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diskmv -- A set of utilities to move files between disks

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  • 4 months later...

I was pointed to these posts as a way to re-group my TV Shows so they are not spread across two disks.  I however do not wish to pass in a target disk but re-group to the same disks they are currently on.  Im not sure if this will work ?


My issue :


After creating my TVSwhows share - MediaTVShows over two disks, and having the default automatic split, I now have stuff spread over the two disks.  These two 4TB disks have about 600Meg free on each.  I dont have another disk to 'move/consolidate' too - so I wish to do this to the same disks.


My structure :


Top Dir - media-tvshows

Second Dir - TVShow Name

Third Dir - Season XX

Fourth Dir - Episodes


so, after reading this thread, the colsolidate command seems like it can do this - but I want the target disks to be the same disks the stuff is already on.


Can a script do this ?




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Never mind - I manually sorted it. (drives are disk2 and disk3)


I used krusader to compare the tv shows between the two disks, then used unbalance to select the TV shows that existed on both drives, then it said I would only need 150GB of transfers to move the scattered stuff it back to disk2.  That is running now.


Going forward, I have changed the share to NOT automatically split so hopefully the issue will not happen again.

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  • 3 years later...
On 8/3/2016 at 10:03 PM, korpo53 said:

Use Putty to remote into your server



mkdir /boot/scripts
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/trinapicot/unraid-diskmv/master/diskmv -O /boot/scripts/diskmv
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/trinapicot/unraid-diskmv/master/consld8 -O /boot/scripts/consld8
echo "ln -s /boot/scripts/diskmv /usr/sbin" >> /boot/config/go
echo "ln -s /boot/scripts/consld8 /usr/sbin" >> /boot/config/go




  • Create a directory to hold the scripts that survives reboots.
  • Download the scripts to that directory.
  • Add lines to your startup script to create symlinks (shortcuts, sort of) to those permanent files in a non-permanent space that makes them more usable.


After doing that, if you don't want to reboot, you can just run the below to create the symlinks right now. They'll get recreated every boot by the go script, so you only have to do this part the first time.


ln -s /boot/scripts/diskmv /usr/sbin
ln -s /boot/scripts/consld8 /usr/sbin




 I am hoping for a little help I tried installing using the method described but I am getting permission denied errors. I was hoping someone could help me figure out what is wrong. Thanks

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I suspect the instructions are no longer accurate as in the last few Unraid releases security has been tightened so that files on the flash drive are not allowed to have execute permission.


instead of using a link as suggested you need to copy the files elsewhere (such as /user/local/bin) and give them execute permission.

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On 1/12/2022 at 4:18 PM, itimpi said:

I suspect the instructions are no longer accurate as in the last few Unraid releases security has been tightened so that files on the flash drive are not allowed to have execute permission.


instead of using a link as suggested you need to copy the files elsewhere (such as /user/local/bin) and give them execute permission.

Or you can just "bash" them into submission.....


so instead of just doing


diskmv blah blah2

(which will fail as no execute permission on diskmv)




bash diskmv blah blah2



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On 1/22/2022 at 6:08 AM, Shaboobala said:

Thanks @Meles Meles I am trying to use the consld8 script and  earlier in the thread it says to execute it by using this comand 



if i were to bash would I put it before find? Sprry for my ignorance is its and obvious answer just trying to learn. 



you'd put it just before consold8


find "/mnt/user/Media/Movies" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 bash consld8 -f


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

diskmv is such a lifesaver!

I was going to make the exact same script myself and you saved me the trouble :)


Since I coded it, I'm offering my contribution with the diskdu script. It checks the size of /mnt/user/ files or directories in each /mnt/disk*/ and /mnt/cache*/ where it is present.

Do what you will with this. It comes with no waranty.

# diskdu - Summarize disk usage of the set of unRAID user share directories 
#          and/or files
# usage: diskdu [options] file...
# A du operation is made for every disk and every file given as parameters.

cat << EOF

usage: diskdu [options] file...

file...      The set of files or directories.
             They can be specified as an absolute or relative path and can be 
             relative to the current directory or the /mnt/user/ directory.  


--help	help, print this help message
All other options from the du command can be used.
See du --help


[ ${DEBUG:=0} -gt 0 ] && set -x -v

shopt -s extglob

# Basically the only option understood by this script is --help. The rest is 
# passed down to du.

while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
  case "$1" in
      exit 0
    *) # Default case: add to array of arguments to pass down to du.
      if [ -e "$1" ]
      then # File or directory, replace /mnt/user/... with /mnt/disk*/...
        FULLNAME=$(readlink -e "$1")   # Handle relative path
        MERGEDIR="${FULLNAME#/mnt/*/}"   # Remove any /mnt/*/ prefix

        if [ ! -e "/mnt/user/$MERGEDIR" ]
          echo "'$1' is not a valid user share file or directory." >&2
          usage >&2
          exit 1
      else # Something for du to figure out

du "${ARGS[@]}"


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12 minutes ago, Guillaurent said:

I'm offering my contribution with the diskdu script

Looks like this (and the source script) only work properly if there are no pools with names other than cache. That USED to be the case, but with the advent of multiple cache pools, there is no guarantee that the cache pool will even be named cache, it can be user defined, and there can be more than one.


So, if you have a single cache pool named cache, it should work as planned. Otherwise, it looks like it will ignore any other cache pools.


I could be reading this wrong though.

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1 hour ago, JonathanM said:

Looks like this (and the source script) only work properly if there are no pools with names other than cache. That USED to be the case, but with the advent of multiple cache pools, there is no guarantee that the cache pool will even be named cache, it can be user defined, and there can be more than one.


So, if you have a single cache pool named cache, it should work as planned. Otherwise, it looks like it will ignore any other cache pools.


I could be reading this wrong though.

I haven't used anything else than 1 cache pool named cache so far. I though it would be named cache cache1 like disks are...

If anyone knows how to identify cache mounting points, I (or someone else) could modify the script.

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  • 10 months later...
On 7/22/2015 at 2:05 AM, Benni-chan said:



i've used consld8 recently for my Movies Collection for the same reason you wish. Since I have a few thousand movie folders, i used following command: (USE AT OWN RISK)


find "/mnt/user/Media/Movies" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 consld8 -f








Is there a way I can easily run this as a cron job in userscripts? Tried doing it with just the command but it errors.



Or how would you put this in the mover tuning plugin to run this after each time the mover runs? 




Disregard! Figured it out, added it to user scripts and pointed mover tuning to:


Now it will run the consld8 script after every time the mover runs. 

Edited by Oamster
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