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[support] pducharme's Dockers support thread

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I just installed this, and I followed Pducharme's instructions to setup the properties file and it worked just fine. I did it by ssh-ing into unraid and using:


cd /user/appdata/unifi-video

sudo touch system.properties

sudo nano system.properties


and added the required line.


However, i could not get cameras to reliably connect to the docker.


I ended up installing a Ubuntu VM and running it on that and it works perfectly. Perhaps a port forwarding issue?


This worked for me - thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

UniFi docker Update.  4.8.18 now in the UniFi docker. 


1. Backup your settings using the UniFi docker.

2. Update the docker.

3. Add back the "is_default=true" in the "system.properties" file in the appdata/UniFi folder.

4. Restart the docker and connect to the Web GUI.  Wizard is displayed.

5. Select the link in the GUI to restore a backup and then load the file you backed-up.

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On new install, its to have the wizard running when launching the Web gui.  On update, it's to let you put back the backup settings you did before updatIng the docker.

Well I got the wizard up launching now, and selected restore from backup (without the file), what am I missing? :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Already did.  But I can't download it anymore!  My docker compiled OK on Docker.io, but when I try to add it on Unraid, I aways get this message :


Can someone try and let me know if it worked for them ?  Dont forget to backup the Settings Before! so you can do the restore.


Finally, updated and working., now UniFi 5.0.6 available for everyone :)

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when trying to load it I get an error in the logs.


"keytool error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore (No such file or directory)"

Getting the same error, but Unifi is working fine for me (after a restart).


Restart didn't help me. Still have same error. I ordered their Gateway last week so I will be good once it gets here. I was just trying to to be up to date with my current setup before I export my config.

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Does anyone know how to upload your own keystore file to the UniFi 5 docker? It appears it's in the /usr/lib/unifi folder but the only folder thats mapped /var/lib/unifi


If I map /usr/lib/unifi to a local folder the docker fails to start. Any idea on what I can do here?




hmmm somehow it started working. I docker exec'd in, deleted the old keystore, restarted the Docker and it made me go through the setup again. It appears to be using my cert now. I really have no idea how I did this :)

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Does anyone know how to upload your own keystore file to the UniFi 5 docker? It appears it's in the /usr/lib/unifi folder but the only folder thats mapped /var/lib/unifi


If I map /usr/lib/unifi to a local folder the docker fails to start. Any idea on what I can do here?




hmmm somehow it started working. I docker exec'd in, deleted the old keystore, restarted the Docker and it made me go through the setup again. It appears to be using my cert now. I really have no idea how I did this :)


any chance you can explain how you deleted the file?



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docker exec -it UniFi /bin/bash

cd /usr/lib/unifi

rm keystore


I was asked to confirm the removal. Once I restarted the Docker, the app data folder now had a full config (even tho I had not mapped that like I did previously).


Btw, Ubiquiti has an article on how do this in a more official way (I used Keystore Explorer from a UBNT forum post)




Forum post I used:




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when trying to load it I get an error in the logs.


"keytool error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore (No such file or directory)"


I am getting the same error, no luck on restart. Happens when I try to restore my backup file also, docker restarts and i get the same error above.

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Update: ever since updating the docker to 5.0.7, the keystore is no longer recognized :(



I think it's a Symlink issue




The Docker maps to /var/lib/unifi which /usr/lib/unifi is symlinked to. It appears that the directories are totally different with what is mapped. Anyone seen an issue like this?

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I never got 5.0.6 to work. I tried your instructions but didn't help me. My gateway from them came in and my 4.x install wouldn't see it so I had to install the server on my Mac in order to use it. I will keep trying this docker and the other unifi docker and hopefully one of them will work for me and the others who can't get this one to work.

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