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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Ok, you ran into a little bug with how the app is installed. You cannot set the data directory to a directory inside your install directory. Git does not like this and will not install couchpotato. This is because git is "cloning" a repo and expects the directory to be empty.


Do this:

ps aux | grep couch | grep -v grep

Note the second column, it will be a string of numbers, that is the pid.

Then type:

kill "pid"

Replacing "pid" with the pid from the previous step, without quotations.


Change "Enable Couchpotato V2" to no,

change data directory to anything else, possible suggestion is "/mnt/cache/appdata/couchpotato_v2"

Click "Apply"

rm -rf /mnt/cache/apps/couchpotato_v2



If you don't want unraid to make another share called "appdata", you could do /mnt/cache/apps/appdata/couchpotato_v2

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so I was able to delete the plugin completely (logged into the flash drive in windows explorer) and now can boot into the console. Should I still type all of those commands?


Also, how was I able to install this plugin the exactly same way on my other server?


Got it, I figured those commands were to stop the process which is now stopped since I deleted the plugin...


My question is, how come I was able to install sickbeard, and sabznbd this exact same way by having a /data subdirectory of the install directory?


And also, on my other server that I installed couchpotato on, I did the exact same thing I did here, had a /data subdirectory in couchpotato and everything went fine.

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For sickbeard and sab it works because they are installed differently. The change was made not too long ago to fix an issue with the version info, so your installation was probably already there before the change, so you never noticed the issue.


And the first command is to stop the process, the rest are instructions on how to fix the issue.

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So nothing happens when I typed this

"ps aux | grep couch | grep -v grep"

I'm assuming there are spaces between the pipes as well? It just goes to the next line, doesn't give me any string of data.


Should I just erase the plugin file and reboot the computer, then add the plugin and install via manual installplg command?


And what did you mean by just install the plugin? You mean click on "insall" only without setting "enable" to yes? Beucase I just did all that and got nothing

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yes, the process stops when I refresh, it is not running.

Thanks so much for helping me out again Influencer. I have no idea why it's not working, I did exactly the same thing how you instructed me and from your guide on my other server and everything worked fine. But on this one I'm having this issue :(

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Influencer, I think this may be a permissions issue.


I just deleted it and re0installed it.  I did not check off the bod for data directory and left install as /usr/local/couchpotato_v2 just to see what would happen. Clicked install, and it started up just fine.


So I thought let me delete the diretories I created in "apps" and start over, but I basically got a permission denied error in windows explorer. Could this be the cause?

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YES!!! It's working! IT was a permissions issue apparently. Thanks so much influencer...


Could you pm me your Paypal address, I would like to send a donation your way for all the hard work that you helped me with. Thank you!


Why are the permissions so weird in unraid?

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The permissions would be "normal" if the apps were ran as root or another user, but being ran as nobody there are sometimes issues. The reason these apps must be run as nobody is because the end result(the download) is most likely going to be viewed by another pc on the network. The way unraid is setup in v5 puts the permissions and access restrictions on samba. In order for this to work right, the files have to be (in linux's eyes) accessible by anyone.

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Hi Influencer, thanks for your reply.

You can use an array drive, I've had some issues with the plugin starting before the array which will cause the array not to start, I'm going to work at fixing that as soon as I have time. You can use a spare drive and use a plugin as mentioned before to make an apps drive as well.

Good to know...I might wait then til this is tested a little bit more. The main reason I don't use a cache drive is the slot it uses, which would be the same case when using a spare drive and mounting this. I could use an external drive or storage medium, but then I would have another external drive with another power supply or a flash drive which is not very suited for recurring writes.

For the symlink question, I havent seen the script change since it was released, not saying it isn't possible though! But a symlink would work fine in this case as well.

Yep, you are right of course. In the (long) time I have been using SABnzbd I have seen it happy very few times...I guess for me it was just a matter of having a working construct which doesn't break if an update should be pulled ;)

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I can not seem to get Headphones to update. I am currently on plug-in version 2.5 and headphones version 35353edfc49caccfe6a5f34b87213bff8846f43f. I have tried updating via the plug-in interface and the headphones GUI both. The GUI hangs on the "updating" screen, if I close the browser then reopen headphones has not updated. If I use the plug-in interface it stops headphones, clones into headphones, then refreshes and nothing has changed.


Thanks for the help!

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root@Tower:~# /etc/rc.d/rc.headphones update
+ headphones_stop
+ '[' '!' -r /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid ']'
+ echo 'Stopping headphones...'
Stopping headphones...
+ sleep 1
++ cat /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid
+ kill 22131
+ sleep 3
+ '[' -f /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid ']'
+ rm /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid
+ '[' -e /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid ']'
+ echo '... OK'
... OK
+ sleep 1
+ sleep 1
+ echo 'installing latest Version of headphones'
installing latest Version of headphones
+ '[' -e /mnt/cache/apps/headphones/version.txt ']'
+ cd /tmp
+ git clone -b master https://github.com/rembo10/headphones/
Cloning into headphones...
git-remote-https: /usr/lib/libidn.so.11: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4)
remote: Counting objects: 7166, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3065/3065), done.
remote: Total 7166 (delta 4323), reused 6825 (delta 4035)
Receiving objects: 100% (7166/7166), 6.48 MiB | 566 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4323/4323), done.
+ cp -Rfu /tmp/headphones/API_REFERENCE /tmp/headphones/COPYING /tmp/headphones/Headphones.py /tmp/headphones/README.md /tmp/headphones/TODO /tmp/headphones/bs4 /tmp/headphones/cherrypy /tmp/headphones/data /tmp/headphones/headphones /tmp/headphones/html5lib /tmp/headphones/init-alt.freebsd /tmp/headphones/init.fedora.centos.systemd /tmp/headphones/init.freebsd /tmp/headphones/init.osx /tmp/headphones/init.solaris11 /tmp/headphones/init.ubuntu /tmp/headphones/lib /tmp/headphones/mako /usr/local/headphones
+ rm -Rf /tmp/headphones
+ chown -R nobody:users /usr/local/headphones /mnt/cache/apps/headphones
+ sleep 1
+ headphones_start
+ '[' enable '!=' enable ']'
+ '[' -r /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid ']'
+ [[ /usr/local/headphones != '' ]]
+ [[ ! -e /usr/local/headphones/Headphones.py ]]
+ '[' '!' -d /mnt/cache/apps/headphones ']'
+ CMDLINE='sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/headphones/Headphones.py -d -p 8084 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/headphones --nolaunch --pidfile /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid'
+ echo -n 'Starting headphones:  sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/headphones/Headphones.py -d -p 8084 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/headphones --nolaunch --pidfile /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid'
Starting headphones:  sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/headphones/Headphones.py -d -p 8084 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/headphones --nolaunch --pidfile /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid+ sudo -u nobody python /usr/local/headphones/Headphones.py -d -p 8084 --datadir /mnt/cache/apps/headphones --nolaunch --pidfile /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid
+ echo

+ '[' '!' -e /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid ']'
+ sleep 1
+ '[' '!' -e /var/run/headphones/headphones-8084.pid ']'
+ echo '... OK'
... OK
+ sleep 1


I moved the file you had me Dl to /boot/config/plugins/ and replaced the existing file found there. Then ran the install command manually.


This was the output from "/etc/rc.d/rc.headphones update" Nothing seems to have changed with both the GUI for headphones and within unRaid.


Thanks so much for the support and excellent plug-ins!

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they won't work on the current stable (4.7). the plugin-system has only been added in 5.0 beta11.

just install the latest 5.0 release candidate and you are good to go.


CP won't start any idea?  This is what I get

Enabling couchpotato

Starting couchpotato

Starting CouchPotato v2: sudo -u nobody python /mnt/cache/apps/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py --daemon --config_file /boot/config/plugins/couchpotato_v2/settings.conf --pid_file /var/run/couchpotato_v2/couchpotato_v2.pid


what is your set data dir for the app? we just had a similar case, where the data-dir was inside the install-dir. this doesn't work for couchpotato.

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