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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Hiya, I continue experiencing problems with Mylar and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I read through the thread and couldn't find anything. I restarted my server today and when it came to start the array it loads forever. According to the log I think the issue might be Mylar since it is the last thing it shows working on:


Jan 30 23:24:14 Server emhttp_event: disks_mounted (Other emhttp)

Jan 30 23:24:23 Server sudo:    root : TTY=console ; PWD=unknown ; USER=nobody ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/mylar/Mylar.py -d -p 8090 --datadir /mnt/cache/Apps/mylar/data --nolaunch --pidfile /var/run/mylar/mylar-8090.pid


I've also attached the last part of the log. Deleting Mylar solves the issue, but I had actually hoped to use it. :) Thanks in advance.


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At the hospital right now with my wife having our baby girl. When we get home ill check it out.


I guess maybe you need someone to take your mind off the stress but what the hell are you doing on the forums while your wife is giving birth?! Haha


Congratulations by the way!

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Right now she's just waiting to finish dialating. It'll be another few hours and she got the epidural an hour ago so she is sound asleep. Plus this is #3, until the action starts we are just running through the paces, lol.


And its no bother, I'd look in on it now but hospital WiFi sucks and my cell signal is crappy too so I can't connect to my home network, :P. All I've been doing since she fell asleep is reading posts and playing angry birds

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For a little more explanation, the nickname noodles comes from we were surprising my family but waiting until after we knew what we were having. So with my 5 year old around it was hard to talk about the pregnancy knowing that he would talk to my parents and would say something about it. So when referring to my wife being pregnant we usually say "Prego", but so he wouldn't repeat it we were saying "spaghetti sauce" instead. Since she was "spaghetti sauce" I started calling the baby "noodles" until we had picked out a name.


And Mrow your right, being number 3 it is a bit like riding a bike, but as I learned with the first two, no two babies are alike, so it will be a completely different experience none-the-less!

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Congrats on the baby! If you're bored later looks like the latest version of SAB 7.0.10 is tripping up your installer forcing an older beta to install.


++ beta_version=($(wget -q -O - http://sabnzbd.org/version/latest | awk '/Beta/{gsub(/\015/,"");print}'))
+++ wget -q -O - http://sabnzbd.org/version/latest
+++ awk '/Beta/{gsub(/\015/,"");print}'
++ rc_version=($(wget -q -O - http://sabnzbd.org/version/latest | awk '/RC/{gsub(/\015/,"");print}'))
+++ wget -q -O - http://sabnzbd.org/version/latest
+++ awk '/RC/{gsub(/\015/,"");print}'
++ [[ 0.7.6Beta2 = '' ]]
++ [[ 0.7.6Beta2 != '' ]]
++ [[ 0.7.10 < 0.7.6Beta2 ]]
+++ echo 0.7.6Beta2

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Actually this will be kinda fun to figure out. See, what's happening is the plugin basically compares the two versions together, 0.7.10 for the stable release and 0.7.6Beta2, so:


0.7.10 < 0.7.6Beta2


We see it is "10" or "ten", bash see's it as math, and since .# is in the tens place, so after .9 it should roll over into a whole number, so instead of 0.7.10 it should be 0.8. But Sab does have a history of going to 0.#.15 or so, which will pretty much break the functionality of the updater. I suggest turning off beta releases for now. Any fixes I could do would be a hack and would immediately break it again once a new beta were to release.

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Alright, apparently I was still looking at the version page hosted on sab's website, which was put up as a temporary work around when sourceforge went on the fritz a while back. Now its back up and thats the one that is being actively updated/maintained. Pointed back to it and all is well now, the old beta is not listed on it. Note that this "fix" will work fine from here on out provided we don't run into the same scenario.


Update the plug-in from the gui and you should be able to enable beta again.

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The sabnzbd_unplugged.plg plugin failed for me. It was looking for this file:



But that no longer exists. I had to modify the script to get this file instead (and updated md5):



Otherwise it worked great. Thank a lot for making it.

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Congratulations on your baby Influencer! 


I wanted to see if there has been any progress to why the "Manage" section of CP is empty, after upgrading the plugin to 2.3.6 and the breaking and then manual fix to it the Manage section has not come back, and in the logs it even sees there are movies in the folder yet it remains empty.  The manage section worked fine before, so I did not know if I should downgrade my plg or try something to get it to show me my manage folder again?



I was playing around a bit and I added another folder that had movies, and I noticed that it added the movies, so I went in with ssh into unraid and looked at permissions because I noticed from that folder that it added movies, some were not added.  Here is what I found:

Older movies in that folder with drwxrwx--- 1 nobody users is seen in manage section

Newer ones in that same folder with drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users  are NOT seen in the manage folder.  This is strange to me because this is how they are put in the folder by CP itself, since all the ones referenced have been downloaded through the same means, CP sends to Sab and Sab puts in a folder (CP New) that CP scans and puts into another folder called CP Movies, I have never manually tweaked or modified any permissions so I am not sure how this could be fixed? 


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