that is running a unsupported version... (in the other linux io post for 2 staged docker I used v7 and unfi network 7.5) ...

Trying to find all the unifi specif links to it...
UniFi Network Application 7.5 and newer requires MongoDB 3.6 (up to 4.4) and Java 17.

While "v8 can support v7 MongoDB support" and "move off of EOL" are 2 different things...

The minimum MongoDB version required for the UniFi Network application is 3.6, and the maximum is 4.4, depending on the version of the application:

Versions 7.5 and newer: Require MongoDB 3.6 and Java 17

Versions 7.5–8.0: Support up to MongoDB 4.4

Version 8.1 and newer: Support up to MongoDB 7.0

Edited by bmartino1
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  • 2 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, gacpac said:

I want to move off a cloudkey Gen1 in a different location. Can I do that with no problem using the docker? 

Look back in this thread 5 pages and see if the discussion applies. I don't know if a UDM and cloudkey are similar or not, but I suspect moving from Unifi hardware to a software hosted instance may be problematic.

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On 8/15/2024 at 8:54 PM, gacpac said:

I want to move off a cloudkey Gen1 in a different location. Can I do that with no problem using the docker? 


make sure you get a backup with the correct network applications.

I make posts going thoruhg that here:

read on for how to restore as well...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I migrated from the legacy Unifi docker to this a few months ago and all seemed well, but now I'm having trouble adopting devices. (on repo /unifi:8.3.32-unraid)


I had a Switch Ultra that started acting up and went into some kind of adoption / offline loop, and though it worked OK , and showed as adopted in logs, I could not access or configure it in the UI.


I contacted Unifi support who ultimately requested that I DMA the switch.


However, Now I've acquired a USW-Pro-24-PoE and it's doing the exact same thing!!


I like running my controller in unRaid, but with the deprecation, migration hassle, and now this nonsense, I'm thinking of abandoning it and getting a Unifi key altogether.


Any insights?

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8 minutes ago, meep said:

I migrated from the legacy Unifi docker to this a few months ago and all seemed well, but now I'm having trouble adopting devices. (on repo /unifi:8.3.32-unraid)


I had a Switch Ultra that started acting up and went into some kind of adoption / offline loop, and though it worked OK , and showed as adopted in logs, I could not access or configure it in the UI.


I contacted Unifi support who ultimately requested that I DMA the switch.


However, Now I've acquired a USW-Pro-24-PoE and it's doing the exact same thing!!


I like running my controller in unRaid, but with the deprecation, migration hassle, and now this nonsense, I'm thinking of abandoning it and getting a Unifi key altogether.


Any insights?


When you say "into some kind of adoption / offline loop, and though it worked OK , and showed as adopted in logs," can you clarify this? Can you post screenshots or a video of what is happening? Can you also tell us what inform ip you set and what the ip of the docker is?



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48 minutes ago, PeteAsking said:


When you say "into some kind of adoption / offline loop, and though it worked OK , and showed as adopted in logs," can you clarify this? Can you post screenshots or a video of what is happening? Can you also tell us what inform ip you set and what the ip of the docker is?




The device shows as adopting;



Then goes offline for a moment;



Then repeats on a loop.


On the first try, my logs show success;



But the adopting / offline loop just keeps going.


Docker Inspect shows the docker IP to be


When I had the Ultra, I couldn't SSH into it (not supported), but your post just reminded me this was a switch with SSH supported;




I did a set inform to the IP of my unraid server, et voila, it worked!


Though that brings up my next question.......


Whenever I have occasion to stop and restart this docker, my USG-Pro-4 'forgets' its inform UL and I need to log in to the device UI and reset it. I suspect I'm going to have the same issue with this switch. Any thoughts on that?








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6 minutes ago, meep said:


The device shows as adopting;



Then goes offline for a moment;



Then repeats on a loop.


On the first try, my logs show success;



But the adopting / offline loop just keeps going.


Docker Inspect shows the docker IP to be


When I had the Ultra, I couldn't SSH into it (not supported), but your post just reminded me this was a switch with SSH supported;




I did a set inform to the IP of my unraid server, et voila, it worked!


Though that brings up my next question.......


Whenever I have occasion to stop and restart this docker, my USG-Pro-4 'forgets' its inform UL and I need to log in to the device UI and reset it. I suspect I'm going to have the same issue with this switch. Any thoughts on that?








You have to set the inform ip in the settings on the docker controller web ui or it will forget. If you set it correctly in the web interface then it will work if you reboot the switch.

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10 minutes ago, PeteAsking said:

You have to set the inform ip in the settings on the docker controller web ui or it will forget. If you set it correctly in the web interface then it will work if you reboot the switch.


Ah, something that must not have come through when I migrated, or perhaps something new. Is this what you refer to?



So maybe my Switch Ultra could have worked after all?


Edited by meep
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2 hours ago, meep said:


Ah, something that must not have come through when I migrated, or perhaps something new. Is this what you refer to?



So maybe my Switch Ultra could have worked after all?


Yes this has to be set to the correct inform ip to avoid problems.

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28 minutes ago, PeteAsking said:

Yes this has to be set to the correct inform ip to avoid problems.

also check that the unifi device is truly factory reset and that your ssh account login data is correct. Factory device should be accessible via user/pwd unifi unifi. After adoptions, the settings are applied. I have experienced similar but that a unfi controller owner issue.

If you adopt an older hardware, change the account auth setting to adopt a new device without pushing the old device will attempt the adoption with the wrong credential when moving controllers... I have seen that a few time when changing account login settings here back in the volo ISP day...



Changing the Device ssh auth can cause this loop if pre adopted devices never sync to the controller properly.

Similar issues found on unifi forum:
example: https://community.ui.com/questions/SSH-Mess-Password-not-updating-via-SSO-Local-SSH-not-working/f272ca54-b78e-4346-9e7b-33cd6c15ff9c


if you know the old auth credential, you can readopt by login into the device and set then inform ip to readopt and update the credentials.


set inform IP:
https://nickschick.com/info/unifi-controller-cli-inform#:~:text=To set the inform URL,with your specific inform URL.

80% of the time, the loop as you described is the controller sending bad login credential to make changes.

Edited by bmartino1
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hi @PeteAsking, thanks for the great work. I have just started using it, so far so good.


But there is one thing that caught my attention. The traffic data seem to be off for some of my devices.


971 TB is my Unraid home server and 141 TB is my Apple TV. There is no way these devices consumed this much data. Is it a known issue?



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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, st34m said:

hi @PeteAsking, thanks for the great work. I have just started using it, so far so good.


But there is one thing that caught my attention. The traffic data seem to be off for some of my devices.


971 TB is my Unraid home server and 141 TB is my Apple TV. There is no way these devices consumed this much data. Is it a known issue?



Its probably something to do with the controller being a docker and the values being inaccurate as a result. Im not sure how unifi code and calculate this or how to fix it. Its probably not even high on unifis list of issues to look into. When the docker is built it just uses whatever code unifi provides and is not modified in any way. 

Edited by PeteAsking
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Correct this is due to the data record becoming double or being duplicated or record twice. as it traveled to unrad and then on unriad with in the virtual network, it created for docker to run. runing macvlan can help mitigate some of the false traffic data. I have not experienced that on a vm or LXC. In theory the unifi mongodb has a recorded log that taps and records that data and should aslo be affected on a VM/LXC.

I agree with Pete asking here where this is how the technology is host the network application and is a false positive of data on how unraid is handling the traffic and how the unifi network application is seeing the data.

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7 hours ago, RackIt said:

Are the current docker compose files online? i'd liek to see how the images are built.



Unraid uses a template to build the docker run comad to use docekrs. Note the -l option labels. to use on another platform, you would need to recreate a compse file... https://www.composerize.com/

Example defaults network braidge:

docker run
  --pids-limit 2048
  -e TZ="America/Chicago"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Unraid"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="unifi-controller-reborn"
  -e 'MEM_LIMIT'='4096'
  -e 'MEM_STARTUP'='2048'
  -e 'UMASK'='002'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='https://[IP]:[PORT:8443]'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11403137/277435263-1b01facd-1b15-4ba7-9495-e709c291d67f.jpg'
  -p '8443:8443/tcp'
  -p '3478:3478/udp'
  -p '10001:10001/udp'
  -p '8080:8080/tcp'
  -p '1900:1900/udp'
  -p '8843:8843/tcp'
  -p '8880:8880/tcp'
  -p '6789:6789/tcp'
  -p '5514:5514/udp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/unifi-controller-reborn':'/unifi/var':'rw'
  --memory=4G '11notes/unifi:7.5.187-unraid'

example unraid compose file:
(would only work on unraid...)

version: "3"
        container_name: unifi-controller-reborn
        network_mode: bridge
                    pids: 2048
                    memory: 4G
            - TZ=America/Chicago
            - HOST_OS=Unraid
            - HOST_HOSTNAME=Unraid
            - HOST_CONTAINERNAME=unifi-controller-reborn
            - MEM_LIMIT'='4096
            - MEM_STARTUP'='2048
            - UMASK'='002
            - net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
            - net.unraid.docker.webui='https://[IP]:[PORT:8443]'
            - net.unraid.docker.icon='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11403137/277435263-1b01facd-1b15-4ba7-9495-e709c291d67f.jpg'
            - 8443:8443/tcp
            - 3478:3478/udp
            - 10001:10001/udp
            - 8080:8080/tcp
            - 1900:1900/udp
            - 8843:8843/tcp
            - 8880:8880/tcp
            - 6789:6789/tcp
            - 5514:5514/udp
            - /mnt/user/appdata/unifi-controller-reborn':'/unifi/var':'rw
        image: "'11notes/unifi:7.5.187-unraid'"

There is quite abit I would do form network creation for a static ip on the lan via macvlan. And other changes such as hostname to unifi...

I would look at the current latest release as well as this will pull network application 7.5.187

Edited by bmartino1
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non unriad compsoe example file:


version: "3"
        container_name: unifi
        network_mode: "custom_macvlan"
                    pids: 2048
                    memory: 4G
            - TZ=America/Chicago
            - HOST_CONTAINERNAME=unifi
            - MEM_LIMIT=4096
            - MEM_STARTUP=2048
            - 8443:8443/tcp
            - 3478:3478/udp
            - 10001:10001/udp
            - 8080:8080/tcp
            - 1900:1900/udp
            - 8843:8843/tcp
            - 8880:8880/tcp
            - 6789:6789/tcp
            - 5514:5514/udp
            - (path on host)/mnt/user/appdata/unifi-controller-reborn:/unifi/var:rw
        image: "11notes/unifi:8.3.32"  # Verify image and network application
        hostname: "unifi"
                ipv4_address:  # Set a static IP

        driver: macvlan
            parent: eth0  # Set to your host network interface
                - subnet:

use at own risk. not tested...

Edited by bmartino1
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23 hours ago, fat said:

CVE related to self hosted UniFi controllers. Running 8.3.32 and earlier 






Not sure if testing is needed yet but latest version is supposedly updated.

Repository update:

Edited by bmartino1
testing repoo repository
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