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Guacamole, wallabag, Observium, Paperwork (Zuhkov's Docker Template Repository)

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My Dockers:

Guacamole - Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, SSH, and Telnet. This docker has a MariaDB (MySQL) database built-in for authentication and configuration.


wallabag - wallabag is an open source, self hostable application for saving web pages. It is comparable to Pocket or Instapaper. Browser extensions and mobile apps are available.


My Beta Dockers:

Observium- Observium is an autodiscovering network monitoring platform supporting a wide range of hardware platforms and operating systems.

  • Website - http://www.observium.org/
  • Docker Hub - https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/zuhkov/observium/
  • Concerns - Lack of testing. While I have been running Observium in a full VM for some time, I have not yet tested all the functionality in Docker form. This one is a candidate to move out of beta soon. Need to validate database migrations associated with new version updates are working properly.

Paperwork- Open Source note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep

Looking Into:

  • GitLab CI Runner - I use GitLab extensively in my own setup, but I don't yet do much Continuous Integration with it. Docker should be ideal for spinning up CI task runners.
  • Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana (ELK) Stack - I am familiar with Splunk, but ELK seems an intriguing alternative.
  • Let's Chat (https://github.com/sdelements/lets-chat) - No use for it at this point, but seems a nice alternative to Slack, HipChat, and Campfire.
  • Either Cabot (http://cabotapp.com/) or Uptime (http://www.redotheweb.com/uptime/). I love Observium, but the free version does not do Alerting.
  • GitLab - I'm pretty wedded to my existing VM, but flexibility is always a good thing and others may have interest.


  • smdion - for the use of his thread post as a template
  • sparklyballs - his Koma docker was instrumental in helping me figure out how to configure MariaDB in several of my dockers


Change Log:

2.25.15 - Release of Guacamole and wallabag

3.10.15 - Beta release of Observium and Paperwork

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Slight amendment to what i sent you in the PM regarding port assignments and the xml template.


I just tested it and you do it like this.




the important part to note is that the port in the webui setting is the container port and not whatever you put in the host port.


that way you can still put 9090 (or whatever you want in the host port setting) and the docker page will handle the change.


Also if a user decides that 9090 is not suitable and changes that setting in the template in unraid ui , the webui link on the docker will go to whatever port they set also.

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Yep, just managed it myself.  I like it.


Will mean I don't have to install a VNC client on the myriad of machines I use around the house.


Just wondering about reverse proxying it now...


This reverse proxy thing might have to be the next thing i try to teach myself.

It was tricky for me, but I've got no Apache or Nginx experience.  Used smdions website and got myself a domain name, SSL and all set up. NZBget, Sonarr, Couch, my eBook library, deluge all accessible with username and password.  Very handy, send me a PM when you get around to trying it and I'll try and help.

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Yep, just managed it myself.  I like it.


Will mean I don't have to install a VNC client on the myriad of machines I use around the house.


Just wondering about reverse proxying it now...


This reverse proxy thing might have to be the next thing i try to teach myself.

It was tricky for me, but I've got no Apache or Nginx experience.  Used smdions website and got myself a domain name, SSL and all set up. NZBget, Sonarr, Couch, my eBook library, deluge all accessible with username and password.  Very handy, send me a PM when you get around to trying it and I'll try and help.


I have a dynamic ip with BT, will that impact anything ?

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Yep, just managed it myself.  I like it.


Will mean I don't have to install a VNC client on the myriad of machines I use around the house.


Just wondering about reverse proxying it now...


This reverse proxy thing might have to be the next thing i try to teach myself.

It was tricky for me, but I've got no Apache or Nginx experience.  Used smdions website and got myself a domain name, SSL and all set up. NZBget, Sonarr, Couch, my eBook library, deluge all accessible with username and password.  Very handy, send me a PM when you get around to trying it and I'll try and help.


I have a dynamic ip with BT, will that impact anything ?

No, so have I, basically get a domain, I highly recommend namecheap and then you can run ddclient docker from CaptInsano and it'll update your DNS automatically every ten minutes if necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found Guacamole after my kids destroyed my ultrabook :'( and I started using a Chromebook :) and it's been a life saver for me.


I will probably try reverse proxying it behind NGINX at some point since it has good support for Websockets and I'm more comfortable with it than Apache anyway. I understand others have had success. If there's interest, I can document the effort here. I am pondering putting google_auth_proxy in front as well, as I'm not entirely confident in Guacamole's ability to resist brute force. If you do prefer Apache as a reverse proxy, I know the guacamole user's guide (I think they missed the boat by not calling them guac docs, but that's neither here nor there) has some info: http://guac-dev.org/doc/gug/installing-guacamole.html


Freedif is a nice site. Had not been there before. I spend way too much time on Hacker News...


I've added a couple new Dockers, Observium and Paperwork. I'm calling these beta for the moment as I don't have a lot of mileage on the Observium docker and Paperwork is pretty young as a project.

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I found Guacamole after my kids destroyed my ultrabook :'( and I started using a Chromebook :) and it's been a life saver for me.


I will probably try reverse proxying it behind NGINX at some point since it has good support for Websockets and I'm more comfortable with it than Apache anyway. I understand others have had success. If there's interest, I can document the effort here. I am pondering putting google_auth_proxy in front as well, as I'm not entirely confident in Guacamole's ability to resist brute force. If you do prefer Apache as a reverse proxy, I know the guacamole user's guide (I think they missed the boat by not calling them guac docs, but that's neither here nor there) has some info: http://guac-dev.org/doc/gug/installing-guacamole.html


Freedif is a nice site. Had not been there before. I spend way too much time on Hacker News...


I've added a couple new Dockers, Observium and Paperwork. I'm calling these beta for the moment as I don't have a lot of mileage on the Observium docker and Paperwork is pretty young as a project.


I'd be interested in how you get on with reverse proxying.  I had a quick play with Apache but no luck as of yet.

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I found Guacamole after my kids destroyed my ultrabook :'( and I started using a Chromebook :) and it's been a life saver for me.


I will probably try reverse proxying it behind NGINX at some point since it has good support for Websockets and I'm more comfortable with it than Apache anyway. I understand others have had success. If there's interest, I can document the effort here. I am pondering putting google_auth_proxy in front as well, as I'm not entirely confident in Guacamole's ability to resist brute force. If you do prefer Apache as a reverse proxy, I know the guacamole user's guide (I think they missed the boat by not calling them guac docs, but that's neither here nor there) has some info: http://guac-dev.org/doc/gug/installing-guacamole.html


Freedif is a nice site. Had not been there before. I spend way too much time on Hacker News...


I've added a couple new Dockers, Observium and Paperwork. I'm calling these beta for the moment as I don't have a lot of mileage on the Observium docker and Paperwork is pretty young as a project.


I'd be interested in how you get on with reverse proxying.  I had a quick play with Apache but no luck as of yet.



I was thinking this guy might be a good fit to take over smdions repo.

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First, thank you for your hard work!


This may not be the best place to ask this, but I just tried to install Guacamole docker and ran into an interesting issue.  I added the container through the unraid gui, and I happen to not be at home and did it remotely (I know..i shouldn't have public access to my unraid..but i do)  Anyways, it started fetching the images and everything and then suddenly the GUI became unresponsive.  I can't get to it any longer.  I am able to get to other dockers I have running without problems (Plex, etc) but my main unraid GUI seems to be down. 


Any ideas on what might be the cause?  I probably can do more once I'm home and have terminal access.


EDIT:  I still have no idea what happened (missed out on getting my syslog) but after attempting to recover the GUI i ended up getting things really hung up and having to hard boot twice.  Never ideal...but im up and runnign safely now and able to start configuring guacamole

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First, thank you for your hard work!


This may not be the best place to ask this, but I just tried to install Guacamole docker and ran into an interesting issue.  I added the container through the unraid gui, and I happen to not be at home and did it remotely (I know..i shouldn't have public access to my unraid..but i do)  Anyways, it started fetching the images and everything and then suddenly the GUI became unresponsive.  I can't get to it any longer.  I am able to get to other dockers I have running without problems (Plex, etc) but my main unraid GUI seems to be down. 


Any ideas on what might be the cause?  I probably can do more once I'm home and have terminal access.


EDIT:  I still have no idea what happened (missed out on getting my syslog) but after attempting to recover the GUI i ended up getting things really hung up and having to hard boot twice.  Never ideal...but im up and runnign safely now and able to start configuring guacamole


A few things:


1)  While a container / images are being downloaded, the webGui will not respond to other HTTP requests (so if you try to navigate to another tab or get to it from another device, it will appear 'hung').  Just let it do its thing and all will be fine.

2)  If you have any plugins / containers installed that may be messing with your port settings, that could cause issues too.  You using a reverse proxy or something like that?

3)  Why did you need to hard boot twice?  The first time you shutdown/restarted it still didn't come up?


Without a syslog, definitely hard to diagnose, but I can tell you I've never had this happen in my test systems, even the one with 30+ containers running on it.

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  • 1 month later...

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